Must be either mid autumn or a very bad summer just turned into early autumn. Seeing a lot of brown leaves.
Rats, this just reminded me that leaf peeper season is beginning. And their really trying to bring the leaf peepers in again in large numbers. Well, maybe they’ll stay more to the interstates.
Fall… my absolute favorite time of year. Cooling temperatures, longer nights. The changing colors of the foliage. Samhain (oops.. Halloween). Finally being able to have a warm drink in the evening…
Tre-C and Megan walked down the block and turned down a dark-ish alley per the map on the Email. “Why is it these places always seem to be dim in spite of such garish lighting?” Tre-C thought. Megan was surprised to find a Maine Coon at the front entrance; “Kind of a good-natured cat to have as a bouncer, but I guess all he has to do is stand there and dare you to get by him” Except that “Maxie” wasn’t so much a bouncer as a screener. An imposing figure, to be sure, but about as hardened as a down pillow. Yet there he was, smiling, glad-handing, occasionally grooming his magnificent tricolor coat. “Wow.. Don’t get many of THOSE to the pound…” Megan muttered, then added; “What do you think, Kitten? 16lbs? 17?” Ehh. The bigger they come, the ha..” “Hellooo ladies! Welcome to ‘chatnoir’…
Hopes? Dreams? Not at all! Autumn is my favorite time of year. The heat finally relents, fuzzy blankets come out, nip in the air, nice warm drinks like Shaunmunn and Skykey mentioned above, and Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner.
I am depressed by the Human world lately, and especially today. Too many problems, brought on by the people in temporary power in the White House.
I need BCN.
I need to be protected from Leaves.I need to see happy news from my BCN Team.I need a 90% chance of seeing puppets!I need to know the love we have for our pets, and our pets have for us, is eternal.
Ah, autumn in Barrie: cool nights with pleasant days in October, rainy, chilly, gloomy November, seguing into December, with fits and starts of snow and possibly freezing rain just to make life entertaining.
Dear Pucky, valiantly trying to stop the onslaught!
Autumn makes me melancholy, too, Elvis. That’s why people plant tulips and daffodils and crocus bulbs. They are our buried hopes and dreams for a beautiful spring.
Let me get this straight: There’s three cats. Lupin, Elvis, and Puck. I assume the names come from popular culture. Puck, the black cat, has a missing leg. Lupin, the white, is deaf. Elvis, the tabby, is the (and I hope I’m wrong) angry one.
I love Fall and Puck’s annual, ‘Stop the leaves from leaving!’, campaign ! But, it occurs to me that Elvis’s description of Fall, sounds like middle age for humans!
I just wanted to say thank you for BCN and this lovely little place of Mega Orb, Orbsters and little orbsters. It’s such a lovely highlight of my day to slip in and read BCN and everyone’s comments – even if most of the time I don’t say much. Especially after I got home late last night with another car repair (alternator this time). So thank you all – this is such a warm and lovely place of refuge. Thank you Georgia Dunn for creating BCN. God bless and hope everyone has a lovely weekend. No rain this weekend yay!
Just wanted to let you all know how much I enjoy this strip and your comments. This is a much-needed bright spot in my days. Everone have a great weekend no matter what your weather situation!
Jungle Empress over 6 years ago
Not now, Elvis. Hero at work!
ctlum over 6 years ago
I was just looking at my BCN September calendar page and lo and behold, here the same drawing appears on today’s strip! Had a flash of deja vu!
DennisinSeattle over 6 years ago
Puck has a strangely elongated leg in panels 3 and 4
over 6 years ago
Let him enjoy the wonderful nature of autumn, Elvis.
knight1192a over 6 years ago
Must be either mid autumn or a very bad summer just turned into early autumn. Seeing a lot of brown leaves.
Rats, this just reminded me that leaf peeper season is beginning. And their really trying to bring the leaf peepers in again in large numbers. Well, maybe they’ll stay more to the interstates.
skykey over 6 years ago
Fall… my absolute favorite time of year. Cooling temperatures, longer nights. The changing colors of the foliage. Samhain (oops.. Halloween). Finally being able to have a warm drink in the evening…
skykey over 6 years ago
Strob over 6 years ago
“I woke up today and found
Frost perched on the town.
It hovered in a frozen sky
And gobbled summer down.”
It comes early and quick in Saskatoon, I hear.
Rosette over 6 years ago
Pogo pucky!
McColl34 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Hopes? Dreams? Not at all! Autumn is my favorite time of year. The heat finally relents, fuzzy blankets come out, nip in the air, nice warm drinks like Shaunmunn and Skykey mentioned above, and Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner.
Lady Bri over 6 years ago
Go Pucky! Save us from the leaves! ♥♥♥
Marusya Step over 6 years ago
In comment section one of web-sites, where I post translation, one guy said, that Puck is Odin’s reincarnation
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
With a clenched paw Elvis urges Pucky onward to victory! Go Puck, go. Go Puck, go. Go Puck, go.
OliverT over 6 years ago
Autumn? Does Elvis speak UK English? How refined he is!
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 6 years ago
After falling leaves come the large snowflakes for them to jump at.
Darth Stevious over 6 years ago
Fall…Where it remains over one hundred in Phoenix every day so you don’t even notice the calendar says the season has changed…
rs0204 Premium Member over 6 years ago
I am depressed by the Human world lately, and especially today. Too many problems, brought on by the people in temporary power in the White House.
I need BCN.
I need to be protected from Leaves.I need to see happy news from my BCN Team.I need a 90% chance of seeing puppets!I need to know the love we have for our pets, and our pets have for us, is eternal.
I definitely need BCN today.
ladykat over 6 years ago
Ah, autumn in Barrie: cool nights with pleasant days in October, rainy, chilly, gloomy November, seguing into December, with fits and starts of snow and possibly freezing rain just to make life entertaining.
Dear Pucky, valiantly trying to stop the onslaught!
Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 6 years ago
Samhain, surely. And Autumn leads to Winter—and Winter is when the windows show a white Void. The Man shows his courage by venturing into that Void.
Meantime, Puck does his annual battle with the forces of Fall. (does anyone remember Elvis ever before using ‘brave cat’ about anyone not Siamese?)
Sue Ellen over 6 years ago
Autumn makes me melancholy, too, Elvis. That’s why people plant tulips and daffodils and crocus bulbs. They are our buried hopes and dreams for a beautiful spring.
Kitty Katz over 6 years ago
Leaves falling in the autumn breeze
Taking all our hopes and dreams
As Puck defies
They say that all good things must end someday
Autumn leaves must fall
But don’t you know that one cat refuses
To say goodbye, it’s true
Puck won’t simply let them go
No, no, no, no
And when the leaves
Beat against my windowpane
I’ll think about the cat named Puck
Who won’t give up.
Chad and Jeremey: A Summer Song
xsintricks over 6 years ago
Let me get this straight: There’s three cats. Lupin, Elvis, and Puck. I assume the names come from popular culture. Puck, the black cat, has a missing leg. Lupin, the white, is deaf. Elvis, the tabby, is the (and I hope I’m wrong) angry one.
RussHeim over 6 years ago
C’mere, autumn – I’m gonna Puck you up . . .
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 6 years ago
I love Fall and Puck’s annual, ‘Stop the leaves from leaving!’, campaign ! But, it occurs to me that Elvis’s description of Fall, sounds like middle age for humans!
Gloria Fleming over 6 years ago
if the leaves are falling, can a halloween arc be far behind! Also, 3 days to Swan Eaters!! can’t wait to check it out.
Alicelth Premium Member over 6 years ago
I just wanted to say thank you for BCN and this lovely little place of Mega Orb, Orbsters and little orbsters. It’s such a lovely highlight of my day to slip in and read BCN and everyone’s comments – even if most of the time I don’t say much. Especially after I got home late last night with another car repair (alternator this time). So thank you all – this is such a warm and lovely place of refuge. Thank you Georgia Dunn for creating BCN. God bless and hope everyone has a lovely weekend. No rain this weekend yay!
Queen of America over 6 years ago
The name of the strip is Breaking Cat News. Therefore, isn’t saying CN News redundant? (Cat News news)
Kim Metzger Premium Member over 6 years ago
But Pucky, think of all the leaves Tommy gets to play with!
Kitty Katz over 6 years ago
As a reward for Puck’s bravery, the Humans will soon place pictures of him throughout the house.
KinHikari over 6 years ago
I just love how “dreams” received a question mark in the checkbox. 100% truism.
Catmom over 6 years ago
Just wanted to let you all know how much I enjoy this strip and your comments. This is a much-needed bright spot in my days. Everone have a great weekend no matter what your weather situation!
mistercatworks over 6 years ago
Careful climbing on the glass. Watch out for the fall-age.
tad1 over 6 years ago
While it isn’t my favorite season, I find sunny days in Autumn to be quite nice.
Mx Crazy Cat Person over 6 years ago
Go Pucky! Save your family from the leaves!
willie_mctell over 6 years ago
Eternal vigilance is required to deal with the Leaves. No time for idle chit chat.
RWill over 6 years ago
Cat News news?
coffeeturtle over 6 years ago
I agree with Elvis