As a kid, I never picked up on this, but this is Watterson giving Calvin’s dad the same job as Watterson’s own father- a Patent Lawyer. It’s about the most boring “office job” kind of thing imaginable that’s still very professional and can be expected to make some kind of good money, but not fantastical wealth. It fits dad’s personality quite well, too.
This reminds me of an episode of M*A*S*H where the 4077 was host to a bunch of orphaned children. Col. Potter was reading a bedtime story to some children from a field manual for a machine gun.
When Cat’s in the Cradle came out in the 1970’s I thought it was trite, retelling a story I’d heard before. (I was all of about 15 then.) Now all sorts of commenters seem to think that Harry Chapin invented the story.(By the way, checking Wikipedia, it seems his wife came up with the story.)
I was going to comment on Calvin being frozen in his time zone, but after reading all of your comments, I have to agree, we are experiencing a serious addiction. Everytime I get behind the wheel, I find myself getting upset with other drivers more concerned with their smartphones, than their driving. We need to go back to the days that Calvin is going through.
BE THIS GUY about 6 years ago
Be patient, Calvin. This story has an O. Henry twist at the end.
The Calvinosaurus That Calvin Wanted To Discover about 6 years ago
“Once upon a time, there was a kid named Calvin.”
Watcher about 6 years ago
Guilt, it always works on parents.
InuYugiHakusho about 6 years ago
Eventually Calvin will be the one who doesn’t have time for his dad.
Yngvar Følling about 6 years ago
I think this was the first time it was explicitly stated that dad was a patent lawyer.
Johnny Q Premium Member about 6 years ago
“…and the father came home and pounded his annoying kid into the ground!”
codycab about 6 years ago
Try not to spoil much, dad.
charliefarmrhere about 6 years ago
Hey! That WAS high tech back then when this strip was done. look close. This as a push button phone, & not a rotary dial one!
Adiraiju about 6 years ago
Cat’s in the cradle, I guess.
Jabroniville Premium Member about 6 years ago
As a kid, I never picked up on this, but this is Watterson giving Calvin’s dad the same job as Watterson’s own father- a Patent Lawyer. It’s about the most boring “office job” kind of thing imaginable that’s still very professional and can be expected to make some kind of good money, but not fantastical wealth. It fits dad’s personality quite well, too.
ericbutts74 about 6 years ago
Patent Law?!? No, something substantive like Hamster Huey and Ewwy Kablewy.
Milady Meg about 6 years ago
“…not a scary one.”
uniquename about 6 years ago
Calvin’s been listening to Harry Chapin.
rshive about 6 years ago
Hydraulic pump patent infringement is big-time drama.
DanFlak about 6 years ago
This reminds me of an episode of M*A*S*H where the 4077 was host to a bunch of orphaned children. Col. Potter was reading a bedtime story to some children from a field manual for a machine gun.
rebelstrike0 about 6 years ago
Dad does spend time with his family; they go camping, Although Mom and Calvin tend to do nothing but complain.
well-i-never about 6 years ago
I think I almost teared up a little bit there, but then I really got caught up in the patent infringement story!
sheilag about 6 years ago
I think this is the first, and maybe the only, time we get a clue as to Calvin’s dad’s occupation… correct me if I’m wrong please :)
pshapley Premium Member about 6 years ago
When Cat’s in the Cradle came out in the 1970’s I thought it was trite, retelling a story I’d heard before. (I was all of about 15 then.) Now all sorts of commenters seem to think that Harry Chapin invented the story.(By the way, checking Wikipedia, it seems his wife came up with the story.)
rehelmick2004 about 6 years ago
For you “really old” people, “Cat’s in the Cradle” Harry Capin
johndifool about 6 years ago
“And one of the flayrods went askew on the treadle…”
tripwire45 about 6 years ago
Dad really did have a boring job.
A Hip loving Canadian... about 6 years ago
Ooooh, I love a good evil patent infringement story… I’m all ears.
ForrestOverin about 6 years ago
I guess Calvin wants more ‘family time’… living on the streets.
Max Starman Jones about 6 years ago
One of the rare times we got a hint at what Dad actually does all day.
DCBakerEsq about 6 years ago
Patent infringement stories are the best stories of all.
su43dipta about 6 years ago
Calvin still couldn’t penetrate dad’s toughened exterior with his sentimental crap; love how dad is focussed on work even after.
sonnygreen about 6 years ago
I was going to comment on Calvin being frozen in his time zone, but after reading all of your comments, I have to agree, we are experiencing a serious addiction. Everytime I get behind the wheel, I find myself getting upset with other drivers more concerned with their smartphones, than their driving. We need to go back to the days that Calvin is going through.
lagoulou about 6 years ago
Nice try Dad….
AnthonyGiggie about 6 years ago
Hey! That is a good story! Everybody: Shush! This could get interesting!
TXPAScot. about 6 years ago
Uh, Calvin? Growing up at an unbelievable rate is what he’s counting on…
swanridge about 6 years ago
One of the few clues giving us an indication of what work Calvin’s Dad did.
well-i-never about 6 years ago
He can probably use a good lawyer right now – that room yesterday wasn’t going to clean itself.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
You get what you pay for kid.
Scoutmaster77 about 6 years ago
Parenting is like gardening. The more time you spend in the garden, the better it will grow. Just sayin’…
dwane.scoty1 about 6 years ago
What kind of business person answers their phone “Hello?”?