Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for November 16, 2018

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    awomanonwheels  over 6 years ago

    Well damn!

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    hangedman  over 6 years ago

    Just don’t get pushy.

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    Superfrog  over 6 years ago

    Made it, Ma! Top of the world!

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Entropy rules

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    Nachikethass  over 6 years ago

    What if I stay here?

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    Alabama Al  over 6 years ago

    Then you’ve leveled off.

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I’m still shooting for a better life every year. I’m only 73.

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    jvo  over 6 years ago

    He must have climbed the Microsoft Tower!Back in the deep dark days of DOS there was a joke which ran something like this.

    A helicopter was caught in dense fog over Seattle and was running out of fuel. Desperate to land they approached a skyscraper which loomed out of the mist.The pilot asked his passenger to hold a sign up to the window asking where they were. The office workers immediately held up a sign saying that they were in a helicopter. On seeing this the pilot straight away turned and flew off directly to the airport where they landed safely.The passenger was puzzled and asked how such an answer could have told him where to go. The pilot answered this way. The answer provided was factually correct and at the same time totally useless. The only place such an answer would be given is from the Microsoft help desk department. Thus knowing exactly where he was he could fly straight to the airport and safety.

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    in.amongst  over 6 years ago

    Who knew – all those carefully carved steps led to the edge of a cliff?

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  10. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Could have used this one at graduation time. Then again, the new graduates are starting to realize that real life is just a long slog down to death right about now.

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    the lost wizard  over 6 years ago

    Try and top this.

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    Carolyn Saunders  over 6 years ago

    Ain’t it the truth

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    uniquename  over 6 years ago

    As my 11th grade math teach used to say, “Smile, it gets worse.”

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    DanFlak  over 6 years ago

    I recently took a trek on the Appalachian Trail. I learned one thing: What goes down must come up. If you go downhill, it means you’re going to have to go back uphill.

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  15. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 6 years ago

    Awareness often comes after long and sometimes useless effort.

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    TerBer  over 6 years ago

    Why do we assume that the guy on top of the moubtain knows anything? The guy lives alone on a mountain.

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    ptnjbrown  over 6 years ago

    Notice he did not pass anyone going the other way.

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    JosephMetcalfe1  over 6 years ago

    Life is like a roll of toilet paper—the closer you get to the end the faster it goes!! ENJOY LIFE, GOD BLESS

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    richkinn  over 6 years ago

OR, life is a journey, generally uphill, so enjoy the view as you go forward. Your reward?! You get to slide, with a huge grin, to the end. At least, that’s been my experience so far.

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  20. Great view up here
    comixbomix  over 6 years ago

    Why did Wiley cut off the fifth panel: “Burma Shave!”

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  21. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I’m fortunate to have decent health at 67, Just went to Tahoe for week (my birthday present!), before that florida to visit family, and in august two weeks on Long Island. Next week Montana to see the grandkids. Life is good. Never give up. I’ll say it again – I am very fortunate. No, not wealthy. All trips are carefully planned and inexpensive, but no less enjoyable!

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    COL Crash  over 6 years ago

    The old saying is “There is power in truth”. Just think of the potential energy in this situation.

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    DCBakerEsq  over 6 years ago

    Ha. That’ll teach you to seek ‘answers.’ #AnarchyRules

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    johndifool  over 6 years ago

    I’m confused-you mean he isn’t a basejumper? Unclear on the concept methinks.

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    johnec  over 6 years ago

    Is this a subtle metaphor for the 2018 midterms?

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    cooganm Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I was sure there would be bears at the top

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  over 6 years ago

    @POTUS See above.

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    1953Baby  over 6 years ago

    Definitely a PERFECT example of both the “glass half full/glass half empty” theories. As for me, today, at 11:11 a.m. in central FL, it makes me really glad I didn’t ever take up hiking or mountain climbing. Tomorrow? Who knows how I’ll feel.. .

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    rlaker22j  over 6 years ago

    You work for it you earned it enjoy it it’s great it goes from have to to want to

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    lagoulou  over 6 years ago

    I’m 75 and still hoping that the clouds will part and the sun will come streaming through, blue birds of happiness all around
dreamer that I am!

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    SrTechWriter  over 6 years ago

    In the early 1950s, cartoon humorist Walt Kelly created a strip that had, as the punch line, “From here on down, it’s uphill all the way!” He was right, of course. Another of his famous quotes is “We have met the enemy, and he is us!”

    That latter one was in regard to pollution, and it became the Earth Day slogan for many years. Sadly, it applies especially to the political arena. We are our own worst enemies. We fail to recognize that no one is always right, or always wrong. It’s not a matter of Pro or Con. It’s a matter of overweening personal pride on the part of those who can not stand to be seen as “losing” anything. “If it was not thought of by MY party, it’s wrong!.”

    This polarization situation will continue, in spite of all efforts by people of really good intent, until constituents begin electing Congressional representatives who insist on reaching across party lines to embrace and support good, common-sense resolutions to issues regardless of who initially sponsored them. As long as we elect those who promise party faithfulness, we are going to continue to be going “uphill all the way”.

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    SrTechWriter  over 6 years ago

    Of course, party faithfulness is only the first litmus test. The second is “Does this person subscribe to the TANSTAAFL principle”, or does (s)he promise pie in the sky? The third litmus test is “Has this person ever successfully run a business for an extended term”, or is (s)he an economic neophyte? The fourth test is “Is this person a lawyer”, or do they live in the real world? The fifth one is “Does this person vocalize a consistent message”, or do they say whatever they think will appeal to the current audience? The sixth one is “Does this person campaign on the basis of their strengths”, or is their campaign a trail of unproven accusations against the opponents?

    By then, you’ve gotten down to the minority who actually might make good Congressional representatives.

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    Lablubber   over 6 years ago

    Unless your name is Sisyphus.

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    Stan McSerr  over 6 years ago

    This might be trite but it is the journey, not the destination. Now that you are on the top, it is quicker going back down. A lot quicker.

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  35. Oldgeezerlittle1
    Numbnumb  over 6 years ago

    I am 76 and I find irritating the wife until steam comes out of her ears to be very satisfying. Of course the pain that comes later seems to offset the pleasure.

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    keenanthelibrarian  over 6 years ago

    Look, just turn around and get off the mountain.

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    dot-the-I  over 6 years ago

    “Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice.” Dr. Sidney Freedman.

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  38. Toughcat
    bakana  over 6 years ago

    G’Kar put the Signs up because his Hand was getting Sore from smacking them up against the side of the Head and slamming their faces in the Book was causing the pages to stick together.

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  39. Toughcat
    bakana  over 6 years ago

    Put your Face in the Book

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  over 6 years ago

    After most people find the truth, they realize that the Lie was easier to live with.

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