Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for December 20, 2018

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    fullmoondeb Premium Member about 6 years ago

    YAY! Buzzy is back.

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    cat19632001  about 6 years ago

    Lupin keeps his enthusiasm for life even while being hogtied.

    And foot toe beans!

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  3. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  about 6 years ago

    So Lupin is doing a pseudo-handstand while grinning like a loon and apparently quoting the movie Se7en, all while Violet ties him up. Seems normal to me.

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    cat19632001  about 6 years ago

    Puck’s look of joy is a wonderful thing to behold.

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    cat19632001  about 6 years ago

    Natasha really does look like a Mouseketeer.

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      about 6 years ago

    Be careful, Elvis, her needle is very dangerous.

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    DennisinSeattle  about 6 years ago

    Thank you, Agnes!

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    Rendan   about 6 years ago

    So.. Buzzy mouse got sent back,Elvis is threatened by a needle, and Lupin grins while being tied up. Okay.

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    cat19632001  about 6 years ago

    Did Agnes use a little mouse saw to cut her way through the plastic “bars” of the laundry basket?

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member about 6 years ago

    It’s the magic of Christmas!

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    Robin Harwood  about 6 years ago

    Bullied, threatened, tied up by mice! Boys, you are an embarrassment to cats everywhere. No wonder you’re doomed.

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    catmom1360  about 6 years ago

    Love “Hello pin cushion.” That puts Elvis in his place.

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  13. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  about 6 years ago

    Only Lupin, with his sense of adventure, look thrilled being tied up like a Christmas ham! Ha!

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  14. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  about 6 years ago

    Oh, sweet relief! Buzzy is safely back home. But where is Agnes? I hope she didn’t get trampled in the stampede.

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    cat19632001  about 6 years ago

    Rodent Ruffian! Haha – I love it.

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  16. Clocks
    Maizing  about 6 years ago

    There is going to be a memorial service today for my friend who died. Since she lived in Texas and I live in Oregon, I will not be able to attend, so I thought that I would share some thoughts and memories of her here with the mega-orb.

    I first met her in Wow. If I remember right, she had an old cat then. When her cat died (as old cats tend to do), she went to a shelter to adopt a new cat… and came home with 4 kittens. I teased her about having picked up the Crazy Cat Lady Starter Kit, and welcomed her to the Sisterhood of Crazy Cat Ladies.

    On Facebook, I looked through her pictures, and almost all of the ones that I saw as far back as I went were of her cats. One of the people who has posted on her Facebook page since she died mentioned something about making sure that her fur babies are taken care of. I know that she would want them to have a good home with someone who loves them as much as she did.

    I introduced her to BCN. I don’t know if she ever made a GoComics account, but she did follow Georgia on Facebook.

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    crazymom34_2000  about 6 years ago

    Pucky is so happy! Love him smile!

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    cat19632001  about 6 years ago

    Check out the new “Heck Yeah It’s the Holidays” Pucky ornament.

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    rs0204 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    For a cat of Adventure, being tied up is the whipped cream and cherry on top, of the Sundae.

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    ladykat Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Good morning, and happy Purrsday, orbsters and orbabies. I’m so glad Buzzy Mouse is back and that Agnes has escaped. Maybe now the boys and the mice can have a dialogue of sorts so we know why this was done in the first place.

    You know, I swore last week that I would not stick my nose out the door except to check the mail and every day there is another errand that I have to run, either in conjunction with Paul or by myself. Today I need to pick up a few things for the festivities at my mother-in-law’s. Tomorrow there are some last minute groceries to pick up. Grrr…I really don’t like stores at this time of the year.

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    arolarson Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Check out the Kliban cat on the site today….the exact opposite of Lupin’s situation.

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    Hickory  about 6 years ago

    Do readers have a tie bean fetish? Enquiring cats want to know!

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    tatempleman  about 6 years ago

    Puck’s look of pure joy with his beloved Buzzy Mouse says it all. I have a feeling Agnes is behind this!

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Trussing lessens, anyone?

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    Berlioz  about 6 years ago

    There’s still five days till Christmas. What other exciting, dramatic, toe-bean-involving moments could happen!?

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    Code the Enforcer  about 6 years ago

    Panel 3: Looks like Elvis is taking some alliteration dialogue cues from our message poster, Gent! – Yes?!

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  27. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 6 years ago

    No no no no no no! C’mon! You cats got beat by those rats? Geez! Pounce upon them already! Eat those propagators of plagues!

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    KL  about 6 years ago

    I’m rather confused by today’s strip, but who cares? The important thing is that Buzzy Mouse is back!

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    Lily.spokescat  about 6 years ago

    I’m so happy that Pucky has returned from the Dark Side.

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  30. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Is that a fencing mask on the mouse in panel 3?

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    mistercatworks  about 6 years ago

    I actually bought a “buzzy mouse” in a supermarket, years ago, because it said on the package, in English, that it ran. I tried it and it doesn’t. The French labeling was truthful and just said it vibrated. Since real mice rarely vibrate, my cat had no idea what to do with it.

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  32. Sidryan2018
    Cleementine  about 6 years ago

    “Hello, pincushion!” Bahahahaha! That Natasha sure knows how to twist the knife (needle).

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  33. Catmatics
    lpayne.1632 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    To share with the Orb: My very own Tommybaum!

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  34. Ruke toe
    miscreant  about 6 years ago

    All is starting to be well. Buzzy is back in the arms of Puck. Lupin is his usual happy self even if he is tied up at the moment. Elvis well he is confused as is normal for him.

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  35. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  about 6 years ago

    I’m concerned about SkyKey…. hope you’re OK where ever you are dear friend! (( ((huge engulfing bear hugs and thoughts and prayers going out to SkyKey)) ))

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    WelshRat Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Lupin. Bound to be happy.

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    deadheadzan  about 6 years ago

    This strip is so funny——every panel is a gem!

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  38. Clocks
    Maizing  about 6 years ago

    Working on my Tommybaum:

    Since I am not a fan of the natural orange color, I have painted it green, then sprayed a coat of diamond dust glitter blast spray over the green. It looked really neat! Unfortunately, I made the mistake of touching it while it was still tacky (the paint takes longer to dry when it is as cold as I have to keep my home), and this broke the layer of paint, allowing the orange underneath to show through the cracks. So I had to respray the green base color. Then I needed a new can of the glitter blast (since I had used the entire can the first time around). I have now decided to paint some decorative white “scoops” around the sides (to kind of look like it has “branches”) before I respray the glitter blast.

    I think I want to do something around the base of the cone too.

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  39. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  about 6 years ago

    Oh Tommybaum, Oh Tommybaum

    You shine such a bright orange.

    Oh Tommybaum, Oh Tommybaum

    You shine such a bright orange.

    Your lights shine with such appeal

    Who’d ever know that you’re not real?

    Oh Tommybaum, Oh Tommybaum

    You shine such a bright orange.

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  40. Californiaraisinicon1
    bluegirl285  about 6 years ago

    “What’s in the box, Elvis?”. He asks happily as he’s being tied up.

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    Hero Plays  about 6 years ago

    Yusss. Beatrix storyline should be coming up soon.

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    Tracy Jordan  about 6 years ago

    The story really doesn’t get old.

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  43. Hellcat
    knight1192a  about 6 years ago

    And the wise shall intervene.

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    Jayneknox  about 6 years ago

    Ah, Lupin!One of the various medicaments I’m taking in my tottery old age is a small white pill with a tendency to leap off the sink, roll under the counter, and go invisible against the white tile. I’ve started calling it “The Lupin pill.”

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    Kitty Katz  about 6 years ago

    I think maybe Lupin somehow got a cup of catfeined coffee.

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    ikini Premium Member about 6 years ago

    That question, “what’s in the box” has been bothering me. Seemed such an unlikely thing for Lupin to say, all tied up like that. So I started googling and it seems there’s a famous line to that effect in a thriller called Se7en. I’ve never seen the film and apparently noone else here has either, or someone would surely have mentioned it, especially the doom crowd. What was in the box in the movie would have given a frisson of horror to Lupin’s question. Georgia, am I right that you were alluding to that film?

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