Let’s add another example: 8 years of Clinton: taxes went up, the economy experienced continued growth, and a budget surplus was established (the only one in my life time).
The amazing thing is that Tiny and the regressives actually believe the Laugher Curve.
Paul Ryan is simply an intellectual and ethical fraud. But, hey, the federal budget isn’t of any interest to Tiny. His wall is of central concern because it involves Tiny’s tiny. Pelosi nailed that one.
We tried it under Coolidge and Hoover; we tried it under Reagan; we tried it under Bush Jr. Each time, it crashed the economy. So hey, let’s try it again.
Scientific Fact: Did you know that; Paul Ryan idolizes Ayn Rand and her ideas seriously. Did you know that; Ayn Rand, based on her writings, personal diary, and those that knew her (particularly members of her cult) is considered by those in the psychiatric profession to have been a psychopath. Knowing that scientific fact, do you think anyone that believes that the ideas of a psychopath should be emulated should be in a position of responsibility?
i never made more than $36,000 in 45 yrs of working and in the early 70’s i lived a good life under reagan inflation ate me up, couldn’t save much till the mid 90’s again i lived a good life. retired under the obama years and thought i made it and enjoy my life trump has fixed it so i have to go back to work part time (he sucks) i take any dec that comes along got to be better than what we got now.
We need to go back to FDR and 90% income taxes, asset taxes, luxury taxes, and sales taxes. Loop holes were created so people would fund growth instead of personal assets.
Of course, if Dr. Ryan had used the “results” of his “experiment” to conclude that tax increases for the wealthy were the way to go, that would be an equally unscientific conclusion.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 6 years ago
Paul Ryan is an expert on the economy like the Rump is an expert on the climate.
frankgeo about 6 years ago
Leave the economy to economists as they should leave science to the scientists!
wolfiiig about 6 years ago
At least he quit before taking Grandma’s Social Security.
GreggW Premium Member about 6 years ago
The dismal science indeed.
rhbrandon2 about 6 years ago
“Ask Dr. (Political) Science.”
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 6 years ago
The One Factor Study. A true classic of junk science.
P51Strega about 6 years ago
Let’s add another example: 8 years of Clinton: taxes went up, the economy experienced continued growth, and a budget surplus was established (the only one in my life time).
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 6 years ago
They are going to waste another 5 Billion. They love doing that.
twclix about 6 years ago
The amazing thing is that Tiny and the regressives actually believe the Laugher Curve.
Paul Ryan is simply an intellectual and ethical fraud. But, hey, the federal budget isn’t of any interest to Tiny. His wall is of central concern because it involves Tiny’s tiny. Pelosi nailed that one.
Linguist about 6 years ago
Ratso Ryan is another rodent deserting the sinking Ship of State, but we won’t forget the damage he’s done in his ineffective term as House Speaker.
GaryCooper about 6 years ago
We tried it under Coolidge and Hoover; we tried it under Reagan; we tried it under Bush Jr. Each time, it crashed the economy. So hey, let’s try it again.
banjoAhhh! about 6 years ago
Scientific Fact: Did you know that; Paul Ryan idolizes Ayn Rand and her ideas seriously. Did you know that; Ayn Rand, based on her writings, personal diary, and those that knew her (particularly members of her cult) is considered by those in the psychiatric profession to have been a psychopath. Knowing that scientific fact, do you think anyone that believes that the ideas of a psychopath should be emulated should be in a position of responsibility?
comixbomix about 6 years ago
And please, just take your trickle with you, when you go…
willie_mctell about 6 years ago
What a genius. We’ll sure miss him.
bushmillsrare about 6 years ago
i never made more than $36,000 in 45 yrs of working and in the early 70’s i lived a good life under reagan inflation ate me up, couldn’t save much till the mid 90’s again i lived a good life. retired under the obama years and thought i made it and enjoy my life trump has fixed it so i have to go back to work part time (he sucks) i take any dec that comes along got to be better than what we got now.
gigagrouch about 6 years ago
Goodbye and good riddance! Don’t let the door hit you on the arse!
Masterskrain about 6 years ago
Lyin’ Ryan seems to be determined to DESTROY the country before he is bounced out of the house, and an INTELLIGENT SPEAKER takes over in January!
Godfreydaniel about 6 years ago
Ryan isn’t a doctor, he just plays one on TV. And on the floor of the House…….Does Ryan remind anybody else of Jonah on “Veep”?
PoodleGroomer about 6 years ago
We need to go back to FDR and 90% income taxes, asset taxes, luxury taxes, and sales taxes. Loop holes were created so people would fund growth instead of personal assets.
PoodleGroomer about 6 years ago
When did Lyle from Blazing Saddles become Senator Paul Ryan?
Kurtass about 6 years ago
We do not have economics anymore, it is egonomics.
braindead Premium Member about 6 years ago
Ryan is another Trump Disciple hero.
BeBadenov Premium Member about 6 years ago
Actual data analysis: https://www.counterpunch.org/2012/10/09/unemployment-and-marginal-tax-rates/
edeevans1947 about 6 years ago
Why does Dr. Ryan look so much like Robert Mueller?
jazzman831 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Of course, if Dr. Ryan had used the “results” of his “experiment” to conclude that tax increases for the wealthy were the way to go, that would be an equally unscientific conclusion.