Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for April 14, 2019

  1. Mmdash6
    Pequod  almost 6 years ago

    Whereā€™s the love?

    A brotherly shove

    Puts Barnabas in the wrong.

    False alibi

    A deplorable lie

    Sibling sang a song.


    Tracyā€™s here

    One thing is clear

    ā€˜Tis about to hit the fan.

    Far braver men than Tar

    Have cracked

    Then out the door they ran.


    A rumpus in the restaurant

    Could lead to troubled times

    Tar loves to choke

    Which is no joke

    He must pay for his crimes.

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  2. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  almost 6 years ago

    After all this time

    Oh Bro of mine

    I feel the need

    With Superman speed

    To end your game

    Of torture and pain

    And make the call

    To cause your fall

    Call me a rat

    That might be a fact

    But knowing youā€™re done

    With your sadistic fun

    Makes the price I might pay

    For my silence each day

    Just and right

    Letting me sleep at night.


    ā€™Tis baffling why Elvis would suddenly decide to do the right thing after all the murders. Bonnie is indeed fortunate to be a Tracy!

    My poem of a guilty conscience is the only rational explanation.

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  3. Tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    HarryCK  almost 6 years ago

    Good morning, just desserts eaters !

    Waiter, check !!!

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  4. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 6 years ago

    I took a few days off and, when I checked back in, looks like I didnā€™t miss anything!

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    22ph  almost 6 years ago

    Is it just a guilty conscience, as what avenger09 said or does Rocks got another motive.

    I am still batting for Rocks as the killer. :D

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  6. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 6 years ago

    Now we pick up the pace. I guess the brotherā€™s love eroded under the onslaught of his brother as a serial killer who would not stop.

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  7. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  almost 6 years ago

    Wonder what drove Tarā€™s brother to drop a dime on him?

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    fredville  almost 6 years ago

    awwwwā€¦..are you kidding? no attempted murder of Bonnie, no clever way of discovering who the serial killer isā€¦just a tip and an arrestā€¦..boring ending to what was a really good story up to nowā€¦

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    fredville  almost 6 years ago

    In fact, this is REALLY weirdā€¦Tracy suspects Barnabas IS the killer, goes to stakeout his dinner date with Bonnieā€¦.then LEAVES AND DECIDES HE WAS WRONG??What was he expectingā€¦.him to kill her in public at the dinner table??Crazyā€¦

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    Knightman Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    We shall see what Barnabas next move is? Tracy isnā€™t at the table yet!!! Whereā€™s Joe?

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  11. Bucky1
    crobinson019  almost 6 years ago

    I think I mentioned earlier that Reggie would play a role. Iā€™m just surprised he didnā€™t do it earlier

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  12. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  almost 6 years ago

    One thing Iā€™ll say for Team Tracy ā€“ they know enough not to pad or drag out a story line without mercy.

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  13. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  almost 6 years ago

    Might not be such a pat ending, we will see!

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  14. Photo
    WilliamVollmer  almost 6 years ago

    Good call Neil Wick. They are using a radio car from Tracyā€™s department. (But why used a marked car on a stake out?) And, why is a guest, WITHOUT OFFICIAL STATUS driving? OY, the administrative, and, legal issues involved!

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    DaleMcNamee  almost 6 years ago

    Iā€™m glad that Bonnie didnā€™t start berating Barnabas over his sports columnā€¦

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  16. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Now, donā€™t laugh, but until now I thought Barnabas and his ā€œbrotherā€ might be a split personality. After all, we havenā€™t seen the brother anywhere except in that apartment alone with Barnabas.

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    oakie817  almost 6 years ago

    iā€™m still thinking it is Reggieā€¦.

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  18. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  almost 6 years ago

    Much of the anticipation in this story was the expectation that Bonnie would be kidnapped or somehow put in great danger and have to be rescued (likely by Joe). We now know that Bar Tar is the killer but we havenā€™t particularly seen him being violent (except when he lost his temper over being called ā€œTeacherā€™s Petā€) and that was mostly just venting his anger rather than being destructively violent (sure he threatened Wendy but didnā€™t actually do any harmā€”his intent was to scare her not to violently harm her). Consequently he has not been portrayed as someone who is as much of a threat as he really is.

    On his date with Bonnie, the actual drama is just starting to begin as we seem to see it ending.

    The build-up to this story has been fairly compelling even with some glaring inconsistencies (sports writers vs. gym teachers, vs. young blond teachers as victims inconsistent MO; squad cars on stakeouts; visitors driving city vehicles; why Joe was on leave; why he would keep on the case and travel across the country at his own expense while on leave).

    Most of the inconsistencies could be overlooked if the payoff was Bonnie in danger of harm and required to be saved but after today, it feels like it is starting to miss the mark.

    A weak ending makes you wonder why bring in Wendy? The threat to her last week was much greater than the threat to Bonnie which should be the climax of the story.

    Boy, I hope things donā€™t just peter out at the end, donā€™t you.

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  19. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  almost 6 years ago

    ā€œButā€¦ I thought they let you do that when youā€™re a Tar!ā€

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    WestofthePecan Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    A possibility to considerā€¦ a hostage situation right there in the restaurant with poor Bonnie being held by the now-not-such-a-nice-guy sports writer. That would reaffirm his guilt while still allowing for Joe to come to the rescue of his past and future love. P.S., I also thought the patrol car was moving and, by extension following previous frames, that DT and Joe had called the stakeout quits and had to expeditiously return when they got the wrist wizard tip.

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  21. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  almost 6 years ago

    Lee needs to go pick up Rocks. She needs all the information she can get before just accepting a cold call.

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  22. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  almost 6 years ago

    I really donā€™t like the sunday art

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  23. Kantuck icon124x84
    kantuck-nadie  almost 6 years ago

    Oh now the ā€¦ hits the fan. Heā€™s in deep trouble now, since itā€™s 2 Tracyā€™s and Sampson after him. This will be a home run!

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    BreathlessMahoney77  almost 6 years ago

    Another storyline that started off with potential, Dick Tracy using his detective skills to track down a serial killer, then going completely off the rails with needless subplots, unexplained motivations, and a climax that feels totally contrived. Iā€™m really wondering if Mike is invested in writing Dick Tracy any more.

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  25. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 6 years ago

    The stakeout patrol car (!) in Panel 1 of Row 2 is still (or again) just outside Colletteā€™s. Maybe Joey " the Chauffeur" Sampson and Dick Tracy have circled the block one or more times, to help make that patrol car (!) a bit less obvious to any suspicious Serial Killers dining with younger blondes in the fancy restaurant.

    I am prepared to concede as of now that Bar Tar is indeed The Professor and that his brother Reggie ā€œRocksā€ Tar is suffering from a guilty conscience for his tacit complicity (he might be liable for prosecution, though if his tip pays off maybe Tracy will ā€œput in a good wordā€ for him).

    There is still time (until 28 April) for a confrontation in or just outside the restaurant, in the pouring rain, plus lovey-dovey Joe and Bonnie finaleā€¦.

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  26. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  almost 6 years ago

    is just me or does good olā€™ Barney look like George Clooney in the last panel?

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  27. Unnamed
    Another Take  almost 6 years ago

    4-SMIRKFACE: I never drove a cop car before. Hey! How about turning on the siren and lights? DT: Youā€™re lucky I let you turn on the headlights.5-DT: Dang this carpal tunnel! Itā€™s like lightning bolts in my wrist!6-DT: OW OW OW! SMIRKFACE: You know who probably has carpal tunnel is that Barn dude who works for Glamorous Glamour Magazine. Heā€™s writing and typing all the time. I donā€™t wanna even think how you could a got itā€¦7-ELLIE MAE: What are you staring at? BARN: Huh? Oh. Yeah. Sorry. You just suddenly looked 8 years old for some reason. Weird..8-ELLIE MAE: Well looky over there. Somebody in a sweater-thing just like yours!. BARN: What? Where? This is a one-off by Pierre Cardigone! Howā€¦whereā€¦Iā€™ll scratch his eyes out! ELLIE MAE: SHEā€™s gone. It was just some gal going by the winder pushing a shopping cart. BARN: A BUM! IN MY SWEATER! (faint)

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