Same logic about developers building 6-digit homes in landslide prone areas; and folks paying asking plus market rate then wondering why their home is in mud after a heavy rain.
Lots of shoreline erosion along the southern shore of Lake Erie. The lake is already at record high levels, which will peak in June .. all due to the over abundance of rain the the mid-west states, filling up Superior, Huron & Michigan .. who’s waters run into Lake Erie, then to Lake Ontario & out the St. Lawrence seaway to the Atlantic. The only lakes where they do any kind of ‘water level’ control are on Superior & Ontario. The American Bank Swallows, which usually nest in the cliffs along the southern shore of Lake Erie, have really taken a hit, as their nesting sites have been washed away. I pointed that out to our town administrator, but there isn’t enough money to do a 1.5-2 million dollar shoreline project. So, the town just to our West, which has loads of money due to the Nuclear Power Plant which has been operating there for 40 years, HAS been doing shoreline projects, and now our town is suing them because it feels that their shoreline solutions have negatively impacted our shorelines. Crazy.
Do those nasa trailers still exist? When aid for Puerto Rico was discussed, a DC agency said that FEMA had already dumped their last batch on the surplus market because there was no recognized need for them.
KenTheCoffinDweller over 5 years ago
Where is the dangling Sarge? Should be on one of those tree roots.
Enter.Name.Here over 5 years ago
It’s the house perched on a crumbling seacliff in a hurricane-prone zone. What could go wrong?
Farside99 over 5 years ago
Nothing like it for encouraging the kids to leave the nest early….
B UTTONS over 5 years ago
Same logic about developers building 6-digit homes in landslide prone areas; and folks paying asking plus market rate then wondering why their home is in mud after a heavy rain.
wiatr over 5 years ago
It’s a bit late since the next generation are already here.
danketaz Premium Member over 5 years ago
Looks like the happy little tree is about to have a happy little accident.
Sisu60 over 5 years ago
the fledglings better get it right the first time no room for error
Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago
“Happy where you are,” Plunging to your deaths at the bottom of a deep ravine???
Watcher over 5 years ago
If the tree goes, so goes the eggs. Better not count them yet, they haven’t hatched and it looks like they won’t.
Troglodyte over 5 years ago
Relocate, yes. But how?!
mrcooncat over 5 years ago
Lots of shoreline erosion along the southern shore of Lake Erie. The lake is already at record high levels, which will peak in June .. all due to the over abundance of rain the the mid-west states, filling up Superior, Huron & Michigan .. who’s waters run into Lake Erie, then to Lake Ontario & out the St. Lawrence seaway to the Atlantic. The only lakes where they do any kind of ‘water level’ control are on Superior & Ontario. The American Bank Swallows, which usually nest in the cliffs along the southern shore of Lake Erie, have really taken a hit, as their nesting sites have been washed away. I pointed that out to our town administrator, but there isn’t enough money to do a 1.5-2 million dollar shoreline project. So, the town just to our West, which has loads of money due to the Nuclear Power Plant which has been operating there for 40 years, HAS been doing shoreline projects, and now our town is suing them because it feels that their shoreline solutions have negatively impacted our shorelines. Crazy.
wirepunchr over 5 years ago
Location, location location!
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Sort of indicative of the entire state of Florida. I love it, but I am thinking the altitude is just a bit problematic.
Dr_Zinj over 5 years ago
It’s only for this season!
JonladY2K over 5 years ago
The views are to die for
rondm66 over 5 years ago
Survival of the fittest (or smartest).
Doug Taylor Premium Member over 5 years ago
Reminds me of people who build on flood plains or next to airports and expect something different.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Ok we can stay…but we need to level off the nest…..
Alberta Oil over 5 years ago
Hurry and sit on those eggs.. they may hatch in time and the chicks will have clear sailing
ChessPirate over 5 years ago
The Bluebird of Iffiness…
zeexenon over 5 years ago
Do not fear, NSA has some unused FEMA house-trailers you can use. Bring Your Own Gas-mask.
Homer J over 5 years ago
I think I saw this scene in the first Hobbit movie.
sandpiper over 5 years ago
Do those nasa trailers still exist? When aid for Puerto Rico was discussed, a DC agency said that FEMA had already dumped their last batch on the surplus market because there was no recognized need for them.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 5 years ago
“…on the edge of destruction…”
Nuke Road Warrior over 5 years ago
“But the view is lovely”, said 99% of canyon dwellers in LA county just before the mudslides.
coffeeturtle over 5 years ago
davetb1956 over 5 years ago
The time to relocate would have been before the eggs were laid.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
The roots should be holding it but none ere drawn.
theincrediblebulk over 5 years ago
well this is certainly a cliffhanger
poopsypoo Premium Member over 5 years ago
It’s the Father Knows Best show!
nagual11 over 2 years ago
how would they move the eggs?