Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for June 05, 2019

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    chiphilton  almost 6 years ago

    “Yes, because you want to leave your husband.”

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  2. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  almost 6 years ago

    So handing out buttons to only the most special of people is akin to oppressing the others? And pre-button, Molly and Nancy were also oppressed? NO, I STILL DON’T GET IT!

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    kdizzle  almost 6 years ago

    Mimi’s really really trying hard to score one of those TC badges.

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    TheBrownStarfish  almost 6 years ago

    P1, Actually it’s weirder to skip during volleyball. And that “brownie” looks like a sponge.

    P2, At least the ants seem fascinated by Mimi’s lesson. Whatever it may be.

    P3, Because you wanted to waste our weekend?

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    bunwarpgazoo Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    What? Wait, the oppressed stayed oppressed, just got new bosses (the pigs).

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  6. The rings
    Liam Astle Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    “You want us to become oppressors? Okay.”

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    Bucky  almost 6 years ago

    I think Mimi should stick to softball and talk about strategy-like where you throw the ball with players on first and third and one out with a ground ball to third base. (I have no idea by the way)

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    Mr Reality  almost 6 years ago

    In all reality , Look Mrs Thorp I have no idea what the hell the book or you are saying !

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  9. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    “Yeah, I get it. That whole Rally Hippo idea was really dumb. It should have been a Rally Pig.”

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    huskiecoach  almost 6 years ago

    Hmmm…what’s in that brownie?

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    Mopman  almost 6 years ago

    Hey, someone complained yesterday they weren’t going to the Copyright Café©, but they did! Did they remodel the outside?

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  12. Oip
    James St. John Smythe  almost 6 years ago

    They are actually at the “Colorado Café” in P1, which may explain the brownie.

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    bearwku82  almost 6 years ago

    Guilty that I am Mop. The sign in yesterday’s panel didn’t reflect David and Linda at The Copyright Café. The P3 storefront sign appeared to be Cantina. Maybe these kids did go to the Central City Cantina for a bowl of soup and on the way home, stopped at the Café for a homemade brownie. What could be making Linda smile?

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    Irish53  almost 6 years ago

    P4: “…uh, yeah…like sure…..can we go now?…”

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    Snarker formerly known as Rube Whigham  almost 6 years ago

    Yeah, we get it. We used to fear that other kids would hassle us for our nerdy weekend pursuits like skating, blogging, and knitting. Now since we have become arbiters of nerd cool, we rejected and hurt the feelings of bowling/clarinet, screenplay, stamp collection, and barbershop quartet guys, and David and Linda for being a couple or whatever, making us the oppressors. (Though we of course gave a button to gun collector guy.) But shouldn’t we also have got a chance to chase off campus Mike Fillion, Andre Ruffin, Joe Bolek, Tiki Whatshisname, and the other really cool kids who take drugs, try to deface billboards, and rumble with New Thayer?

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    hifirick1953  almost 6 years ago

    Good Golly Miss Molly , I think you got it. Next arc please.

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    Mopman  almost 6 years ago

    P1 – If she thinks that brownie is great now, just wait until she actually tastes the thing.

    P2 – Poor Nancy, the ants are driving her scalp crazy.

    P3 – “No, actually we don’t. Why didn’t you just say what you’re saying now instead of wasting a whole weekend and having us read a book that in no way sounds like it’s related to our life?”

    And speaking of related, you should be able to relate to today’s Mopped Up Thorp:

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    twainreader  almost 6 years ago

    P-1a: You’ve become such depressing company I’m leaving you for a Junior. Enjoy your Brownie.

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    BikeMike  almost 6 years ago

    Brownie? Looks like a moldy piece of tofu.

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    The Pro from Dover  almost 6 years ago

    Look coach I’m here play softball I take reading comprehension in third period.

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  21. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  almost 6 years ago

    Words from an expert on brownies:

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    tcar-1  almost 6 years ago

    longer version:

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  23. Tarkus
    Tarkus  almost 6 years ago

    Uh I realize that this is a comic but there is a lot more to Animal Farm than just who oppresses who as it speaks to the belief that Communism will always result in a loss of freedom but some also suggest that Orwell was not just referencing the Russian Revolution but also that Capitalism left unchecked could very well turn out with the same result. For instance who remembers when Blutarsky, Dorfman and Stratton go on that road trip… oh wait… that was Animal House… never mind.

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