Morons. Eating plants doesn’t prevent zoonotic diseases from food. Proper cooking kills almost all pathogens (doesn’t work on prion diseases though, and they are only from animals, so far.)
Interestingly, as we understand the effort required to obtain enough protein and such from plants, we realize that we can do this because we have progressed so far in technology. Poor BC would struggle to obtain enough plants to suffice for living conditions at that time – the mixture of meat and plants would be required to survive. It is a fascinating thought. Good to go vegetarian in our world today, probably not good if sudden apocalyptic conditions.
Anybody notice the number of articles lately about insects for eating?!?Apparently, those are the only species that will continue to outnumber human populations. . .
might as well. It also promotes evolution… it’s just a comic, anyway. Actually, there ought to be a ton of humor from the ridiculous and hypocritical veganism world, anyway. We don’t have to laugh ‘with’ them, we can actually laugh at them while we enjoy our animal burger!
“Salmonella Typhimurium can use plants as alternative hosts to humans and other animals. These bacteria are able to adhere to plant surfaces and actively infect the interior of plants”
CO Premium Member over 5 years ago
There are plenty of germs in the plant world that will kill you too. :-)
amethyst52 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Yeah, ecoli and Round up on your fruits and veggies.
Squirrelchaser over 5 years ago
Where did this come from? is BC now promoting veganism?
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 5 years ago
We do eat plants. But plants don’t taste like bacon. So we eat bacon.
Watcher over 5 years ago
How else are you going to make meat soup or plant soup?
Ontman over 5 years ago
Is it my imagination or is BC becoming slightly more political.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Yummmm! Beans and Weenies?
jagedlo over 5 years ago
Of course, this is all assuming that you’re going to catch anything to cook today…
Troglodyte over 5 years ago
It’s not like you can’t get germs from raw plants and veggies…
Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Dr_Zinj over 5 years ago
Morons. Eating plants doesn’t prevent zoonotic diseases from food. Proper cooking kills almost all pathogens (doesn’t work on prion diseases though, and they are only from animals, so far.)
DanFlak over 5 years ago
I did not claw and scratch my way to the top of the food chain to eat plants.
CSun Premium Member over 5 years ago
Interestingly, as we understand the effort required to obtain enough protein and such from plants, we realize that we can do this because we have progressed so far in technology. Poor BC would struggle to obtain enough plants to suffice for living conditions at that time – the mixture of meat and plants would be required to survive. It is a fascinating thought. Good to go vegetarian in our world today, probably not good if sudden apocalyptic conditions.
Lenavid over 5 years ago
People that think people are bad for the planet should throw themselves into a volcano and set the example.
1953Baby over 5 years ago
Anybody notice the number of articles lately about insects for eating?!?Apparently, those are the only species that will continue to outnumber human populations. . .
blairleroys Premium Member over 5 years ago
A million years ago there were a group of monkeys that ate fruit & nuts. One day they began eating meat. That’s when they turned into humans.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago
To each his own.
Snoots over 5 years ago
“Keep your big government away from my freedom, hippie”???? Does that make sense to anyone here?
Plods with ...™ over 5 years ago
OH Gawd…
Et tu M&H?
bwalk7217 Premium Member over 5 years ago
You can get salmonella from plants, there was a large recall of roman lettuce a few months ago.
redback over 5 years ago
pity cartoons don’t have a ‘dislike’ button
Ukko wilko over 5 years ago
Last night a vegan nephew informed me that they can’t drink Budweiser – because it has been passed through a horse.
sousamannd over 5 years ago
might as well. It also promotes evolution… it’s just a comic, anyway. Actually, there ought to be a ton of humor from the ridiculous and hypocritical veganism world, anyway. We don’t have to laugh ‘with’ them, we can actually laugh at them while we enjoy our animal burger!
Rise22 over 5 years ago
I happen to grow my own beef – and those steaks are great!
Alberta Oil over 5 years ago
Cuz.. we are not cows.. We let them do the dirty work of eating grass then we eat them.. Much tastier that way.
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Right! I’ll just stick with Romaine Lettuce.
Mediatech over 5 years ago
Why should my dogs and cats have all the fun?
zeexenon over 5 years ago
You can’t wash e-coli off plants.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 5 years ago
“Salmonella Typhimurium can use plants as alternative hosts to humans and other animals. These bacteria are able to adhere to plant surfaces and actively infect the interior of plants”
Nuclear Nemesis over 5 years ago
Some nuts (especially cashews) should be roasted before eating.
up2trixx over 5 years ago
Better yet, keep your hippyness away from my meat
Lightpainter over 5 years ago
Saw this on a shirt: If vegetarians like animals so much, why do they eat all their food?
oakie817 over 5 years ago
I love animals I can’t eat them…never met an animal I didn’t like
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
More influences by the damaged learning apparatus giving them all kinds of things they don’t need at this time.
Stocky One over 5 years ago
It has nothing to do with government. It is a personal choice.