Frisk and her mother seem to be getting along well. They are smoking up a storm in the first frame (and their cigarettes finally look normal on this site).
It’s nice to see that Our Town lasted more than one night without blowing up the theatre as some other productions have.
Frisk must take after dad’s side of the family: different hair, nose, lips, jawline… But then both she and ma are tough broads so at least there’s something.
Dinner stuff, burgers and fries, have been cleared and them having ‘afters’ before the picture. Such a nice serene scene but what happens after their late night exit from the theater ? I see Lily as being the victim in her bid to prevent Lily getting killed. I took one for you; all my sins redeemed.
didnt someone (Neil?) say that the scene in the play where we first spotted Frisk al those months ago, was the part where all the dead characters come back to life or something like that?
Maybe it was her appearance THERE that is the harbinger.. perhaps Frisk WON’T survive the attempt on her life by Clair Howell and her appearance in that scene was foreshadowing.
IF this theory holds up, i dont see Frisk enjoying “MOMMY AND ME DAY” for too much longer
By he way… KENINOHIO you ready to admit now that i was right about the cigarettes being incorrectly colored and them NOT being some sort of “clue”? Or are you still gonna hang onto that notion, no matter what?
PRIMM: Well, there used to be one who could float my boat. Come on. I’ll show you…
3-JACKIE: Let’s go back to the Food Stamps Bar and see if there’s any men who look like Burt!
PRIMM: I think we’d better chill you out. Let’s go in here. One look at the star of this play will send you straight back to playin’ for the other team.
I just noticed that they spelled “Thornton” wrong. They also spelled it wrong in the last story — I just checked — and I didn’t say anything about it at the time. Maybe I hadn’t noticed then. There is a major road close to the place where I lived most of my life called Thornton Road, so I know how to spell it, even though you usually can’t hear that “n” in the middle.
AnyFace over 5 years ago
So little time has passed in Tracyville of late. ✨❤️✨
Neil Wick over 5 years ago
Good morning™, fellow readers!
Frisk and her mother seem to be getting along well. They are smoking up a storm in the first frame (and their cigarettes finally look normal on this site).
It’s nice to see that Our Town lasted more than one night without blowing up the theatre as some other productions have.
DaJellyBelly over 5 years ago
I’m thinking that things will break open at the theater. That is why we saw Frisk there earlier.
artsyguy65 over 5 years ago
Frisk must take after dad’s side of the family: different hair, nose, lips, jawline… But then both she and ma are tough broads so at least there’s something.
michaeljwolff over 5 years ago
There’s a restaurant that actually let Lily in dressed like that?
Gent over 5 years ago
Ah yes. Finally, they learnt how to do the cigarettes properly!
Lyons Group, Inc. over 5 years ago
And fans of a stage play with limited props.
iggyman over 5 years ago
Interesting the theater is getting involved!
Knightman Premium Member over 5 years ago
Didn’t you know, life is just one big show at the theater!!!
jrankin1959 over 5 years ago
And the playhouse is likely where this story arc will come to a head…
Don Bagert Premium Member over 5 years ago
Maybe Frisk will see herself in the crowd scene during the last act! LOL j/k
HarryCK over 5 years ago
Good morning™, girl’s night out players !
Dinner stuff, burgers and fries, have been cleared and them having ‘afters’ before the picture. Such a nice serene scene but what happens after their late night exit from the theater ? I see Lily as being the victim in her bid to prevent Lily getting killed. I took one for you; all my sins redeemed.
tsull2121 over 5 years ago
didnt someone (Neil?) say that the scene in the play where we first spotted Frisk al those months ago, was the part where all the dead characters come back to life or something like that?
Maybe it was her appearance THERE that is the harbinger.. perhaps Frisk WON’T survive the attempt on her life by Clair Howell and her appearance in that scene was foreshadowing.
IF this theory holds up, i dont see Frisk enjoying “MOMMY AND ME DAY” for too much longer
By he way… KENINOHIO you ready to admit now that i was right about the cigarettes being incorrectly colored and them NOT being some sort of “clue”? Or are you still gonna hang onto that notion, no matter what?
Another Take over 5 years ago
1-JACKIE: Men! Who needs ‘em? Not us!
PRIMM: Well, there used to be one who could float my boat. Come on. I’ll show you…
3-JACKIE: Let’s go back to the Food Stamps Bar and see if there’s any men who look like Burt!
PRIMM: I think we’d better chill you out. Let’s go in here. One look at the star of this play will send you straight back to playin’ for the other team.
buckman-j over 5 years ago
Another episode of “All my Illegitimate Children” Starring Glenn and Marjorie Main..exciting
CynthiaLeigh over 5 years ago
Between the cigarette smoke and Lily’s BO, I would hate to be in that restaurant.
1MadHat Premium Member over 5 years ago
How simply CHARming….
DaleMcNamee over 5 years ago
The drawings of Lily and Frisk are looking very good and normal versus what I call the “Minute Mystery” look…
Whatever you are doing artwise… Keep on doing it !
I wasn’t expecting the return of the “Our Town” arc… I hope that it’s just a “background” activity to flesh out the “Lily and Frisk” story…
I expect that Lily might have a change of heart regarding trapping and getting rid of Frisk for Mrs. Howell… That would be very nice…
Neil Wick over 5 years ago
I just noticed that they spelled “Thornton” wrong. They also spelled it wrong in the last story — I just checked — and I didn’t say anything about it at the time. Maybe I hadn’t noticed then. There is a major road close to the place where I lived most of my life called Thornton Road, so I know how to spell it, even though you usually can’t hear that “n” in the middle.
tsull2121 over 5 years ago
Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend.. parts 9 and 10 are posted kids!
And without spoiling anything y’all are gonna be shocked!
harkherp over 5 years ago
Next week both can get lung x-rays together !Smoking those filters rough on the dem lungs !
rimose over 5 years ago
♫ Oh let me tell you about my best friend ♫
Sisyphos over 5 years ago
Wow! Freida and Lily are really doing it up! And is an assassin stalking them?
Durak Premium Member over 5 years ago
This has taken a turn for the weird.