Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for October 29, 2019

  1. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  over 5 years ago

    Pleated khakis. Tsk.

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    kdizzle  over 5 years ago

    Gil walks over to the sideboard to let one rip, hoping that the flowers will provide cover. Meanwhile Chance is still creepy af.

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Ein Zwei Drei Vier!

    Everybody’s jokin’ ’bout

    Grandmas and Grandpas and Gilpas and Loofahs

    All we are saying is give Chance some peace

    All we are saying is give Chance some peace

    Everybody’s jokin’ ’bout

    Sloppy joes and tummy woes

    And Charlie Roh’s

    Uh-Oh uh-ohs

    All we are saying is give Chance some peace

    All we are saying is give Chance some peace

    Everybody’s jokin’ ’bout

    Blow tops and up-mops That doesn’t sound right

 Mop-Ups and blowups That’s not it either, is it?


    All we are saying is give Chance some peace

    All we are saying is give Chance some peace

    Everybody’s jokin’ ’bout

    Throwin’ scissors, lies to Mrs.

    Chet sayin’ Call me Dad

    (Mr. Ballard, you’re a cad

    All we are saying is give Chance some peace

    All we are saying is give Chance (and Charlie and Grandma and Grandpa and the school board and the coaches and your wife, Chet!) some peace!

    I’d like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we’ve passed the audition.

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  4. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  over 5 years ago

    P3: Ahhh, now we know: Chance is Jarvis White’s illegitimate son.

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    michaeljwolff  over 5 years ago

    “Hi, Coach. I heard you were coming over. What’s up?”

    “Oh, nothing. I just had an uncontrollable desire to stand in someone else’s living room and loudly expound to myself.”

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    TheBrownStarfish  over 5 years ago

    P1, That’s because the kids know what happened to Chance’s parents when he got blow top mad, Gil. Now, about your missing kids. . .

    P2, Gil seems to be playing “good cop, bad cop” with himself.

    P3, Run Gil! No one gets out alive!

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    Mr Reality  over 5 years ago

    In all reality , grandma says Coach Thorp can’t you leave the meddling to Mary Worth who lives across the street ? Pa get my stun gun Chance was in the hall and overheard our conversation with Coach Thorp.

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  8. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  over 5 years ago

    P3- Since Chance has been injured, he has beefed up, thanks to the True Standish buffet training table. If he doesn’t push that plate away, it could have Raptor like proportions.

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    Irish53  over 5 years ago

    Chance lives with his grandparents either to be in the school district, like Tiki, or because his parents are drug addicts, incarcerated, dead, or living in some unknown crack house

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    cuttersjock  over 5 years ago

lot of gold in the top of the order today, fellas, makes me proud to see the cerebral snark.

    P3: Is Milford in an open carry state? Gil looks like he is getting ready to draw
his Glock or his training loofah

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    Klubble  over 5 years ago

    Hey, Coach
put the effin’ picture down!

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    twainreader  over 5 years ago

    P-3: Why does Chance have Drum stick stuck down his pants?

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    gzitver  over 5 years ago

    Never mind the psychodrama. What are those things sticking out of the plant (or whatever it is) in P1?

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    hifirick1953  over 5 years ago

    At least we know Chance has been going to the same barber since 2nd grade.

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  15. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  over 5 years ago

    Okay the last panel looks a little like Marshall Dillon in the opening segment for the old b/w GUNSMOKE episodes.

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  16. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  over 5 years ago

    Chance does not have a chance against Matt either.

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  17. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  over 5 years ago

    CJ is right
 lots of pickin’s today. Why do they have a stuffed and mounted porcupine sitting on their living room table?

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    Irish53  over 5 years ago

    P 4: “oh, not much, really,
but I thought that you might want to know what Chet Ballard’s been goin’ around sayin’ about you

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    Irish53  over 5 years ago

    P 2.5: “
especially you two doddering nitwits

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    Irish53  over 5 years ago

    Chance used to be named ‘Jaxon’ until he went to live with his grandparents and changed his name

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    cuttersjock  over 5 years ago

uh oh, let’s be careful what we wish for, dig?

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