Actually it is an almost perfect reflection of the economy of spending your own money on someone else. You have incentive to keep costs down, done! The gift card exactly represents what you are willing to spend on the other person. On the other hand, you have little incentive to get your money’s worth, and the gift card leaves it up to the recipient to make desirable choices for himself.
After seeing today’s “Wizard of ID” (, I thought someone from here was thinking of completing the crossover…
After decades of marriage, one wants to find the perfect gift for a loved on, but they have reached the point where neither person needs or wants anything. One has run out of really interesting choices and is left with either schlock as something to open on the day, or gift cards of the kind that can be used anywhere. It doesn’t mean there is less love, just harder choices.
The only good thing about a gift certificate (or store-specific money card) is if the person shops there regularly anyway… in which case it is valuable. Otherwise, it’s like giving movie tickets to someone who A) May not want to go to the theater and B) Will have to buy their own popcorn.
I know this, as I’m one of those curmudgeon’s who can no longer stand today’s theater experience. “Come spend ludicrous amounts of money, be forced to pre-pick a seat you may not like, deal with other people talking and using cell phones during the movie, endure morons putting their feet up on the back of the seats in front of them (constantly kicking and bumping them in the process), tolerate a baby crying through the most climactic part, miss part of the show when you unexpectedly have to go pee, and feel free to pay ungodly fees for simple popcorn… for a movie you’ll be able to watch in the comfort of your own home in 3 months on Netflix or Redbox.” (Or alternately, buy on BluRay for the price you’d pay attending the theater and buying popcorn.) And if you have a family… take out a loan first. Or forget eating out and popcorn, because the ticket prices alone will suck down at least half a hundred.
Well, that gift card thread took a nasty turn/rant against the movie-going “experience”. Bwaahahahahahahaaa…..
Don’t let anyone tell you cash is tacky. The only people who think that are people who have plenty of cash or that know they will get what they ask for.
I think it would be handy to have a gift certificate for getting a gift certificate the donee would Like to have (I rarely get those)… but I suppose that’s the same as cash, right?
I know I bash my in-laws a lot, but here goes: My mother-in-law does all their bill-paying and banking. At Christmas time, her hubby gets money from her that he puts in a card and gives back to her as her gift. Yet she buys him presents that she tells him are from all of us in case we don’t get him what he likes.
For Gary Larson (The Far Side) fans—As of Tuesday (after a 24 year hiatus), he has new & vintage offerings on his online only website. You can Google it, but I believe it is something like TheFarSide(DOT)com Replace the word DOT with the dot/period symbol.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Not unless that “cash” is a loan at 38% interest…….,
DannyDing1 about 5 years ago
How true about overspending the gift certificate. Marketing scheme.
Watcher about 5 years ago
It’s all about the money. Follow the money and it will lead to Trump.
lbhorton about 5 years ago
Or better yet never redeem it which is what the retailer is really hoping for
mrcooncat about 5 years ago
Well, I’ve already received a ‘gift certificate’ to Pizza Hut … which I’m sure I’ll use over the holidays.
Doug Taylor Premium Member about 5 years ago
Just as long as it’s not a gift certificate for Sears or Toys R Us or …
Auntie Socialist about 5 years ago
Actually it is an almost perfect reflection of the economy of spending your own money on someone else. You have incentive to keep costs down, done! The gift card exactly represents what you are willing to spend on the other person. On the other hand, you have little incentive to get your money’s worth, and the gift card leaves it up to the recipient to make desirable choices for himself.
jagedlo about 5 years ago
After seeing today’s “Wizard of ID” (, I thought someone from here was thinking of completing the crossover…
Michael G. about 5 years ago
“I pledge allegiance to the corporate entities … "
rondm66 about 5 years ago
Miss Money Penny
Spacetech about 5 years ago
Gift cards for everyone..
sandpiper about 5 years ago
After decades of marriage, one wants to find the perfect gift for a loved on, but they have reached the point where neither person needs or wants anything. One has run out of really interesting choices and is left with either schlock as something to open on the day, or gift cards of the kind that can be used anywhere. It doesn’t mean there is less love, just harder choices.
rugeirn about 5 years ago
None of her points have anything to do with whether or not the gift card makes a good gift.
chromosome Premium Member about 5 years ago
She’s probably talking about disorganized people like me, who lose them frequently.
Snoots about 5 years ago
The only good thing about a gift certificate (or store-specific money card) is if the person shops there regularly anyway… in which case it is valuable. Otherwise, it’s like giving movie tickets to someone who A) May not want to go to the theater and B) Will have to buy their own popcorn.
I know this, as I’m one of those curmudgeon’s who can no longer stand today’s theater experience. “Come spend ludicrous amounts of money, be forced to pre-pick a seat you may not like, deal with other people talking and using cell phones during the movie, endure morons putting their feet up on the back of the seats in front of them (constantly kicking and bumping them in the process), tolerate a baby crying through the most climactic part, miss part of the show when you unexpectedly have to go pee, and feel free to pay ungodly fees for simple popcorn… for a movie you’ll be able to watch in the comfort of your own home in 3 months on Netflix or Redbox.” (Or alternately, buy on BluRay for the price you’d pay attending the theater and buying popcorn.) And if you have a family… take out a loan first. Or forget eating out and popcorn, because the ticket prices alone will suck down at least half a hundred.
Well, that gift card thread took a nasty turn/rant against the movie-going “experience”. Bwaahahahahahahaaa…..
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Don’t let anyone tell you cash is tacky. The only people who think that are people who have plenty of cash or that know they will get what they ask for.
BiathlonNut about 5 years ago
Welcome to the curmudgeon’s corner. I feel the same way.
KEA about 5 years ago
I think it would be handy to have a gift certificate for getting a gift certificate the donee would Like to have (I rarely get those)… but I suppose that’s the same as cash, right?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 5 years ago
Unless you can get a gift certificate for $5 which is worth $10 for example.
Lightpainter about 5 years ago
Cash is the best gift certificate, and works in every location.
zeexenon about 5 years ago
Only brand new bills with one edge glued together like a cheap book binding.
Jim Kerner about 5 years ago
At least we know that the fat broad isn’t the Money Honey. Sorry Maria.
paullp Premium Member about 5 years ago
I don’t know a single place that still uses gift certificates. Isn’t everyone using gift cards?
tcayer about 5 years ago
Many NEVER redeem them. Then the state takes the unclaimed funds.
tcayer about 5 years ago
I know I bash my in-laws a lot, but here goes: My mother-in-law does all their bill-paying and banking. At Christmas time, her hubby gets money from her that he puts in a card and gives back to her as her gift. Yet she buys him presents that she tells him are from all of us in case we don’t get him what he likes.
katfromky about 5 years ago
I love receiving gift cards. I have always used them and thank the givers for thinking of me!
charliefarmrhere about 5 years ago
For Gary Larson (The Far Side) fans—As of Tuesday (after a 24 year hiatus), he has new & vintage offerings on his online only website. You can Google it, but I believe it is something like TheFarSide(DOT)com Replace the word DOT with the dot/period symbol.
Nellie Rascal about 5 years ago
It’s my McD give you bigmac when buy a gift certificate