It’s always been my understanding that troops walked on the right side of the road so that their shields would be facing people coming the opposite direction.
The next morning, employees found Dr. Lucas dead on the floor of one of the dental care rooms. He had a single puncture mark on his neck and was drained of all blood.
Dr. Lucas actually got into the Guinness records for this!
Leroy about 5 years ago
So road rage goes way back. Don’t you just hate it when they cut in front of you and then poop on the road?
Templo S.U.D. about 5 years ago
Who still drives on the left in order to draw out their right-handed weapon? (Must’ve been quite the toothache for that German dental patient.)
therese_callahan2002 about 5 years ago
“There you go, Dracula. One less fang.”
derdave969 about 5 years ago
So, in 18th century England they hadn’t invented the plaster garden gnome yet.
J Short about 5 years ago
Fangs a lot, buddy.
CaptainRC about 5 years ago
I’ve heard of getting “long in the tooth,” but that was ridiculous.
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 5 years ago
Is Dr. Max a vet?
mudleg about 5 years ago
Perhaps today’s wealthy estate owners would consider hiring homeless people to live in their gardens.
h.v.greenman about 5 years ago
Yet in jousting, one enters the lists on the right hand side so that your shield arm faces your opponent.
Does that mean that driving on the right, gave rise to road rage?
Nathan Daniels about 5 years ago
Phrase of the week: ”Ornamental Hermit”XD
jvn about 5 years ago
OK, I get the druid-for-hire thing, but did they really have to go unwashed? Is that so guests would stay far away from them?
Bill-Bob about 5 years ago
England, Japan, Australia etc.
Ricky Bennett about 5 years ago
I draw my sword with a pencil…
Bilan about 5 years ago
It’s always been my understanding that troops walked on the right side of the road so that their shields would be facing people coming the opposite direction.
WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago
The next morning, employees found Dr. Lucas dead on the floor of one of the dental care rooms. He had a single puncture mark on his neck and was drained of all blood.
Gent about 5 years ago
So, that’s what the wealthy Brits squandered their wealth on. The wealth they looted from all the colonial territories they ruined and exploited.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member about 5 years ago
The ornamental hermits were eventually replaced by ceramic garden gnomes.
stamps about 5 years ago
And the hermits would provide free fertilizer for the gardens.
Nick Danger about 5 years ago
So where in the Druidic traditions is it held that you should not wash or cut your nails?
David Peters about 5 years ago
US drive-by shootings are mostly from the passenger seat. There are still many countries that drive on the left, look it up.
craigwestlake about 5 years ago
In many American cities we have Ornamental Winos…
ScottHolman about 5 years ago
a 1.4 inch tooth? That’s nothing!
Tossle Premium Member about 5 years ago
Driving on the left side still is the norm.
finnygirl Premium Member about 5 years ago
Dr. Lucas actually got into the Guinness records for this!