Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for January 12, 2020

  1. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 5 years ago

    Bad guys rob. Sad victims sob

    Except one fine cashier.

    So polite, she gets it right

    Her cash she may keep near.

    “Thank you very much,” says she

    Roboto has to smile

    There’s more to life than money

    And yet all the while

    Mind’s eye returns: Futura burns

    A vision he can’t shake.

    Look to see a true beauty

    All do a double-take.

    On the stage she’s all the rage

    Chimera is a star.

    Playhouse known as Patterson

    Shall take our Mysta far.

    Abducted, she was kept, not free

    Surgeries and more.

    Yet DNA having its way

    Chimera we adore.

    Costumed allure. The star demure

    Mysta bold yet shy.

    To Honeymoon a mentor

    For her she’ll do and die.

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  2. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 5 years ago

    Good morning™, polite victims!

    Domo arigato just had to come in this story at some point.

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  3. Tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    HarryCK  about 5 years ago

    Good morning™, uncommonly kind crooks !

    That action just blew my lid right off. You almost like the guy.

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  4. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  about 5 years ago

    This reminds me – oddly – of an episode of the short-lived Donal Logue-led TV series “The Knights of Prosperity,” where his character decided not to make a mark of talk show host Kelly Ripa, ‘cause she was too nice. ✨❤️✨

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  5. 965ccac6 e3b6 443f 8b1c 1f64a9e49f2d
    Counterpoint  about 5 years ago

    This is a bizarre turn of events – a hard core armed robber gone soft over a simple courtesy apology – don’t know what to make of this guy…

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  6. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Oh, he’s an interesting one.

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  7. Missing large
    fredville  about 5 years ago

    Seeing as the album kinda bombed; a huge letdown from Paradise Theater, kind of surprising anyone would want to associate themselves with it to the degree roboto does…..

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  8. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 5 years ago

    Now who is this Domo Arigato and why is saying his name considered polite?

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  9. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 5 years ago

    I’m sorry, this is great!

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  10. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    She knows him?

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    Knightman Premium Member about 5 years ago

    You can almost hear the music when she said that huh!!!

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  12. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  about 5 years ago


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  13. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  about 5 years ago

    as an aside, and you can google this, my great uncle Jim, who died when I was young, worked in the shipyards in MA during WWII, and created the “Kilroy was here” phrase as he was counting and checking the boxes being shipped to the troops (and just the phrase – the odd drawing was added later, by I don’t know who)…my grandmother was a Kilroy and he was her brother, and she was one of 13 children, and told me when I was young that Uncle Jim wrote their brother Joe back in England he started doing the same thing, as he was also working in a shipyard over there during the war, now there is no mention of that on google, however… oh my grandma and Uncle Jim came to the USA around 1930, as my mom was about 3 when they emigrated here, she is 93 now (my mom)…am I due royalties from the album?

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  14. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  about 5 years ago

    Okay – they’ve used the phrase! Mark the date, and notify the winner of the pool…

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  15. Sine1
    frequency270  about 5 years ago

    I’m beginning to suspect that Mr. Roboto mask is a way to get around of drawing what would otherwise be considered racist art on a human face.

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  16. Smallwolfface
    Dean  about 5 years ago

    Many here were hoping to see the correct Sunday colors of Mysta’s costume, as there was doubt that the daily gocomics colorist was correct about her shoulders being gold not flesh. Perhaps next week.

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  17. Missing large
    rudym300  about 5 years ago

    Loretta Lynch wasn’t a good AG.

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  18. My birthday 064
    amysatinpants  about 5 years ago

    Have you never heard the song?

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  19. Unnamed
    Another Take  about 5 years ago


    2-MAYBERRY’S POSTAL CLERK: It’s not Halloween and we don’t have any candy anyway…

    3-…but your costume is very well done!

    4-KABUKI: Another strike out boys. Sorry. I thought we’d have better luck in some hick town in North Carolina. They’re smarter than I thought…

    5-…HANG ON! Where can we find some of the stupidest people on earth who give handouts by the truck load? WASHINGTON D.C. HERE WE COME!!!

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  20. Tarzan
    David53  about 5 years ago

    from the urban dictionary: domo arigato, mr. robotoLiterally meaning “Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto”, it is usually spoken when someone performs “The Robot”, a famous body-poppin’ move.“I just did ‘The Robot’!”“Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto!”

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  21. Brainygrrrl avatar
    L Silverman  about 5 years ago

    The City is experiencing a very snowy winter! Brrrr!

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  22. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 5 years ago

    Blackjack reboot?

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  23. Avatar
    22ph  about 5 years ago

    Off topic…. but here’s what happened at my side of the world this Sunday afternoon (morning for almost all of you)


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    jackovich  about 5 years ago

    domo arigato is Japanese for thank you!

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  25. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  about 5 years ago

    Given time it will all come out….the reason behind today’s strip. Odds are that Mr. Roboto will be attending the play being presented by Vitamin Flinthart. Dots haven’t been connected yet but they will. Now if Staton and Curtis can take a page from Chester Gould and maintain this story line up to the Spring, then they’ll be cooking with gas as opposed to sterno cans with last year’s short episodes interrupted by Minit Mysteries. The novelty on mysteries has worn out its welcome. Hopefully they’ll be retired along with the cameo appearances of other comic strip characters. Forward ever…backwards never.

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  26. Tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    HarryCK  about 5 years ago

    A sad sad day has fallen….


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  27. Bakuman kato
    Tarry Plaguer  about 5 years ago

    About the phrase “Doumo arigatou”. The rock band Styx didn’t quite get it right in their translation. The lyrics use “Thank you very much” which is close, but not quite accurate since it is missing a key Japanese word, “gozaimasu”. It should be “Doumo arigatou gozaimasu”. Doumo arigatou is closer to “Thanks a lot”. You can find a breakdown at this site here:


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  28. Missing large
    Ken in Ohio  about 5 years ago

    I wanted to read all the comments first to be sure this question hadn’t already been asked and answered: In the top “throw-away” panel, who is the silhouette of the person with hair sticking out every which way from under his (or her) hat? It certainly does not appear to be any of the principal characters in the rest of today’s strip – not the girl behind the counter, nor either of the henchmen, and certainly not the Mr. Roboto character.

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  29. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 5 years ago

    Very pretty cashier, and polite. Very weird Mr. Roboto, and polite. Roboto is a “spur of the moment” unpredictable guy, and his henchman, Charlie Johnson, and Thug #2 may find working for him increasingly frustrating. Not every armed robbery is so easily thwarted!

    Mr. Roboto’s fickleness may play into his eventual downfall….

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  30. Images
    BreathlessMahoney77  about 5 years ago

    Boy, speaking in code aimed at followers of 1980s pop culture is a sure fire way to grow the popularity of the strip.

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  31. Index
    GoComicsGo!  about 5 years ago

    Wow. What’s going on with GC? A sunday comic on a southern hemisphere sunday, usually I have to wait until 4pm AEDT on monday for it. – Forgot to comment yesterday.

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  32. Index
    GoComicsGo!  about 5 years ago

    Why does this sound like a tv or movie sketch that I remember?

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  33. Bill murray drink
    Eric S   about 5 years ago


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