Pickles by Brian Crane for June 05, 2020

  1. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  almost 5 years ago

    Just take the load onto your broad shoulders Earl, and maybe later you can be hog butcher of the kitchen and slice yourself a nice ham sandwich.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 5 years ago

    daughter Sylvia (Nelsonā€™s mother) and/or sister Pearl must be busy with their own errands

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  3. Gocomicsluna2
    Leojim  almost 5 years ago
    I guess he forgot to read the fine print when he got married ;-) wink
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  4. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  almost 5 years ago

    Brian, you make an excellent point here. Now, if my wife shouted at me that she needed me to come to the yarn store with her, Iā€™d be there in a shot and we might spend 1) all day and 2) a weekā€™s pay.

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  5. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  almost 5 years ago

    Sandburg had excellent advice!

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    Daniel Verburg  almost 5 years ago

    Who remembers Carl Sandburg ?

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    krisannr.thompson  almost 5 years ago

    I love Pickles bc it reminds me of the days when families prayed together, stayed together and were the strongest roots in our communities.

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    whenlifewassimpler  almost 5 years ago

    Just tell her you are with your grandson so you canā€™t go today, that you and your grandson are busy right now.

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    jagedlo  almost 5 years ago

    It looks like that Opalā€™s in charge of Earlā€™s coinā€¦

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    Breadboard  almost 5 years ago

    But Opal : Charlie/ Earl does not surf/Fabric !

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    ForrestOverin  almost 5 years ago

    Not ā€˜robbedā€™, kidnapped. Maybe accosted.

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    ole biker  almost 5 years ago

    I want to know why any wife Opals age would even want her husband to go to a fabric store.

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    Deezlebird  almost 5 years ago

    Why on earth would Opal want Earl to go to the fabric store with her? Does she go to the hardware store with him? I will never, ever, understand some womenā€”and Iā€™m a woman.

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    1953Baby  almost 5 years ago

    Why DO husbands go the fabric stores with their wives????

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    timzsixty9  almost 5 years ago

    my spouse seems to spend a LOT of MY timeā€¦.maybe itā€™s TIME to put a stop to it!

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    anomalous4  almost 5 years ago

    My stepdad (RIP) loved to go shopping. The only store he wouldnā€™t go into with mom was the fabric store! Heā€™d take a book & sit in the car.

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    nyscotsman1  almost 5 years ago

    I do! Sorry you donā€™t have anything in common with Earl and me!!

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    Queen of America Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Why does he NEED to go? We know Opan can drive herself around. My husband goes to the fabric and quilt shop with me when I donā€™t want to drive. The ladies at the quilt shop love him; he finds fabric (he knows all of the sections), he puts bolts away for them, etc. Or, sometimes he just sits behind one of the cutting counters and talks to people. Heā€™s great at finding fabric for me with cats on it.

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    johnnydoc5  almost 5 years ago

    If she had let him watch his baseball game, I think he would be more inclined to go with her without complaining.

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    Zebrastripes  almost 5 years ago

    Love that he sits on the arm of the couch with his tiny socksā€¦.listening to Earl ramble about money, or somethingā€¦..Opal comes along and breaks the moodā€¦.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 5 years ago

    ā€œā€¦for example: . . . "

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    somebody stole my stem  almost 5 years ago


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    Zykoic  almost 5 years ago

    Bring a book and stay in the car with the dog.

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    Concretionist  almost 5 years ago

    Iā€™ve concluded that at my age, the coin has pretty small value. I donā€™t really wantā€‰ to ā€œgo to the fabric store with herā€ but I do enjoy her company enough to make the trip tolerable. Though I do require a book for when sheā€™s pondering whatever-is-ponderable about which (fabric).

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    Natarose  almost 5 years ago

    Why does he need to go to the fabric store with here??? I know she can drive.

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    Lightpainter  almost 5 years ago

    Maybe Opal needs to hang various fabrics on Earl to decide what to buy.

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