Endtown by Aaron Neathery for June 11, 2020

  1. Pictures 087
    Baarorso  over 4 years ago

    I love the look on Wally’s face. Of course he knows more about “Cardoodles” than anyone else (with the exception of Duffy of course).

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 4 years ago

    The word Grex has appeared before, but I remember not when and where.

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    alikgator  over 4 years ago

    Oh wow!

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    Nemo Aliqui  over 4 years ago

    So there’s an Earth where cartoon critters started changing into humans?Also, if what she says is true, how do the transformations into hideous monsters figure into this? Or are those from yet another reality? And I suppose our hybrid friend with the detachable fish head has been long forgotten.

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    boydpercy Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Let’s see said the blind man! Now it’s clear as mud.

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  6. Idano
    Ida No  over 4 years ago

    That’s just Looney! Topsider, Looney!

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  7. Tuasuf
    Feli  over 4 years ago

    How could you?! You monster! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cnF3zydWOI

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    WorldFusionRadio.com  over 4 years ago

    A lunatic Earth populated by toothbrushes
 now there’s a spinoff comic strip!

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    crookedwolf Premium Member over 4 years ago

    When realities collide?!

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    Mighty Phavahg  over 4 years ago

    I’m voting Cardoodles this year! I’m a Never-Toothbrusher! I feel sorry for the ignorant bastards that vote Toothbrush!

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  11. Valentinekitten
    Kyneris Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Took the good Doctor long enough to figure out what’s going on, and she needed the “cheat sheet” newspaper to do so. :)

    What we (and probably she) still don’t know is why these “bleed-overs” or merges or collisions between universes are happening. Kirbee, Chic and Irving are currently trapped in a collapsing bubble, with another world or worlds forcing it out of existence. This may be similar to what happened here. This particular merger looks to be complete; we’re not seeing any fluctuations in reality though we can pity the fate of the poor people living out the rest of their existence as toothbrushes.

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    Vet Premium Member over 4 years ago

    This is a result of the Free Energy experiment. Small energy draining plugs to bring free energy to all. Instead it opened the flood gates causing realities to bleed into other realities. This caused each reality to be “infected” resulting in these new realities. Like Doc said in a way the reality has to equalize, achieve a balance. Endtown became mixed with Cardoodles and Humans like Al. This place was humans and toothbrushes realities combined but with the binding resulting in a tormented monster. They can’t help here
.this place is lost, eventually consumed by the great collapse that is coming. They have to move on
..for the greater good.

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    Strider Keninginne Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Is it me, or does Aaron Marx got some serious ’splaining to do? Maybe by all his dimension hopping, Marx has left some holes in the multi-verses and things start overlapping each other and getting mixed together with disastrous results.

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  14. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  over 4 years ago

    Don’t ask what happened to Gingerbread Universe. Let your dreams remain dreams and don’t ask about how those Gingerbread People died in horrible, delicious agony.

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    ViscountNik  over 4 years ago

 if a Topsider falls asleep here and the suit gets punctured – they turn into a toothbrush? What version of a monstrosity happens here if they are awake when it happens? A large, rampaging decayed tooth?

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Is this the big reveal?

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    zorro456  over 4 years ago

    Toontown is better!

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  18. Clem
    Brinbrin  over 4 years ago

    Wow, that’s a piece of explanation. No mutagenic virus, but pairing with alternate realities

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  19. Sulky chatin
    cwg  over 4 years ago

    Ha! Different realities collide, bet a doughnut she’s not from Wally’s reality.

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  20. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  over 4 years ago

    If this has nothing to do with a virus or pathogen, and is alternate realities overlapping and transmuting, how is docs bio-suit protecting her?

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    BlimmoD.Clown  over 4 years ago

    One of the more interesting aspects of the mutation/infection/whatever is that it alters the perception of the user. Caradoodles was seemingly a household thing in pre-apocalypse if I am reading this correct. The first thing the mutation does is not only erase the memory they existed in the host but goes a step further and outright makes Caradoodles associated objects vanish entirely from sensory perception? That’s what it seems to be getting at. Kind of phonetically similar to the Cave Allegory. The Mutants walk around with enormous blind spots and this via the ‘infection’ is retconned into their perceived reality ‘where things have always kind of been this way’.

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    diverleo  over 4 years ago

    “Looney Toons” have made it into the future. How cool is that?

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  23. Newnatequarter
    Isaac Chen  over 4 years ago

    Hmm, that still leaves the question why in the Endtown universe you turn into a horrible deformed mutant when you’re awake for the transformation and an anthro mutant only when asleep.

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    gigagrouch  over 4 years ago

    The Good Doctor should say rather “OUR multiuniverse brethren.”

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    Cheapskate0  over 4 years ago

    One, if we are to know this much now, how close are we to the end of the story of Endtown?

    Two, how convenient that the newspaper was in English, so the topsider could put it all together.

    Three, why are the toothbrushes relatively peaceful today when last episode, they appeared to be ready to attack Wally?

    Four, as someone mentioned above, apparently, topsider bio-suits have nothing to do with protecting against viruses – and the topsiders knew this all along. If so, then why their historic hostility toward mutants?

    My conclusion is, somehow, this entire alternate reality that Aaron has woven for us is coming apart at the seams!

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    Diat60  over 4 years ago

    I understand the concept of overlapping realities, but am trying to understand the town of Endtown itself. If you recall, it was constructed and ready for habitation long before the realities collided. Was it simply a bomb shelter from the radiation? I hope we’ll go back one of these days.

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    bedd022  over 4 years ago

    Ya just gotta break it to ’em gently.

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  28. Thunk
    maark30  over 4 years ago

    This actually fits a concept of the multiverse were the bubble of 2 universes touch each other in the inter-dimensional bulk and transfer some material. This also answers why the ship said that there was no mutation. The universe changed and they are the outcome of that.

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  29. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 4 years ago

    ouch!she doesn’t hold back

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  30. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 4 years ago


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