In this neck of the woods… he would have planted three different kinds of plants to ‘beautify’ his view. And in protest… the people being curtained off… would have “watered” those plants.
Fink’s nose tumor may be out of control, but he hasn’t changed at all since the time the Duke ran in screaming “The peasants are revolting!” and Fink said, Yes, they certainly are.
That’s Buttercup to a T. Any responsibility he walls off. Any criticism brings out his twitterpated side. Any accurate reportage of his gaffs, he calls false news In any x-word puzzle the 6 letter answer to loser is TRUMP
Years ago visiting Las Vegas we took a scenic bus tour of point of interests, one place was of Wayne Newton’s estate: The perimeter is surrounded by a high brick wall w/ tall trees planted on the inside blocking out any street view into the estate; the house is dead center in the middle. (So of course he doesn’t see anything of outside world; but those lovely trees and shrubbery blocking it’s view) and the front gates are massive and very ornate …so no peeking through the steel bars.
He’s not the sort of despotic figure I thought he’d be. I anticipated his ordering Rodney to build a wall and rely on the impoverished South Side pay for it.
even in ID the leader is fine with destroying the past so the population can be dragged into total chaos. Socialism here we come. The useful idiots are already being used by the elites to erase history. When they are not in their parents basement free loading.
I Mad Am I over 4 years ago
In this neck of the woods… he would have planted three different kinds of plants to ‘beautify’ his view. And in protest… the people being curtained off… would have “watered” those plants.
Need coffee over 4 years ago
Fink’s nose tumor may be out of control, but he hasn’t changed at all since the time the Duke ran in screaming “The peasants are revolting!” and Fink said, Yes, they certainly are.
eromlig over 4 years ago
Potentate: Our favorite sport in my country is bullfighting.Tourist: That’s revolting!Potentate: No, that’s our second-favorite sport.
B UTTONS over 4 years ago
Time to visit Frank and Ernest – they set up a Brick & Motar retail outlet
A Common 'tator over 4 years ago
I thought he was going to make some comment about the north side needing to be mired too…
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 4 years ago
Out of sight, out of mind. This is why many need to be seen.
(It’s a mind thing; you wouldn’t understand.)
[just joking]
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
What you can’t see, can’t hurt you?
cdward over 4 years ago
It is certainly easy to ignore the poor when you walk yourself off from them.
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
Ignoring the problem is action, huh? I guess when it doesn’t affect you directly… )-:
David Illig Premium Member over 4 years ago
King Trump. Can’t deal with problems that can’t be lied away. COVID-19, e.g.
sandpiper over 4 years ago
That’s Buttercup to a T. Any responsibility he walls off. Any criticism brings out his twitterpated side. Any accurate reportage of his gaffs, he calls false news In any x-word puzzle the 6 letter answer to loser is TRUMP
flemmingo over 4 years ago
Looking south doesn’t refer to southern states or Confederate!
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Hear no poverty, speak no poverty, see no poverty….
hooglah over 4 years ago
Now that is an Obama presidency there.
andersjg Premium Member over 4 years ago
Blame the previous administration. Blame anybody!
BiathlonNut over 4 years ago
Sounds like some of the rich west coast politicians that do not want housing for the homeless built in their neighborhoods.
Holilubillkori Premium Member over 4 years ago
Years ago visiting Las Vegas we took a scenic bus tour of point of interests, one place was of Wayne Newton’s estate: The perimeter is surrounded by a high brick wall w/ tall trees planted on the inside blocking out any street view into the estate; the house is dead center in the middle. (So of course he doesn’t see anything of outside world; but those lovely trees and shrubbery blocking it’s view) and the front gates are massive and very ornate …so no peeking through the steel bars.
rzander906 over 4 years ago
now i know the ancestry of king trump
geese28 over 4 years ago
Reminds me of what hitler did when he saw some of his own soldiers starving on another train car while he dined on fine food. He drew the curtains
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Definitely the cheapest option.
paranormal over 4 years ago
Sounds like someone else I ‘know’…
cocavan11 over 4 years ago
He’s not the sort of despotic figure I thought he’d be. I anticipated his ordering Rodney to build a wall and rely on the impoverished South Side pay for it.
[Unnamed Reader - c91c61] over 4 years ago
The King must be a Republican. Out of sight, out of your mind.
Spacetech over 4 years ago
Id that then a wall?
gammaguy over 4 years ago
Since the poor are unable to pay taxes, I expected him to try to sell “the entire south side” to the Kingdom of Ego.
brklnbern over 4 years ago
Must live in Chicago, not Id.
KevDoneIt over 4 years ago
even in ID the leader is fine with destroying the past so the population can be dragged into total chaos. Socialism here we come. The useful idiots are already being used by the elites to erase history. When they are not in their parents basement free loading.
the daily comic reader 10 months ago
so true!