Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 22, 2011
Donald Trump: Sarah's an incredible pick to head up my investigation. Unbelievable incredible! And she will get to the bottom of the $2 million that Obama spent hiding the truth about his birth! Sarah Palin: Plus you got that fishiness there that's goin' on with the grandmother! Trump: See! Is this lady sharp? Unbelievable! Palin: Well, with the Donald resoucin' me, I... Trump: And she's hot! If I weren't married, I'd absolutely be dating her!
rayannina almost 14 years ago
Unbelievably incredible? Or just incredibly un-believable? You decide.
dougdash almost 14 years ago
I guess that you have to be a lefty loony to laugh at this lunacy. Maybe Gary needs a bigger dose of reality?
pouncingtiger almost 14 years ago
Didn’t we see something like this before with John McCain three years ago?
Ravenswing almost 14 years ago
Who’s “laughing,” Dash? This is the garbage Trump and the “birther” cementheads are saying.
Not that they’re saying it about Mitt Romney, who hasn’t shown HIS birth certificate either (and Michigan has the same laws about that Hawaii does), but no one ever claimed that Republicans had a limit to their lying hypocrisy.
remiles51 almost 14 years ago
He would be dating her if he wasn’t marred? When has marriage meant anything to a politician?
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 14 years ago
We’ll never know the degree to which the Mormon thing would alienate voters, since the RomneyCare thing alienates the same folks and then some.
I would love to have seen Romney give a speech like this to an evangelical crowd, to see what reaction it would have brought: “We have a pretty serious disagreement. You say we’re not Christian, we say you’re not Christian. Can’t ever agree on that issue since we don’t follow the same Jesus. The Mormon and Trinitarian definitions are mutually exclusive. Jesus can’t be both a created being and God Incarnate. (And Joseph Smith did say yours and your Catholic friends’ religions had fallen into apostasy - that’s not exactly the sort of thing one says about folks one regards as fellow Christians.) So why should you vote for me? Our religious disagreement is irrelevant to any decision I would ever make as President or so much as a county clerk. The reason you should vote for me is because we share the religious creed against theft. My fellow Americans, you must vote for the candidate who will steal the least from you, and I am that man.”
(Disclaimer: I do not endorse the claim that Romney would steal the least from the voters. naturally Romney believes it about himself.)
On another note, this guy should be Trump’s third-party running mate:
What am I saying? That guy would never play second banana to anyone. Charlie Sheen looks downright humble by comparison.
jnik23260 almost 14 years ago
No one seemed concerned in 1968 that Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, ran for Prez even though he was born in MEXICO!
pbarnrob almost 14 years ago
Step 1: Educate ‘em so badly that they can’t balance their own checkbooks.
Step 2: Lie to ‘em five ways from Sunday; they won’t notice.
Step 3: Steal ‘em blind; they won’t notice (see Step 1).
Step 4: Set up a good redoubt for the revolution, somewhere remote and safe, and defendable; you’re gonna need it!
roctor almost 14 years ago
He would NEWT her only in the most patriotic way. Romney could’nt get elected to county clerk?
Manhunter808 almost 14 years ago
Fairportfan2: When has marriage meant anything to a politician?
Especially a Republican.
Think “JFK” (“When has marriage meant anything to a politician?
Especially a Democrat.”)
Manhunter808 almost 14 years ago
Fairportfan2: When has marriage meant anything to a politician?
Especially a Republican.
Thank “Bill Clinton” (When has marriage meant anything to a politician?
Especially a Democrat.”
Nemesys almost 14 years ago
Bill, I think it’s Garry and his lemmings who are in need of a little psychoanalysis this morning. Methinks GT is living vicariously though the Donald today, and that’s the scariest thought I’ve had all week.
Again, I wish you bliss.
Ensoh almost 14 years ago
@ Doug Dash, re: “I guess that you have to be a lefty loony to laugh at this lunacy. Maybe Gary needs a bigger dose of reality?”
Sure, bro: ‘Cause anybody who doesn’t share your exact views is obviously crazy and unAmerican, right? That’s what we’re fighting for all over the world?
Ensoh almost 14 years ago
Speaking of Christianity, that’s ONE birth certificate I’d LOVE to see!
Guess He got grandfathered (or “Our Fathered”) in, though.
Potrzebie almost 14 years ago
Does anyone think that the GILF wears a hairpiece too?
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Don’t turn your back on Mitt just because of religion. Remember the GOP nominated a Quaker who got us out of Vietnam.
Yukoneric almost 14 years ago
Haiti ain’t lookin’ too bad as a place to live if some of these circus employees get theyselves ‘lected……………
Yukoneric almost 14 years ago
Shoot, hablo bueno ‘nuff, I’d even go to Venezuela donde gasolina es solamente 12 cents per gallon………
Nemesys almost 14 years ago
Potrzebie, maybe, but I doubt it. Sean Parnell’s hair seems very natural.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Politicians don’t corner the market on cheating on their spouses. They just get more publicity. As Paul Newman’s character said at the end of “Absence of Malice”:
It’s NEWS , isn’t it?
puddleglum1066 almost 14 years ago
Lew: Ah, Tricky Dick… I remember him running in ‘68 on the platform that he had a “secret plan” to end the Vietnam war. Instead, he escalated the war and prolonged it for five more years, squandering 20,000 or more American (and countless Vietnamese) lives on the fig leaf of “Vietnamization.” In the end, he did what he could have done six months after taking office: pulled out the US troops and let the Vietnamese decide their future. Far as I’m concerned, that’s a much bigger crime than Watergate.
BTW… notice any similarities with a more recent president who ran as a “peace” candidate and then escalated and prolonged a pointless quagmire. Not naming any names, of course…
MisngNOLA almost 14 years ago
So billdog, who DID get us out of Vietnam? lew never said he did it the right way, just that he did it.
WaitingMan almost 14 years ago
Isn’t it Republican Senator Ensign resigning due to his sex scandal? Why do all the birthers conveniently forget to mention that President Obama’s grandfather on his mother’s side was a WWII hero? Doesn’t quite fit in with their narrative. Re Sarah Palin: Hot and stupid, the perfect Trump woman.
Nemesys almost 14 years ago
Billdog is up to his usual hateful, lying propaganda today. Tricky Dick the Quaker did indeed get us out of Vietnam after his Congress cut his funding. It was either run away or get killed or captured. Dick made the only choice, but not a Quakers choice. Elevating the scope of the carpet bombing before his checkbook got taken away wasn’t exactly part of the Quaker code.
I’m not sure that this story line is “imaginative”. GT simply took 2 people he hates and lumped them together to make his usual audience happy. That’s intellectual laziness, not imagination. The Donald doesn’t pass muster to earn the Tea Party vote.
Dirty Dragon almost 14 years ago
“Sen. John Ensign (D-NV) Resigns” chyron pops up on FOX ‘News’ Channel in 3.. 2.. 1…
diggitt almost 14 years ago
Goodness, there’s a huge amount of rancor here today. On anyone’s part, where’s the reality?
dakota_jones almost 14 years ago
Sarah Palin hot? I think I threw up in my mouth!
John Keith Premium Member almost 14 years ago
I just read how the Democratic pary is going to be pouring money into the Trump campaign fund to make double sure Obama gets re elected
Carolo1 almost 14 years ago
John Ensing is repub, big family values guy
gslusher almost 14 years ago
Quick quiz: One presidential candidate in 2008 definitely was NOT born in the US. Which one?
John McCain, who was born in the Canal Zone, which, at the time, was leased by the US. Congress passed a special bill declaring McCain a “natural-born citizen.”
MisngNOLA almost 14 years ago
Ensign should have hauled down his ensign when this story originally broke. People like him are the reason I can’t vote Republican any easier than I can vote Democrat. I spend a long time these days looking over any electoral candidates before I decide whether or not to vote for any of them.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Trump dating Sarah Palin? Once his current wife passes her expiry date I could see the Donald making a play for Bristol, but not Sarah…
yuggib almost 14 years ago
gslusher said, about 7 hours ago
“Quick quiz: One presidential candidate in 2008 definitely was NOT born in the US. Which one?
….John McCain, who was born in the Canal Zone, which, at the time, was leased by the US. Congress passed a special bill declaring McCain a “natural-born citizen.”
gslusher, do you have proof of what you say about Congress passing a “special bill” on McCain? I’m (retired) career military with a child born while I was stationed in Germany. McCain’s Dad, an Admiral, was stationed in the CZ. ANY child born to American parents while in the service of the US Government is considered a “Natural Born” citizen, and it takes no further acts of Congress to validate that. As I said a couple of days ago, Mitt’s Dad, George Romney was born in Mexico, where his parents had either a) fled due to religious persecution or b) were Missionaries. The US Supreme Court stepped in on that argument in the 67-68 primary season when George was running against Nixon for the right to run for the office. They reaffirmed that he was “natural born” a US Citizen.
Too bad my idiot ex (and mother to the child born in Germany) would not take the US State Department’s word for that. She got told she was “nuts” when she went to INS with the German birth Certificate and the attached Stated Department declaration on it, in order to “register” our child and get her a green card. Aw, what the heck did I expect out of a functionally illiterate East Texan?
yuggib almost 14 years ago
Lewreader, Puddlegum, et al,
Nixon’s Mom was a Quaker, but I never have heard of him expressing his belief in Quakerism. Served in Vietnam when he was Prez, and must say that he never did tell us in 68 what his “secret plan” was to get us out of there. And, although I do not praise the Nixon Presidency, I will say not to blame Tricky for Vietnam. Blame it on Kennedy, who sent us there in the first place, and Johnson who decided that two sampans attacking the Destroyer Maddox was “aggression” on the part of the North Vietnamese and made me one of the over 500,000 in RVN in 69.
Finally, if you think that the US military can “just pack up and leave” anywhere at the drop of a hat, or “in 6 months,” you know nothing of logistics. It can be done if the US is willing to sacrifice a lot of expensive equipment. Look at the timeline to leave Iraq, sensible, (Not “Peace with Honor” a la Vietnam and Tricky) and do some figuring of your taxpayer dollars first.
corzak almost 14 years ago
yuggib, if ANY of those “birth subtleties” that you describe, applied to Obama, we would NEVER hear the end of it from the frickin birther morons.
We can’t even explain a legal birth - in the United States - with a court-recognized birth certificate - to these poor brainless bigots.
jeanne1212 almost 14 years ago
…but would she date ~~ him?
Oh, yes.. btw ~~ I can’t run for prexy either – Army Brat I signed my own “delayed certificate of birth” for my Allotment when My Dad was called to active duty WW|| Pacific Theatre. – Heck I don’t know if I can even get a Passport! Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Palin – the perfect good Christian hottie.