Spouse and I prefer not to be the place that spiders hang out, but we do help them out of the sink if they get stuck there, and if they insist on walking around where they’re likely to get stepped on, we take them outside.
I was once stretched out in the middle of the living-room floor watching TV and noticed a tiny spider descending from the ceiling on a freshly-spun filament of webstuff. I got up, pinched off the silk about six inches above the spider, and carried her carefully to a less obtrusive corner to continue making her web.
On the way across the room, I had to reel in about four feet of additional silk because she was still producing it the whole way.
My wife and I have a “spider jar” i.e an old pickle jar, easy to get spiders and other undesirables out of the house and into the great realm of nature!
Cold, Earl, really cold ! I tend to let spiders in the Apt. Be Unless the wife points it out ( loudly) after all there only looking for warmth and water.
Speaking of spiders…how about that fly that sat on mike dense’ head?
Little guy must have a tough stomach, to last for 2 whole minutes.
And we all know what attracted it.
“What’s that smell in this room? Didn’t you notice it, Brick? Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room? There ain’t nothin’ more powerful than the odor of mendacity. You can smell it. It smells like death."
allen@home over 4 years ago
Earl that was a naughty trick you pulled on Opal. I also don’t believe you’ll be getting a sandwich. Not one that you can eat anyway.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
Earl, you nitwit
Concretionist over 4 years ago
Spouse and I prefer not to be the place that spiders hang out, but we do help them out of the sink if they get stuck there, and if they insist on walking around where they’re likely to get stepped on, we take them outside.
hammytech over 4 years ago
when Winter hits, they’re drawn inside. I’ve found several chilling… but not for long… squish
WaywardWind over 4 years ago
Careful, Grandpa. You remember what they say about payback?
Rodeo Boy over 4 years ago
Now would be a good time for you and Opal to watch the movie Arachnohobia. :-)
dadoctah over 4 years ago
I was once stretched out in the middle of the living-room floor watching TV and noticed a tiny spider descending from the ceiling on a freshly-spun filament of webstuff. I got up, pinched off the silk about six inches above the spider, and carried her carefully to a less obtrusive corner to continue making her web.
On the way across the room, I had to reel in about four feet of additional silk because she was still producing it the whole way.
stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago
I think the spider is at the end of Crane’s signature.
iggyman over 4 years ago
Such empathy Earl!
iggyman over 4 years ago
If I was here you would get a Knuckle Sandwich!
Charliegirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
Earl looks like a pumpkin.
Sanspareil over 4 years ago
My wife and I have a “spider jar” i.e an old pickle jar, easy to get spiders and other undesirables out of the house and into the great realm of nature!
scote1379 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Cold, Earl, really cold ! I tend to let spiders in the Apt. Be Unless the wife points it out ( loudly) after all there only looking for warmth and water.
pekelopan Premium Member over 4 years ago
Pretty good move, EarlLet’s see how it works and what you get for your ploy.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
Earl was it a spider or did you forget to clean your glasses again ;-)
jagedlo over 4 years ago
Was there really a spider, Earl or was this a trick to get Opal to get and make you a sandwich?
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
Not cool, Earl. I admit he has a lot of nerve asking for a sandwich after that one!
Grace Premium Member over 4 years ago
The longer I’m married, the more I “get” this comic :)
Redd Panda over 4 years ago
Speaking of spiders…how about that fly that sat on mike dense’ head?
Little guy must have a tough stomach, to last for 2 whole minutes.
And we all know what attracted it.
“What’s that smell in this room? Didn’t you notice it, Brick? Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room? There ain’t nothin’ more powerful than the odor of mendacity. You can smell it. It smells like death."
“Cat on a hot tin roof” Tennessee Williams.
J Short over 4 years ago
Never waste and good opportunity to get a sandwich.
Dkram over 4 years ago
She might fix his wagon.
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
Would you care for some mustard on your tarantula sandwich, Earl?
cubswin2016 over 4 years ago
Along came a spider and sat down beside her and frightened Opal away.
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
OMG….Opals revenge is coming shortly…..wait for it …..
The Reader Premium Member over 4 years ago
Since you’re making sandwiches, could you make me one too?
kab2rb over 4 years ago
Earl shame on you for that mean trick.
l3i7l over 4 years ago
Where’s Muffin? It was usually my cat that pointed out spiders.
corpcasselbury over 4 years ago
I would never do that to my wife.
Linguist over 4 years ago
All I can say is … Sneaky!!!
Ratkin Premium Member over 4 years ago
Pence could have used that spider last night.
zeexenon over 4 years ago
’Saw a YouTube yesterday of a dog growling and barking at a spider on the wall. I believe a cat would have figured out how to get up there and eat it.
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
Could you wait until he finishes her heart attack.
kathleenhicks62 over 4 years ago
Make a jam sandwich-two pieces of bread jammed together & then thrown at his head.
Homerville Premium Member over 4 years ago
Earl, that only works once.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
Sounds like someone is bucking for a “spider sandwich”.
Dan Tooker over 4 years ago
Does Cathy get a royalty for the use of AACK?
hdmc over 4 years ago
The scream sandwich is on the way!
kf6rro over 4 years ago
That was the plan the whole time. Except now she’ll wait until he is eating the sandwich and the tell him that she put the spider in it.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
Keep it up, Earl. I’m taking lots of notes!!!
kmccjoe1 over 4 years ago
Was it Boris?
graham.barbara39 over 4 years ago
Earl is a rascal.