I live on a flight path of a local airport. I have a big field on part of my property, and I’ve been so tempted to use fertilizer to write a small message.
Couple of my kin have been jet pilots, one AF, one Navy. AF went on to become a pilot for airlines. I’m assured that they really do NOT look at the ground unless they’re landing, or occasionally, threading a needle upon takeoff. Even when targeting ground installations, I’m told, they watched their instruments.
My wife did in-home day care for years. She would take the kids out for long walks after lunch to tire them out. Every time a truck would pass them the kids would raise and lower there arms to entice the drivers to honk their horns. They usually did and the kids would squeal with laughter.
I used to live near the Las Vegas airport and the planes going to the Grand Canyon tended to turn immediately after take-off, which took them right over my house. They were low enough that I could get a picture of the plane’s id and often the pilot’s face. The overflights ended after sending a few photos to the airport authorities.
Several times, we’ve been playing airsoft in sparsely populated areas and local sheriff’s helicopters have dropped in to investigate a hundred heavily armed guys in camo shooting at one another.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. To the right you can see the house of famous cartoon character Calvin. Oh. [ding] You will notice the ‘fasten seat belt’ sign is on…”
BE THIS GUY about 4 years ago
Maybe if you said PLEASE.
marilynnbyerly about 4 years ago
I live on a flight path of a local airport. I have a big field on part of my property, and I’ve been so tempted to use fertilizer to write a small message.
codycab about 4 years ago
Calvin’s gonna love playing Star Fox!
sirbadger about 4 years ago
At the very least, dump some food coloring into your engines like the Blue Angels do.
Concretionist about 4 years ago
Couple of my kin have been jet pilots, one AF, one Navy. AF went on to become a pilot for airlines. I’m assured that they really do NOT look at the ground unless they’re landing, or occasionally, threading a needle upon takeoff. Even when targeting ground installations, I’m told, they watched their instruments.
rshive about 4 years ago
Nice try, Calvin. But betcha they aren’t looking.
Zykoic about 4 years ago
C-17s fly over my house. When the grandson was very young I would tell him to wave to the Air Force airplane. Once a C-17 did a wing dip wave back!
davidarsenian about 4 years ago
they would do it for Suzie
dlasher about 4 years ago
By the way, Monday’s strip was a replacement. I think the original is no longer considered politically acceptable.
Dobby53 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Not pilots, but I tried that with the RR engineers on the tracks new our house……
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 4 years ago
That is really another great Calvin snow sculpture. Like his snowmen, only inverted.
Doug Taylor Premium Member about 4 years ago
My wife did in-home day care for years. She would take the kids out for long walks after lunch to tire them out. Every time a truck would pass them the kids would raise and lower there arms to entice the drivers to honk their horns. They usually did and the kids would squeal with laughter.
ThePersonOnGoComics about 4 years ago
Would’nt want to do that with passengers on board (0_0)
Redd Panda about 4 years ago
One must wonder, where the adult Calvin found himself.
silentsky about 4 years ago
One of my favourite C&H strips. Calvin should at least get a “wing waggle” or two.
Larry da crocodile about 4 years ago
I don’t think that’s big enough.
david_42 about 4 years ago
I used to live near the Las Vegas airport and the planes going to the Grand Canyon tended to turn immediately after take-off, which took them right over my house. They were low enough that I could get a picture of the plane’s id and often the pilot’s face. The overflights ended after sending a few photos to the airport authorities.
Ravioli's Gale Premium Member about 4 years ago
Google will do a barrel roll if you ask it to.
Space Guy about 4 years ago
this is my first time commenting in this profile!
aerotica69 about 4 years ago
First laugh of the day.
Ryker the reader about 4 years ago
you should of wrote “Do a loop” you would of had better luck.
vincent.pelletier about 4 years ago
Starfox would approve
dwagner200 about 4 years ago
Tex Johnston did it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaA7kPfC5Hk
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
Maybe if they used a laser pointer to get the pilots attention? (Just kidding homeland security!0
mistercatworks about 4 years ago
He’s lucky a rescue helicopter didn’t show up when he got as far as "H E "
DanWolfie about 4 years ago
At least Calvin didn’t attempt it THIS way! https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1990/03/10
DCBakerEsq about 4 years ago
Several times, we’ve been playing airsoft in sparsely populated areas and local sheriff’s helicopters have dropped in to investigate a hundred heavily armed guys in camo shooting at one another.
The Uchiha Clan about 4 years ago
Try typing “Do a barrel roll” on google
The Uchiha Clan about 4 years ago
It really works
Troglodyte about 4 years ago
Correct spelling, too!
briangj2 about 4 years ago
Calvin, should have asked for an Immelmann, or a Split S.
Ermine Notyours about 4 years ago
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. To the right you can see the house of famous cartoon character Calvin. Oh. [ding] You will notice the ‘fasten seat belt’ sign is on…”
Ermine Notyours about 4 years ago
Calvin can write in Spanish too. https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbesespanol/2021/01/20
Red33410 about 4 years ago
It is so disappointing!
j.l.farmer about 4 years ago
Come on!!!!! that would be great way to celebrate the end of the Trump presidency!
Otis Rufus Driftwood about 4 years ago
Letters need to be A WHOLE LOT BIGGER.
hagarthehorrible about 4 years ago
That is a lot of hard work specially when the pilots miss to see the point.
Janos about 4 years ago
Worth Google-ing what does that mean :)