When visiting Paris a number of years ago, my oldest was fearless ~ he’d talk to anyone in French, order food for us, and so on. My youngest was more tentative and shy and even when he knew how to say something right, wouldn’t unless the prize was sufficient, like a chocolate croissant. (Both kids were in a French immersion program; half of their school day was in French from kindergarten on.)
I once wanted to order something in a Chinese restaurant. I do not speak Chinese (regrets) and I had forgotten the name of the item in English. Yet, knowing Japanese, was able to write the name of the item in Japanese Kanji characters, which is the same as in Han Chinese characters, and was able to communicate with no problem.
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 4 years ago
They must be at The French Laundry…..in California.
stillfickled Premium Member almost 4 years ago
French toast.
gopher gofer almost 4 years ago
probably no french kiss for shoe…
Sanspareil almost 4 years ago
Mai oui!
eastern.woods.metal almost 4 years ago
Any woman on a date talking about an ex is not a keeper
littlejohn Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Women who talk about old boyfriends reminds me of take-off of an old drinking song. — “Take her down and pass her around, 99 women on the wall….”
Doug K almost 4 years ago
“Do you want your es car to go?”
carlzr almost 4 years ago
Unfortunately he only took her to Chinese restaurants.
rshive almost 4 years ago
Whatever. Make sure to put French salad dressing on it.
jscarff57 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
If he was so great, why aren’t you still with him?
Milady Meg almost 4 years ago
When visiting Paris a number of years ago, my oldest was fearless ~ he’d talk to anyone in French, order food for us, and so on. My youngest was more tentative and shy and even when he knew how to say something right, wouldn’t unless the prize was sufficient, like a chocolate croissant. (Both kids were in a French immersion program; half of their school day was in French from kindergarten on.)
Buspopcod almost 4 years ago
my take on a scene from a humor book I read years ago. At a fancy French restaurant:
Patron: Sommelier, how is this bottle of domestic wine that costs $15?
Sommelier: Sir, we use zat to deesinfect ze toilets!
Patron: Oh, then we’ll have this French wine that costs much, much more!
Sommelier: Excellent choice, sir!
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe almost 4 years ago
I try to order in French when I can but apparently my pronunciation is too Anglo
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe almost 4 years ago
Works well in Chinese restaurants, (except in France, ’cause, well, you know)
rickmac1937 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
What would you expect from a politician
Linguist almost 4 years ago
I know how to speak to the waiter in French… Donnez-lui l’addition. Elle paie!
Lightpainter almost 4 years ago
Shoe…she wants french fries ON her French toast.
Milady Meg almost 4 years ago
At least he didn’t order a french door. Or french bulldog.
She does look like the type who would wear french heels.
BiathlonNut almost 4 years ago
I once wanted to order something in a Chinese restaurant. I do not speak Chinese (regrets) and I had forgotten the name of the item in English. Yet, knowing Japanese, was able to write the name of the item in Japanese Kanji characters, which is the same as in Han Chinese characters, and was able to communicate with no problem.
guitarpicker56 almost 4 years ago
And he speaks French when irritated.
Billy Yank almost 4 years ago
Pommes frites and pain perdu in Francais.
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
C’est magnifique!
Bill The Nuke almost 4 years ago
When a woman starts comparing you to her last boyfriend, especially unfavorably, it should be your last date.
Neat '33 almost 4 years ago
It just might be along with that gawdawful over priced wine list !!!
Ukko wilko almost 4 years ago
Not actually that impressive… it was a Japanese restaurant.
JesseLouisMartinez almost 4 years ago
And that must be french wine
JD'Huntsville'AL almost 4 years ago
I thought we changed those to “Freedom Fries” and “Western Toast”.
Orcatime almost 4 years ago
Ever the charmer, Shoe.