Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for August 05, 2021

  1. Th hooraypoohani
    pategar  over 3 years ago

    Ooooh ! Ball State. The Balls are often good for 3rd Place in the MacDaddy Conference.

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    Charks  over 3 years ago

    Things about to get interesting.

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    Gil-doh!  over 3 years ago

    Carter Hendrix, proud Alumni of Bull S**t University, could there have been a better match made in heaven? Itā€™s only appropriate a clown like this went to school there

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  4. Mgk
    dadjo  over 3 years ago

    Oh man, the rain washed all the color out of P2 and P3. A clever R&W ploy to disguise the ā€œcolor variationsā€ weā€™ve been treated to lately.

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    Bucky  over 3 years ago

    P2 That bag is a caddieā€™s nightmare, what else does he have in there?

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    Mr Reality  over 3 years ago

    In all reality , Are you all too dumb to come in out of the rain ?

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  7. Test01b
    LawrenceS  over 3 years ago

    Okay, it took someone with God-like power to call up rain, on a clear day, at exactly the right time so that Carter would bring out his college rain gear and Gil can make the call and discover heā€™s a scratch golfer. God-like power, or writer of the comic strip.

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    ranelson43  over 3 years ago

    I should replace my umbrella with cool rain gear.

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  9. O badger facebook
    BrandonMayhew  over 3 years ago

    Maybe Cart should have went into his cart and got out of the rain.

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  10. Foghorn
    jslabotnik  over 3 years ago

    What happened to Gil? Is his attention span for golf the same as for the sports he coaches?

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  11. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  over 3 years ago

    Ohh Rat Farts!!!

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    fanofgil  over 3 years ago

    Her rain gear tells us the Big Ten school was IOWA! so Milford not in Iowa!

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  13. Mgk
    dadjo  over 3 years ago

    So Cartman has been wearing a visor all week only to switch to a full cap while rooting in the bottom of his golf bag. Then back to a visor as he tries lamely to explain his Ball State rain gear. Heather, being a real Hawkeye, notices the change and calls him for a rules/clothing violation thereby voiding her pizza coupon bet.

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  14. Download
    Irish53  over 3 years ago

    Another lieā€¦he knows exactly where it came from and it wasnā€™t ā€˜an outing or somethingā€™. The only thing heā€™s outing is himself as a former NCAA golfer

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  15. Oip
    James St. John Smythe  over 3 years ago

    P2: Gil probably has a first aid kit in there as well. Iā€™d still rather have Czervikā€™s golf bag.

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  16. 5v65o35x13n83of3pfbaq59a7b680210e10f0
    TheBrownStarfish  over 3 years ago

    P1, Zombie Gil and Heather have no color in their eyes.

    Alternate P1, Look, up in the sky! Itā€™s a bird! Itā€™s a plane! Nope, itā€™s just Marty Moon, so high he actually left the ground.

    P2, Why, Heather, we like you better when they get wet.

    P3, Oh, this old thing? Somebody must have left it in the cart. Would I BSU?

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    goinkers  over 3 years ago

    BSUā€”Ball State University (Indiana); Boise State University (Idaho); Bemidji State University (Minnesota); Bowie State University (Bowie, Maryland); Benguet State University (Philippines); Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus); Benue State University (Nigeria); Bukhara State University (Uzbekistan)

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    hifirick1953  over 3 years ago

    Heatherā€™s first clue about golf hustling at MCC.

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    Snarker formerly known as Rube Whigham  over 3 years ago

    Itā€™s gonna be crazy when Heather finds out that ā€œCartā€ was an NCAA champion golfer!

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  20. Flash gordon
    flashirb  over 3 years ago

    Ball State, that makes me think back. Frank and Fred Ball were (are?) good people. They spent summers in Northern Michigan and Fred had a recording studio. Frank had an interest in skiing and golfing and was an owner of Sugar Loaf Village. Later on a childhood friend of ours, Keith Otterbein, coached football at Ball State. Ball State.

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  21. Th 2
    metals24  over 3 years ago

    P3- Iā€™m melting! Iā€™m melting!

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  22. Shark
    Comictator II  over 3 years ago

    Lightning next? Hold one of those clubs real high, now ā€¦.

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    Bluedarter  over 3 years ago

    Checking the big board at Vito from Goshenā€™s, more big money coming in on The Legend. Vito hopes the Cart doesnā€™t pull a gun from that bag when Gil calls him on being a hustler.

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  24. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  over 3 years ago

    So to clarify the potential confusion in some of the comments, that is not Hendricks in P2 with a different hat. I believe it is Gil with a surprisingly consistent outfit during this round. Heā€™s kind of continuing his sentence from P1. Despite their being a significant time lapse between panels.

    What Iā€™m leery of is, Heather having Iowa golfing rain gear. She was not on the golf team, and since she spent so much time with the football team (come on guys, working, Iā€™m not implying anything extracurricular) I doubt she was out golfing all the time during college. Or even if she golfed rarely, her broke ass wouldnā€™t be paying for licensed rain gear.

    And speaking of paying, youā€™ll be paying the price of missing out if you donā€™t read todayā€™s edition of Mopped Up Thorp.

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  25. Drunk monkey
    Spank Gil's Monkey  over 3 years ago

    Rat Farts

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