Joseph’s wife had to nag to convince / him; he didn’t respond to her hints. / Since the broken leg snapped, / his endurance was sapped, / so he cut up a chair to make splints. /// “You big fool!” the wife screamed in despair, / (after which she proceeded to swear). / “Your bone fracture will mend, / (though you’ll limp in the end). / It’s that chair you were paid to repair.”
Everyone had considered the chair / to be damaged beyond repair /but a chair that’s so fair/ surely warrants repair/ as Harvey is well aware .///Harvey’s known for his excellent care/ (To question him no one would dare)/ so never despair/ when Harvey is there / but for Harvey’s Invoices…prepare !
Having accidentally glued both of his hands to the chair’s legs, Wilfred managed to partially free one of them. But was it enough to enable him to use the toilet?
While we’re on Day 2 of Spencelayh, how about being proactive? Try this – – with a caption: “Yes, dear, I’m pregnant, and no, dear, it isn’t yours.”
That chair was already shot/further violence it needed not/ but Harvey’s a brute/ who sure likes to shoot/ he likes it an awful lot///but back to the fate of the chair/(which in fact was beyond repair)/it’s found a new life/ thanks to marital strife:/ there are splinters in Harvey’s wife’s hair../ but you know she will win in the end/ for his soup has an arsenic blend/ and she’ll buy a new chair/ and contentedly stare/ drinking wine – while she plays solitaire…
comment has the artist info that I used to point to here. Due to copyright issues (the artist died in 1958 and the painting’s date is unknown), once again, I can’t use Wikimedia Commons for this painting.
Viewing several pieces of the broken chair leg, Leslie had a sudden inspiration. He would not glue the pieces together, but would instead polish and pile them atop one another in an interlocking pattern. Thus was born the parlor game that would eclipse “Twister.” Leslie called it ”Jenga Chair.”
I told her if she kept sitting there day after day playing marble solitaire that she would break the chair! Now, I guess, she’ll have to sit on the floor to keep playing.
BE THIS GUY over 3 years ago
The Wilsons and their all donut diet kept the local furniture repairman in business.
Call me Ishmael over 3 years ago
The Chair Recognizes Harvey. (They’re old riends !)
rmremail over 3 years ago
It was sad, but Harvey knew that the only thing you could do for a chair with a broken leg was to put it down.
Solstice*1947 over 3 years ago
Joseph’s wife had to nag to convince / him; he didn’t respond to her hints. / Since the broken leg snapped, / his endurance was sapped, / so he cut up a chair to make splints. /// “You big fool!” the wife screamed in despair, / (after which she proceeded to swear). / “Your bone fracture will mend, / (though you’ll limp in the end). / It’s that chair you were paid to repair.”
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 3 years ago
Danial figured if he just glued this random piece of wood to the leg, it would be just fine.
ronaldspence over 3 years ago
Damned IKEA, where is that Allen wrench?
rmremail over 3 years ago
‘Stress fracture’? Bull-pucky! This was sabotage!
Call me Ishmael over 3 years ago
Everyone had considered the chair / to be damaged beyond repair /but a chair that’s so fair/ surely warrants repair/ as Harvey is well aware .///Harvey’s known for his excellent care/ (To question him no one would dare)/ so never despair/ when Harvey is there / but for Harvey’s Invoices…prepare !
Solstice*1947 over 3 years ago
Having accidentally glued both of his hands to the chair’s legs, Wilfred managed to partially free one of them. But was it enough to enable him to use the toilet?
Gameguy49 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Harvey, new to the game, is thinking “Now, where does THIS piece go?”
Jayalexander over 3 years ago
Bloody Termites!
Kind&Kinder over 3 years ago
So business ain’t so good, and maybe it ain’t feedin’ me so good, but…with a little gravy, who knows, this could maybe be a drumstick?
cdward over 3 years ago
When furniture repair failed, he decided to go into orthopedics. His friends’ advice remained the same.
Buzzworld over 3 years ago
Ben discovered Balsa Wood is not a good material for chairs.
Egrayjames over 3 years ago
I should have known…..Says right here, ‘Made in Wuhan, China’. I wonder what crap they’ll be sending us next!
P51Strega over 3 years ago
OK, now that the glue’s applied, Jed, Clampet.
katzenbooks45 over 3 years ago
Marty the cudgel maker still had a lot to learn about his craft.
Olddog1 over 3 years ago
Maybe if I cut off the other three I can make it a kid’s chair.
gopher gofer over 3 years ago
harvey paused to ponder the significance of this latest development…
Helen Ferrieux over 3 years ago
The moment “Chips” thought about becoming a physiotherapist.
Reader over 3 years ago
“Huh. I guess it’s not a folding chair.”
artheaded1 over 3 years ago
Did everyone hear the rim shot after the punch line? LOL!
rugeirn over 3 years ago
While we’re on Day 2 of Spencelayh, how about being proactive? Try this – – with a caption: “Yes, dear, I’m pregnant, and no, dear, it isn’t yours.”
prrdh over 3 years ago
“Where did I put those glasses again?”
Rev Phnk Ey over 3 years ago
Hmmm. Smells like fish, tastes like wood.
Another Take over 3 years ago
Harvey shown here with a real grip on his wood.
Call me Ishmael over 3 years ago
That chair was already shot/further violence it needed not/ but Harvey’s a brute/ who sure likes to shoot/ he likes it an awful lot///but back to the fate of the chair/(which in fact was beyond repair)/it’s found a new life/ thanks to marital strife:/ there are splinters in Harvey’s wife’s hair../ but you know she will win in the end/ for his soup has an arsenic blend/ and she’ll buy a new chair/ and contentedly stare/ drinking wine – while she plays solitaire…
Another Take over 3 years ago
HARVEY: “I’ll go to the banker with my hat in my hand and maybe he’ll…wait! I have a better idea!”
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 3 years ago
I will just saw the other legs even with the broken one. A table for midgets?
Linguist over 3 years ago
“Damn,” thought Harvey. “I didn’t realize my own strength!”
The Wolf In Your Midst over 3 years ago
“I’m sorry, Mr. Cruise. I would’ve sworn this was the breakaway chair for the stunt!”
Calvins Brother over 3 years ago
“I should have joined my brother fixing Barometers. We have the same taste in hats.”
Indianapolis Smith over 3 years ago
“Portrait of the Artist just before changing from Woodworking to Painting”
mabrndt Premium Member over 3 years ago
The Broken Leg:This roughly 16×11 painting, inscribed with
at its lower left, is privately owned. It was auctioned June 27, 2017, and again June 18, 2018, by the same auctioneer.
Again, a larger strip image is shown by (⌘- or Ctrl-) clicking the image at
I’ve added a comment there (awaiting Mr. Melcher’s approval) as well. So far, 4 works by this artist have been used here.
has the prior, and my
comment has the artist info that I used to point to here. Due to copyright issues (the artist died in 1958 and the painting’s date is unknown), once again, I can’t use Wikimedia Commons for this painting.
Ken Holman Premium Member over 3 years ago
I have got to stop watching FOX News while I’m at work!
anomaly over 3 years ago
“Well, for once the chair kit came with an extra piece!”
Solstice*1947 over 3 years ago
Viewing several pieces of the broken chair leg, Leslie had a sudden inspiration. He would not glue the pieces together, but would instead polish and pile them atop one another in an interlocking pattern. Thus was born the parlor game that would eclipse “Twister.” Leslie called it ”Jenga Chair.”
Linguist over 3 years ago
“Ooops!! Well, here’s another priceless Chippendale chair shot-to-hell and beyond repair!”
sparklite over 3 years ago
“Well, shoot. I’ve already robbed the piano to repair the front legs, so now I guess I’ll take a leg from the kitchen table. Yeah, that’s the ticket.”
Running Buffalo Premium Member over 3 years ago
I told her if she kept sitting there day after day playing marble solitaire that she would break the chair! Now, I guess, she’ll have to sit on the floor to keep playing.
harebell over 3 years ago
If he continued to cut down the legs, Harvey thought, this might make the new seat for his gokart in the next Shriners’ parade.
sparklite over 3 years ago
“Hello? Hello?! Dammit, I’ll never get the hang of these freakin’ cell phones.”