I’m all about freedom! MY freedom! Yours – not so much. So get infected by my COVID because putting a mask on hurts my feelings and makes me fill my diaper!
Ah, a made up world of total denial. A lot like much of current America and the rest of the 1st world. Denial of reality and history that excuses those who deny it to simply go ahead and repeat the mistakes, and then to support leaders who say things like “I don’t take responsibility at all.” Sounds pretty sweet but that’s exactly the way Hitler and Goebbels sold the Nazi Big Lie to Germany
It’s the way you get a world filled with the likes of McConnell, Boebert, Sinema, Zuckerberg, Cruz, Manchin, Taylor Greene, the Teflon president, and so many others who will deny/have denied there is anything wrong and if there is, why then it’s certainly not their fault no matter what they actually said, did, and voted for/against in the past to make it happen. No accountability. No concern for others. No empathy. No responsibility.
got to thinking (hate when that happens so early in the morning….), in panel 3, one person actually points out that they are gay, and another says “dagnabbit” as if he’s disappointed. In our reality, if someone has to look it up, they’re probably “agin” it and it is or will become a law. Can’t have anyone being offended.
And in the 4th Panel, that certainly is a difference from OUR planet where the Cons will LOVE a child from conception until the moment of birth, and then totally ignore them from birth until they turn 18, and they are old enough to be conscripted into becoming cannon fodder in ANOTHER Corporate-Sponsored War…then they love them again.
Mominexile Premium Member over 3 years ago
Love this.
Zesty over 3 years ago
Hits the nail on the head.
Hits the nail on the head six times in succession.
sevaar777 over 3 years ago
Except for the individual actions leading to likely death (i.e car crashes, and disease), C. E. USA doesn’t look as backward as the “real” thing.
dadoctah over 3 years ago
In the words of Liz Lemon, “I want to go to there”.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
I’m all about freedom! MY freedom! Yours – not so much. So get infected by my COVID because putting a mask on hurts my feelings and makes me fill my diaper!
Display over 3 years ago
Ah, a made up world of total denial. A lot like much of current America and the rest of the 1st world. Denial of reality and history that excuses those who deny it to simply go ahead and repeat the mistakes, and then to support leaders who say things like “I don’t take responsibility at all.” Sounds pretty sweet but that’s exactly the way Hitler and Goebbels sold the Nazi Big Lie to Germany
It’s the way you get a world filled with the likes of McConnell, Boebert, Sinema, Zuckerberg, Cruz, Manchin, Taylor Greene, the Teflon president, and so many others who will deny/have denied there is anything wrong and if there is, why then it’s certainly not their fault no matter what they actually said, did, and voted for/against in the past to make it happen. No accountability. No concern for others. No empathy. No responsibility.
The worst world of the first world.
Pickled Pete over 3 years ago
America doesn’t lack for intelligence — but are wholly wanting in common-sense.
Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago
MY only question is why hasn’t Ruben won one of those Pulitzer thingies?
bxclent Premium Member over 3 years ago
Lou over 3 years ago
The only way the horse de-wormer story could be better is if the drug had to be administered anally.
comixbomix over 3 years ago
Suddenly, I’m not entirely sure which one I’m on.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 3 years ago
I wanted to start writing a blog, “On My Planet…” I think Ruben is beating me to it.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 3 years ago
got to thinking (hate when that happens so early in the morning….), in panel 3, one person actually points out that they are gay, and another says “dagnabbit” as if he’s disappointed. In our reality, if someone has to look it up, they’re probably “agin” it and it is or will become a law. Can’t have anyone being offended.
Masterskrain over 3 years ago
And in the 4th Panel, that certainly is a difference from OUR planet where the Cons will LOVE a child from conception until the moment of birth, and then totally ignore them from birth until they turn 18, and they are old enough to be conscripted into becoming cannon fodder in ANOTHER Corporate-Sponsored War…then they love them again.
verticallychallenged Premium Member over 3 years ago
Rules for thee, but not me.
tims145 over 3 years ago
Ruben has accurately depicted the monstrous socialist hell that would obtain, would the Democrats pass their evil agenda.
Fortunately, there’s no danger of that.
ferddo over 3 years ago
Is Counter-Earth flat, too?
mpolo11 Premium Member over 3 years ago
The best collection of analogies yet.
Godfreydaniel over 3 years ago
I think the Bizarro World might be jealous of Counter-Earth…..
RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 3 years ago
There is no second earth. https://futurism.com/could-there-be-another-planet-on-the-other-side-of-the-sun.
cmxx over 3 years ago
Of course there’s no second Earth. Clearly, Counter-Earth must be in another dimension.
StarryGordon over 3 years ago
It’s made up, so write it any way you like it.
wsedrel over 3 years ago
Actually there was a short-lived comic strip mid-50’s, “Twin Earths”. No political commentary. Just some useless trivia…
jpozenel over 3 years ago
I have the feeling that the guy doing his own “research” on the Domino theory has been having pizzas delivered by…guess who…
tomfromthe50s Premium Member over 3 years ago
There isn’t any cotton in panel 2. Now that’s bizarre!
banjoAhhh! over 3 years ago
Freedom without responsibility is tryanny.
Steve Dallas over 3 years ago
So Ruben is in favor of all those other laws too? Because that’s inadvertently what he implied.