Falling? Is there gravity? Yes. The gravity of this situation dictates that a Cardoodle falls toward the bottom of the page where, unless stopped by the 4th wall they continue into another time of this comic strip or a different one.
“Thank you for flying with Topsider Air Transport. Please return your tray table to the upright position, remove your seatbelt and step into the Vortex. Have a nice day. "
Most would let go of what they were holding when falling. Alan must be paralyzed in fear and clutching tightly to the last shred of his reality. And, if they are falling, still, then they aren’t nowhere, otherwise I would think they might float or, more accurately, do nothing in suspension. I know I am in suspension. I hope the next panel comes sooner than this one; Aarons good health willing.
If there is nothing in this reality, then why are they falling?
While Isaac Newton couldn’t tell us why there was gravity, he did note, meticulously, that the force that acts upon bodies is related to the mass – of both bodies.
If there’s nothing in this reality, then what is attracting them?
On another note: At least Aaron got it right: Not counting for the resistance of air, and right now, we don’t know if they even have air, items of different mass will fall at the same rate of acceleration.
I wonder if it’s not just a question of WHERE our travellers are going to wind up but WHEN. How many are with me that this hiccup in the fabric of rerality is going to mess with the time as well as the place?
How can we tell if they’re falling without any indicstors? Maybe they’re drifting in place and not moving in any direction. Sort of weightless until the enter another reality.
A shifting perspective within the frame of the panel tells us they are falling down. And the characters are slightly larger on the right side of the last frame, as if they are approaching us. And the point of view seems to rotate so that Wally is closer to the viewer and Duffy slightly further away. Notice the backward rotation of Duffy from one image to the next. The others also rotate in the same direction. The rotations would have been set by how they reacted to loss of the car.
The double image of Alan in the second frome (in and out of the car) is a bit of genius.
Hope they don’t end up in the Eye Beam Classic comic. (on my machine, that is what is located just below End Town on the Go Comic Alphabetized list page.
Ricky Bennett about 3 years ago
Looks like they’re the fall guys…
John Reiher Premium Member about 3 years ago
“We’re supposed to reboot the Multiverse?”
gary.eddings4157 Premium Member about 3 years ago
Well, here we go…where ever the Hell “here” is…..tune in next week!
mr_sherman Premium Member about 3 years ago
Oh, rip!
Prescott_Philosopher about 3 years ago
I shot an arrow into the air. It fell to earth, I know not where.
boydpercy Premium Member about 3 years ago
Good that no one is under the elephant!
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 3 years ago
Step into the light… into a place with no boundaries … save those of your imagination … a work not in progress … Welcome to the Bright Light Zone!
Ida No about 3 years ago
They’re on the same page, but are they reading from the same script?
Jenner Premium Member about 3 years ago
Brilliant – tiny ink spatters on the page, in Panels 3 and 4. Barely visible, but there nonetheless.
Robert Nowall Premium Member about 3 years ago
Didn’t the ex-Topsider go with them? Or is he just out of sight behind the elephant?
darkstripe about 3 years ago
Well, that tears it. This really has become quite the ripping tale. Mind the gap…
The Eclexian Premium Member about 3 years ago
I love how the basket they are in disappears right along with the old reality. Great stuff!
Vet Premium Member about 3 years ago
To paraphrase an old song…. They’re just dropping in to see what condition their condition is in.
diverleo about 3 years ago
Now I feel bad for the Topsiders who sacrificed themselves to save our band of travelers.
clacou about 3 years ago
They fell out of my screen onto my desk…
The-Great-Gildersleeve about 3 years ago
Nicely drawn!
drmickeyg about 3 years ago
♪♫ And they’re free, free fallin’
Yeah they’re free, free fallin’ ♫♪
RickD Premium Member about 3 years ago
“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. We must be over the rainbow!”
salenstormwing about 3 years ago
Ah great… we fell off the comic and are in the universe of the gutters. Anything could be there! Artist names, easter eggs, minds… ANYTHING!
bscruffy about 3 years ago
Falling? Is there gravity? Yes. The gravity of this situation dictates that a Cardoodle falls toward the bottom of the page where, unless stopped by the 4th wall they continue into another time of this comic strip or a different one.
Charles DiGiacomo Premium Member about 3 years ago
The elephant had been holding him the whole time since the Topsider had knocked him out!
backyardcowboy about 3 years ago
“Thank you for flying with Topsider Air Transport. Please return your tray table to the upright position, remove your seatbelt and step into the Vortex. Have a nice day. "
Ben Wilson about 3 years ago
Two of them are cats so they should land on their feet…..
6turtle9 about 3 years ago
Most would let go of what they were holding when falling. Alan must be paralyzed in fear and clutching tightly to the last shred of his reality. And, if they are falling, still, then they aren’t nowhere, otherwise I would think they might float or, more accurately, do nothing in suspension. I know I am in suspension. I hope the next panel comes sooner than this one; Aarons good health willing.
Cheapskate0 about 3 years ago
Someone asked it above, and I ask it again:
If there is nothing in this reality, then why are they falling?
While Isaac Newton couldn’t tell us why there was gravity, he did note, meticulously, that the force that acts upon bodies is related to the mass – of both bodies.
If there’s nothing in this reality, then what is attracting them?
On another note: At least Aaron got it right: Not counting for the resistance of air, and right now, we don’t know if they even have air, items of different mass will fall at the same rate of acceleration.
Acceleration times mass is gravitational force.
For what it’s worth.
Mediatech about 3 years ago
I don’t mind the heights, it’s the plummeting that I hate.
Baarorso about 3 years ago
I wonder if it’s not just a question of WHERE our travellers are going to wind up but WHEN. How many are with me that this hiccup in the fabric of rerality is going to mess with the time as well as the place?
RickD Premium Member about 3 years ago
How can we tell if they’re falling without any indicstors? Maybe they’re drifting in place and not moving in any direction. Sort of weightless until the enter another reality.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 3 years ago
A shifting perspective within the frame of the panel tells us they are falling down. And the characters are slightly larger on the right side of the last frame, as if they are approaching us. And the point of view seems to rotate so that Wally is closer to the viewer and Duffy slightly further away. Notice the backward rotation of Duffy from one image to the next. The others also rotate in the same direction. The rotations would have been set by how they reacted to loss of the car.
The double image of Alan in the second frome (in and out of the car) is a bit of genius.
Very Well Done, Mr. Neathery!!
EOCostello about 3 years ago
If I were scoring this, this would be the song, and the particular version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cr11-_PMSg
GoodDoctor about 3 years ago
Hope they don’t end up in the Eye Beam Classic comic. (on my machine, that is what is located just below End Town on the Go Comic Alphabetized list page.
InquireWithin about 3 years ago
The director just yelled “Cut”?
NeuroManson about 3 years ago
Wally’s tail is unusually less puffed out than usual facing such a situation.