Neighbors of mine had a St. Bernard, whom the kids had taught to use the toilet: flip up the seat with her nose, defecate into it and flush the thing. Was very convenient especially at holiday times in hotels. If the flusher handle was different there the dog asked the kids for assistance.
She still needed her walks (quite a lot if it – big dog) but preferred the installation at home to going in the woods. A “Heimscheißerin” as we call it in German.
My cat Morticia likes to drink from the Magic Swirly Bowls. When I’m in the bathroom, I swear she’s thinking, “WHUT are you DOing in my magic water bowl?”
Never asked you to drink out of it. There is a water bowl for that. (Actually in my house there are two so that my dog always has at least one bowl with water in it)
KA7DRE Premium Member almost 3 years ago
“Bleah, that’s nasty” !
Pharmakeus Ubik almost 3 years ago
It ain’t that kinda party. almost 3 years ago
Neighbors of mine had a St. Bernard, whom the kids had taught to use the toilet: flip up the seat with her nose, defecate into it and flush the thing. Was very convenient especially at holiday times in hotels. If the flusher handle was different there the dog asked the kids for assistance.
She still needed her walks (quite a lot if it – big dog) but preferred the installation at home to going in the woods. A “Heimscheißerin” as we call it in German.
cdward almost 3 years ago
My dog never drank out of the toilet. Of course, he’s too small to reach it…
fuzzybritches almost 3 years ago
My cat Morticia likes to drink from the Magic Swirly Bowls. When I’m in the bathroom, I swear she’s thinking, “WHUT are you DOing in my magic water bowl?”
Zebrastripes almost 3 years ago
Must have forgotten to fill his water bowl again….keep the lid down please…
DM2860 almost 3 years ago
Never asked you to drink out of it. There is a water bowl for that. (Actually in my house there are two so that my dog always has at least one bowl with water in it)
WCraft Premium Member almost 3 years ago
And please quit flushing those little umbrellas!
mbrahms26 almost 3 years ago
Memo to the McCoys: Dogs do not talk. They are just domesticated scavengers.
snappyboy almost 3 years ago
No more doggie bags!
cuzinron47 almost 3 years ago
That’s OK, I’ll use your water bowl since you’re not using it.
cat3crazy Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I alway put the lid down! A flush can spread spray up to 6 feet.
LrdSlvrhnd almost 3 years ago
“OK, fine, next time I won’t flush…”