Bob Gorrell for January 25, 2022

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Mr. Bore-all doesn’t know what CRT is, but like all other conserves, they are not afraid to prove it.

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    Psht. To talk about taking it out to “protect the feelings of the little white critters” is a purely political lie. But it plays very well with the folks who are worried about “the browning of America”.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The solution to gun problems is MORE GUNS!

    The solution to racism is MORE RACISM!

    The solution to wealth inequality is MORE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!


    Gorrell and the other Trump Disciples are happy to do everything they can for every solution.

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  4. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  over 2 years ago

    Blah blah blah

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    mysterysciencefreezer  over 2 years ago

    Said no progressive ever.

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    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    Goody Gorrell again makes up statements. No, it’s not being taught in K-12 schools. He conflates CRT with actual HISTORY classes. They are two different things, even though he tries hard to whitewash and gaslight both.

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    baroden Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Of course, if we asked him to actually name a public school that teaches CRT, he’d fall flat on his face. CRT was intended for university level discussion AND it’s been discussed for decades,

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    Rayzor63  over 2 years ago

    Republicans, in their opposition to CRT is as Macbeth says; “A tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury; signifying nothing”

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    My First Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Good one Bob. Right on the money.

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    Ontman  over 2 years ago

    Let’s see. Racism, COVID, inflation, hmmm. Gorrell decided on racism today.

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    The Nodding Head  over 2 years ago

    Conservatives are afraid of American history.

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    robcarroll1213  over 2 years ago

    Wow, Gorrell really is an idiot. CRT is not being taught in elementary/middle/high schools and it’s racist Republicans who bitch about the idea of CRT possibly being taught.

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  13. Gradinggorrell 01
    GradingGorrell  over 2 years ago


    exactly the same 2 panel donkey cartoon as:

    Critical Race Theory is not being taught in k-12 schools, so the GOP is seeking to claim that the teaching of any black history that has the possibility of making white people feel bad is ‘critical race theory’ and must be banned.

    Would Gorrell have no problem if Germany announced that their schools would no longer teach about Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, because it made German children feel bad?

    The point of learning history isn’t to feel bad about the past, it’s about learning from the past to work toward a better future.

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    suzalee  over 2 years ago

    Fake issue to avoid facing real problems we face. Got to keep people angry and afraid, or else you can’t manipulate them.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member over 2 years ago

    On the plus side, People trying so hard to keep white nationalism and related racism and bigotry a secret from the next generation are having the reverse effect. Children and parents are now motivated and actively seeking out the historical context of systemic racism on their own.

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    Gen.Flashman  over 2 years ago

    Since very few people know what CRT is, any lesson plan that is critical of slavery/slave owners, Jim Crow, lynching will leave the teacher liable to being accused of teaching CRT and have their job terminated.

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  17. Rat
    Rat's My Hero Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Sheesh what an idiot

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    davidthoms1  over 2 years ago

    Bob! Do you want another phrase to describe CRT? It’s called American History!

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    Dwight Schmiddlapp  over 2 years ago

    If CRT is not being taught in schools, then why are leftists so up in arms about banning it? What’s wrong with banning something that’s not being taught?

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    StackableContainers  over 2 years ago

    Way to make up a message and falsely impute it on other people.

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    MG  over 2 years ago

    Just teaching history, in the eyes of Republicans, is a conspiracy pushed by woke socialists intent on ruining an America rightly proud of its Christian roots and historical primacy over lazy, criminal, and nonwhite inferiors. They would wish to teach victorious Custer scalped the dirty redskins, Davy Crockett made chorizo of the dirty Mexicans at the Alamo, and black men lynched themselves as penitence for lusting for white women. They believe we now live in the best of all possible worlds. Who needs history with its pesky details and facts? Next Republicans will want to crush CET (Critical Evolution Theory) teaching too. Watch and see.

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    ChristopherBurns  over 2 years ago

    Perhaps you can tell us where is CRT being taught? Give us an example of a school system. How about an example of how CRT is hurtful to students? Why is it a bad thing that students learn about the racist history of the USA? It does have one.

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  23. Odin
    Holden Awn  over 2 years ago

    Critical Race Theory is a body of ideas centering on race, the history of slavery and racism, race relations, and how race relations permeate the institutions in the country, and the sociology of human relations. It is an advanced subject of study, and therefore quite POSSIBLY NOT directly taught below college level. It is part of the curriculum for the education of teachers, however, and very likely elements within it DO make their way into even elementary classrooms, e.g., in what books are chosen and taught. Nazism is not taught in schools either, beyond its role in history, but if a child comes home saying Jews are bad and oppress other people (an assertion promoted by some groups in the Middle East today), then elements of Nazism have found their way into the classroom. If a child comes home saying that Whites are bad and oppress people of color, then toxic and hateful elements of CRT have found their way into the classroom. CRT has become home to twisted and poisonous ideations, and should be understood to be potentially destructive and therefore confined to upper education.

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  24. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 2 years ago

    Broad is the way, wide is the path. Ignorance is blissful to the RW populist.

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    red6235  over 2 years ago

    So the republicans are banning all books by Black author, about black characters, and with black covers.

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    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member over 2 years ago


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    randolini Premium Member over 2 years ago

    In an empire of lies, the truth is treason. Thomas Jefferson.

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  28. Boyknifeoutlet
    Retired engineer  over 2 years ago

    Passing laws to remove it from schools isn’t racist as much as it is just idiotic. It’s like the laws they pass to outlaw shariah law; it’s a meaningless gesture to appeal to their intellectually challenged base.

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    DrDon1  over 2 years ago

    Have to wonder just what motivates Gorrell to put out such hateful misinformation…

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    LJZ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Those who deny history are determined to repeat it.

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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    The right wings phony lies about CRT prove how racist they really are.

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  32. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Krugman on the Thought Police

    We here all know that “Critical Race Theory” is a concept taught only at the university level and that it’s a method for examining the history of American racism. No one teaches it, no one has suggested teaching it, at grade, middle, or high schools (though it might be a good idea). But the right wing would-be autocrats have seized on it as yet one more tool to attack anyone they don’t like (on the flimsy excuse that critical race theory is being used to attack people its proponents don’t like). A number of states have banned it already using specious arguments about how it makes students (and more importantly, their parents, who vote, uncomfortable). Now Florida, the far right’s laboratory for testing new ways to control, is expanding on that ban.

    There’s a bill advancing in the Florida Senate declaring that an individual “should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race.” That is, the criterion for what can be taught isn’t “Is it true? Is it supported by the scholarly consensus?” but rather “Does it make certain constituencies uncomfortable?”

    “Certain constituencies,” of course, means certain White constituencies. They don’t care about making Black constituencies uncomfortable; if anything, they want them to be uncomfortable, afraid even, so that they know their place is at the back of the bus and down on the farm.

    Nor are Blacks the only target.

    What’s really striking, however, is the idea that schools should be prohibited from teaching anything that causes “discomfort” among students and their parents. If you imagine that the effects of applying this principle would be limited to teaching about race relations, you’re being utterly naïve.

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  33. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Actually, CRT is being taught in U.S. Schools, only, now, from the White POV.

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  34. Animals being weird
    wildthing  over 2 years ago

    Only racists fear CRT, but then fear is the only thing on the republican agenda besides obstruction.

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 2 years ago

    The only schools teaching CRT are grad law schools. Though I’m starting to think perhaps we should be teaching it in more schools.

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  36. Girlyman throw
    359mxn  over 2 years ago

    Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Critical Race Theory a progressive theory.

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