Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for April 05, 2022

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    Charks  almost 3 years ago

    P4: Best time of the year if you’re an MLB fan. Calendar resets and EVERYBODY starts out with zero losses. 30 flavors of Kool Aid out there to sample.

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  2. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  almost 3 years ago


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  3. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  almost 3 years ago

    The only thing I understand in P1 is the very subtle skull and crossbones bumper sticker. In P2, is Scooter talking in the third person, or is that not Scooter?

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    Mr Reality  almost 3 years ago

    Another damn fool kid driving . In all reality , it’s not safe to go for a walk in Milford anymore !

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    Gil-doh!  almost 3 years ago

    P3 says Gilpa as he fires the first snark round of the day with a straight face

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    bearwku82  almost 3 years ago

    Wasn’t Wilson Henry the catcher last season? Like our hero GilPa, I digress.

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    Irish53  almost 3 years ago

    Mop called it. HB would show up today to have Gil brutally honestly read off his list of starters

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    Irish53  almost 3 years ago

    P 4: “… no… I meant from me… you guys suck…”

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    Gil-doh!  almost 3 years ago

    With Greggg Hammm snappping offf curves until he blows his elbow out and Scoooter the brains of the operation due to derelict coaching, second in the Valley is already in jeopardy before the first pitch of opening day

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    TArbiter  almost 3 years ago

    You’ll need way more than donuts to get the truth out of GilPa, HB. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

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  11. Foghorn
    jslabotnik  almost 3 years ago

    What an expense account Heather has, half dozen Donuts. Marty Moon’s irate, how can he compete? Of course he had his canceled after too many 6-martini lunches. By himself.

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  12. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    As with yesterday’s strip, I’m confused about who is giving signals to whom. In P1, who is speaking the word balloon “Life is easy when I can tell the pitcher’s what’s coming.”? Some confusion is due to the unneeded apostrophe in “pitcher’s” (was it meant to be a plural?), but the other confusion is that it seems the speaker is Gregg Hamm, who is the pitcher. (Isn’t he?) Then is the speaker instead Scooter, who plays second base, and he means that it’s easier to get hits if he can tell what the pitcher will throw next? If so, then the rest of the conversation, about Gregg’s curve balls, is a non-sequitur. Thank goodness Heather has arrived, so Gil can clear up the confusion by telling us who’s on first!

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    chiphilton  almost 3 years ago

    The only thing I can figure is that Hamm is the catcher and he breaks off wicked curves on his throws back to the mound. The pitchers must hate him.

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    Twainrdr  almost 3 years ago

    Oh, I get it. More R&W humor, Gil is talking about the box of donuts and has no idea how many are in a dozen.

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    hifirick1953  almost 3 years ago

    I hope he has more than 15 guys on the team.

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    artegal  almost 3 years ago

    More All-Leaguers than positions, and yet, somehow, Milford will still come up short.

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    cholly3  almost 3 years ago

    I’m confused. Is this story line actually going to be about sports? I haven’t seen that in few years.

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  18. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    P2: Milford’s chances for finishing second in the Valley were diminished when their second baseman had that terrible accident with the rotary saw.

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    metals24  almost 3 years ago

    These two have spent too much time in the doobiemobile.

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    metals24  almost 3 years ago

    Looks like someone ran over Scooter’s hand. Mr Reality?

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    metals24  almost 3 years ago

    P3- Two or three Drunkin Donuts works every time.

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    Scott S  almost 3 years ago

    Not the Bad-News Bears?

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    Mopman  almost 3 years ago

    Sooooo, life is so difficult for him if someone else calls the pitches? How exactly? And what the hell is Scooter talking about? He’s going to figure out a way for Gregggg to ignore Gil’s pitch selections? Yeah, that will go over well.

    And based on P1, does that mean that Gregggg is the catcher after all? Despite him not wearing glasses during pitching practice? I’m confused, which is not unusual.

    Looks like we’re getting the lineup rundown already. Look for at least half of it tomorrow, which means game action this week already? But nothing about softball yet. And speaking of nothing, today’s Mopped Up Thorp might be a whole lot of nothing.

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  24. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  almost 3 years ago

    No, rereading it, I cannot figure it out either. He says he wants to tell the pitchers what’s coming, but then Scooter refers to him as if Gregggg’s the pitcher. No sense making does it.

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    Bluedarter  almost 3 years ago

    Vito from Goshen has been scratching his head for a few days, like everyone else. Impossible to set the line with players talking gibberish like this. He tried to get that hip janitor/pyro to find out what’s really happening, but he’s busy taking CK’s mom to a fireworks show.

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