Though this team is not originally native to this country, they have found their way to fit in, and they have been accepted and embraced (by most) as so many others have been.
Like the kids’ joke book my 8 year old niece got from the library: “Uncle P-, why is this joke funny?” Me: “Um, well, they’re really reaching with that one. It’s not just you.”
Concretionist over 2 years ago
I don’t get it.
Doug K over 2 years ago
So … Hoosier favorite Indy penguin?
Bilan over 2 years ago
Lawyers from IU on line 2.
GabryelFrost over 2 years ago
“Macaroni” aka 18 century powered wig fop/dandy. They wore feathers in their hats.
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 2 years ago
Do Pastis and Thaves know that Mallett’s trying to do puns now? Maybe they could provide the poor guy with some helpful advice.
trainnut1956 over 2 years ago
No. Indy Penguins Day is tomorrow, the 4th. But I realize math is hard for modern students.
fusilier over 2 years ago
What about the Butler, UofI, and Marian grads? (Just FYI, IU is in Flowery Gulch, about an hour south.)
fusilier, in Indpls
James 2:24
Doug K over 2 years ago
Though this team is not originally native to this country, they have found their way to fit in, and they have been accepted and embraced (by most) as so many others have been.
Comics fan Premium Member over 2 years ago
Nice little Pearl there, Jef.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 2 years ago
It’s OK Caulfield, I got your back buddy
Martin 78 over 2 years ago
Time for a makeover for my Opus!
royq27 over 2 years ago
Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago
“Oh cr-ap,” “That’s due tomorrow?” Thomas Jefferson, July 3, 1776.
Stephen Gilberg over 2 years ago
Great, Caulfield has the same cynical snobbery as Bill Griffith: If you don’t like a joke, you must not get it.
Realimaginary1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Mallett’s at it again by trying to cast his “Pearls Before Swine.”
Muzi54 over 2 years ago
“For what it’s worth”? Wouldn’t that be a buffalo rather than a penguin?
PaintTheDust over 2 years ago
Like the kids’ joke book my 8 year old niece got from the library: “Uncle P-, why is this joke funny?” Me: “Um, well, they’re really reaching with that one. It’s not just you.”
oish over 2 years ago
It’s In-Deep Antics day
christelisbetty over 2 years ago
I just thought the hockey team moved from Pittsburgh to Indianapolis.(Wasn’t saying Indy-penguins Day fast enough ).
cornshell over 2 years ago
Shades of Jason Fox from Foxtrot.
Warhaft over 2 years ago
Someone call Rat from Pearls Before Swine. He knows how to handle this.
DaBump Premium Member over 2 years ago
Should have had the penguin in a race car.
atajayhawk over 2 years ago
Took me until the last frame, but I think I have gotten it now. Yay, me! And go, Caulfield!
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 2 years ago
Yankee doodle wore the feather ironically ;)
LrdSlvrhnd over 2 years ago
Wait, if he’s an Indy Penguin, where’s his fedora and bullwhip?
tcviii Premium Member over 2 years ago
those yellow feathers are just like a macaroni penguin. I think Mrs. Olson has the best comment.