Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for June 24, 2022

  1. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  over 2 years ago

    No. Hopefully. Because that would draw the storyline out for extra strips. Bring on Milford CC!

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    michaeljwolff  over 2 years ago

    Yes, I’m certain people everywhere are on pins and needles awaiting the latest headlines from Milford.

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    Gil-doh!  over 2 years ago

    Do you think anyone in Milford will notice, Kazzzz?

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    Gil-doh!  over 2 years ago

    P2.5 “I mean, the coaches, all the adults, teachers – sh*t – even Greggg’s Ophthalmologist had no clue, so we just rolled with it and let situation play out according to plan. Speaking of plans, have you talked with Scooooter the yappy chihuahua and Charissss the quick change artist tennis player?”

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    Charks  over 2 years ago

    Will a civil suit will now be served on Gregg’s dad in person, bankrupting him? “Sorry son, but you’ll have to pay for college on your own now. Maybe you can get a baseball scholarships, or your Coach can kick in?”

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    Mr Reality  over 2 years ago

    In all reality , Kaz , Gil has thousands of followers/Snarkers who read about him and his exploits everyday , of they’ll take notice !

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    LawrenceS  over 2 years ago

    And why would his father’s past even need elaboration in a story about Gregg? (Passing reference to Mr. and Mrs. Hamm who moved to Milford twelve years ago.)

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    Irish53  over 2 years ago

    P 1: So What’s next Gregggggg?A Tik tok vid?

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    Irish53  over 2 years ago

    Page 1, my a$$….even in Milford, that’s pushing it

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    That kid with Marfan  over 2 years ago

    P1:Heather: “Gregggg, stop looking at my chest!”Gregggg: “You’re not Mr. Moon, and that’s not your chest?”

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    bearwku82  over 2 years ago

    It’s official. Now that Gregg is courageous and a good kid, and GilPa is a benevolent coaching icon, take the 2nd place Cracker Jack trophy, show it to Granny Clampett and call it a season.

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    James St. John Smythe  over 2 years ago

    Page one?! It must be a slow news day in Milford. The Eisenhower White House must not have had anything going on.

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    BrandonMayhew  over 2 years ago


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  14. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The Milford newspaper is only 4 pages long, these days. Since the ads and the obituaries take up pages 3 and 4, a feature story about a local high school coach who endangers the lives of his pitcher and opposing teams’ batters has a 50-50 chance of making page 1. Unless the library board has another one of its blowtop-mad meetings and food fights!

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  15. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Tomorrow’s headline: “SOFTBALL TEAM STILL MISSING / Coach Gil Thorp to Lead Search Party at Golf Course”

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    chiphilton  over 2 years ago

    So Heather is interviewing the catcher in the middle of a game?

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    Twainrdr  over 2 years ago

    Wow, nice job, Heather! Release the story BEFORE Greggg pitches his last game. That’ll be helpful.

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    Twainrdr  over 2 years ago

    P-1: You & me, Heather? I can’t see that.

    P-2: The bi-racial catcher turns lavender blue, dilly, dilly.

    P-3: Kaz & Gil celebrate getting long odds for the opposing team, yesterday!

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    artegal  over 2 years ago

    I noticed, and I don’t live in Milford.

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    Mopman  over 2 years ago

    I don’t think Heatherrrr should be wandering all over the field interviewing players while the game is going on. Not very professional. Oh joy, based on Kazzzz’s last statement, you can bet tomorrow Gillll will be reading USA Today or something similar that picked up Heatherrrr’s story. Or ESPN will roll into town. And speaking of rolling, Mopped Up Thorp is rolling along towards this season’s end:

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    Gil-doh!  over 2 years ago

    The cat is out of the bag, there goes second in the Valley

    Now let’s get over to Milford CC, Milford Lake, some 7 on 7 drills and lemonade at the Thorp’s house after Mimi has supervised Pedro during a long afternoon of pool cleaning and after Gillll returns from the links

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    Mopman  over 2 years ago

    Now I’m trying to decide if my prediction of this crap ending tomorrow comes true or not. There’s one of two ways to go. We still get one last magnificent pitching display by Gregggg to feature in the season ending game, but the team falls short of the championship. Which means we’ve got another full week. Or probably more likely, tomorrow we have an abrupt ending with Gillll and Mimmmmi reading about Gregggg being featured in some national news and we have no idea where the team ended up. Then Monday it’s lemonade time at last.

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    The Pro from Dover  over 2 years ago

    Nah, not a chance. Newspapers don’t travel well. And Milforx never gets any visitors from other towns.

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    Charks  over 2 years ago

    Gregg knocks Supreme Court decision on guns, January 6 hearings, NBA draft, Stanley Cup finals and inflation off the front page.

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  25. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I grew up in a small town that had a local paper. There were other small towns about 25 miles away in each direction that also had local papers, and I never once saw any of them. The news about Mr. Hammm’s sordid past will never make it even halfway to Center City. What happens in Milford stays in Milford.

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    hifirick1953  over 2 years ago

    What did his father say?

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    hablano  over 2 years ago

    Oh, Kaz, stop being so negative. This story has “Pulitzer Prize” written all over it.

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    BikeMike  over 2 years ago

    yeah Kaz, I think Social Services will notice and have something to say about child abuse, with a blind kid pitching. Hope they don’t dig too deep Gil or you are outed.

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    Irish53  over 2 years ago

    P 2 (Heather’s thoughts written in mini notebook): “…players on team intentionally conspired to deceive coaches, parents, school officials, and opponents by withholding information about Gregg’s disability and keeping it a secret amongst themselves, thereby endangering the health and welfare of many…”

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    Irish53  over 2 years ago

    P 1 (Gregg’s voice): “…it was actually pretty easy, Ms. Burns…these two coaches are so clueless, that me, Scooter, and the catcher had absolutely no problems fooling them…”

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  31. Wileecoffee3
    Need coffee  over 2 years ago

    Wow! Kkaz has self-awareness! Who knew?

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    Snarker formerly known as Rube Whigham  over 2 years ago

    Headline: “Thorp Plays Blind Hurler—Coach in the Dark for Bulk of Season”

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