Pluggers by Rick McKee for November 07, 2022

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    TexasKingoftheGeeks  over 2 years ago

    I… am worried for her safety now…

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 2 years ago

    ay-yi-yi… she needs to have that professionally looked at

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    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  over 2 years ago

    The doctor said, just to be vague

    “It isn’t the bubonic plague”

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    jmolay161  over 2 years ago

    With all the fights between Reds and Blues in every state, soon most of the population will be filled with bruises——-and every state will become Purple!

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    Zykoic  over 2 years ago

    If I bump I ask the wife to remind me later when I discover the purple elbow or shin bone and get all worried. Pluggers are fragile……and forgetful.

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    PraiseofFolly  over 2 years ago

    I was a rough-and-tumble kid, so I got bruised a lot. In order to get me to settle down, my mother told me if a person got too bruises he would die. That scared be a bit, so every so often I would count my bruises and ask, seriously, “Mom, will I die with this many?”

    Many, many years later I’m back to counting my bruises — but I’m no longer rough (although I sometimes take a mild tumble), so where are they coming from? Childhood creeps back slowly.

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    kelloggs2066  over 2 years ago

    It’s the blood thinners.

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    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Pluggers are happy to let their S&M freak flag fly.

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    flyertom  over 2 years ago

    I’m about to get a new crop of purple patches. Gotta replace some broken studs on the exhaust manifold of my truck.

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    ctolson  over 2 years ago

    I bruise at the “drop of a hat” any more. Wife will ask me “where-ed you get that bruise from” and I have say beats me".

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    oakie817  over 2 years ago

    i’m 70, i’ve never had bruises like that

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    Lord Flatulence Premium Member over 2 years ago

    That looks serious.

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    nyssawho13  over 2 years ago

    I push wheelchairs into a vehicle. Many times I rub my arms against the side or doorways and get blood bruises. THEN I need to be careful not to tear them. Yep! Skin gets thinner as we age.

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    Alberta Oil  over 2 years ago

    That.. needs a professional look.

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Get your prescriptions reviewed.

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    tom494  over 2 years ago

    Yes, coumadin arms.

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    anomalous4  over 2 years ago

    One morning a couple of weeks ago, my 89yo mom woke up with a truly spectacular black eye & not the slightest clue how she got it. (She doesn’t take any heavy-duty blood thinners, just a daily baby aspirin.) I told her that if anyone mentioned her shiner, she should tell them: “You should see the other guy!”

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    martinman8  over 2 years ago

    wife says you’ve been looking

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    g04922  over 2 years ago

    serious corticosteroids going on here… Whew.

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    donald ramsey  over 2 years ago

    I call mine “urban camouflage”.

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    CoffeeBob Premium Member over 2 years ago

    My FiL used to call them “Senior Tattoos”, now I understand why!

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    Stat_man99  over 2 years ago

    I MUST be a plugger……

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    mafastore  over 2 years ago

    Second week of October I had jury duty starting on Tuesday (had delayed it and put it that week as there were only 4 business days). I took a shower the night before and noticed that the heel area of my left foot was purple and blue as if I had hit terribly hard. I did not remember hitting it – but that does not really mean anything. I had been having trouble with my left leg from a severe leg cramp about 2 weeks before (I get them often since I was in high school and don’t worry about them other than the pain.) I had read since having it that a blood clot in the leg could feel like a muscle cramp – so when I saw my ankle I was concerned. ( I tend to get dressed in half darkness and without my eyeglasses on so would not have noticed it if I had not taken the shower – something we tend to do less often since staying in the house almost all the time now.

    So the next morning I called the court and explained that I had a medical problem. They said fine – send a doctor’s note with your paperwork – did not even ask my name. (Doctor’s note – is this school?) Husband called the doctor and he took that afternoon.

    Doctor did not think it serious or anything to worry about, but said I should have leg scanned to be sure. The lab fit me in a couple of hours later – no problem no blockages. (And it was a much more pleasant and aimed at me being comfortable than the doctor’s office my mom goes to and he has someone do these scans there as she has had clots – they get upset and annoyed as 94yo mom has much trouble transferring to and back from their table from her wheelchair as it too high for her – when she is there for trouble with her legs! )

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    bruno640320  over 2 years ago

    C’mon, Mr. McKee! You’re slippin’ fast with subject matter lately, you can do better!

    (Here’s a hint: Try going back to the “Original-Pluggers” format, of tools, hardware, and—-you know—-humorous things that we still do, accidental or not!)

    Yeah, I already know what opinions are like. Everyone’s got one. But I’ve been called-worse before, and lived to opine-another day thus-far…

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