That is Priceless by Steve Melcher for December 05, 2022

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 2 years ago

    “I told Mother we were going for a stroll in the garden, but I didn’t say anything about meeting the groundskeeper.”

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    “I’m meeting a guy who says he’s a millionaire lumberjack from Canada. Can you believe my luck?”

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  3. Groucho
    Jayalexander  over 2 years ago

    Don’t believe a word of it. Why you? I’m first in line for the inheritance.

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  4. Avatar 3
    Solstice*1947  over 2 years ago

    /// For A Garden Stroll in the fresh air,

    girls must choose the best outfits to wear.

    Hats which flatter the face

    over layers of lace

    to attract wealthy men to ensnare.

    /// They would speak of Descartes and Voltaire,

    and recite from the plays of Molière.

    They’d coquettishly stare

    (flashing hints they’d get bare)

    at each unmarried young millionaire.

     •  Reply
  5. Huey
    blackman2732  over 2 years ago

    “Yes, Abby, the man looks like he fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch. I know for a fact, however, that he makes horses jealous, if you know what I mean.”

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  6. Strega
    P51Strega  over 2 years ago

    Woo hoo, risque lady out in only her bed clothes and robe. Why, there’s barely anything left to the imagination.

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  7. Missing large
    jel354  over 2 years ago

    Is the one in blue advertising for twitter?

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    PraiseofFolly  over 2 years ago

    While Strolling Through the Park One Day

    With my very dearest girlfriend, May

    My dress became undone,

    A wardrobe malfunction,

    Oh dear, what would strict Mama say?!


    Disapproval was at once severe

    From the older ladies strolling near

    But the roguish stares of men

    Who happened by just then

    Were the biggest thrills I had all year.


    One immediately raised his hat

    And adjusting his white cravat

    Said, “I hope not you not to rankle

    If I admire your shapely ankle

    And briefly direct my eyes thereat.”


    Though many years have passed since then

    I recall that scene from way back when

    But those shapely girlish ankles

    Are now swollen matron cankles …

    Oh, to be a young coquette once again.

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  9. Missing large
    Buzzworld  over 2 years ago

    “Helen, what color is the sun in your little world?”

    “It’s blue Dr. Shapiro, just like my robe.”

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  10. Missing large
    rmremail  over 2 years ago

    Nothing says wealth quite as much as wearing a $5,000 dollar gown that is going to be destroyed as it drags along the ground.

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  11. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  over 2 years ago

    They decided it’s too much bother

    To choose between him and his brother/

    Though each of the brutes/

    Had some fine attributes/

    They settled at last for each other.

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  12. Missing large
    dexterwhite  over 2 years ago

    If you hold your skirt up with your free hand, then it won’t collect so much dirt…….

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  13. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  over 2 years ago

    Their wardrobes they happily share/

    (So they never “have nothing to wear”)

    They never dispute/

    Which of them is more cute/

    They even do each other’s hair !///

    And here is the best part yet:/

    They live without fear or regret/

    Each month, like a clock/

    When they hear “Nature’s knock”/

    Each is able to say “No sweat !”

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  14. Duke
    Rev Phnk Ey  over 2 years ago

    Oh look. There is a sign that says “Do Not Pick the Flowers”.

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  15. Coexist
    Bookworm  over 2 years ago

    Les deux jeune filles on a morning walk / Through the park, having a little girl talk. / But these delicate fleurs / Are seeking monsieurs / With eyes as sharp as those of a hawk!

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  16. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 2 years ago

    " I’m wondering if those pictures you secretly took of me with Count Petitebite are worth more to him or to his wife. "

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  17. Tyge
    Tyge  over 2 years ago

    Yes. That’s a water lily on my head.

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    wincoach Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Dear sister, I don’t know what to think, first he asked me if I had read some book called Shades of Grey or something like that and then he told me to bring a rope on our date tonight..

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  19. Missing large
    prrdh  over 2 years ago

    Good old Russell’s Paradox. Still relevant.

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  20. Odin
    Holden Awn  over 2 years ago

    She marveled at the skill and dedication of the unseen gardener; why, the path looked virtually swept clean on her walk back to the house.

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  21. Rwljlogo2
    The Wolf In Your Midst  over 2 years ago

    “When you said you’d bring your umbrella in case it rained, I assumed you’d bring one big enough for both of us.”

    “And how likely is it to rain, anyway?”

    “We’re in Europe, you daft bint!”

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  22. Imagescaxtkub3
    Calvins Brother  over 2 years ago

    “Gosh, I can’t believe we got married. Tell me a again which one of us is going to be the man?”

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  23. Gustave courbet   le d sesp r
    mabrndt Premium Member over 2 years ago

    A Garden Stroll: 

    Paste (including the quote marks) 

    "Category:Auguste Toulmouche" 

    (syntax supported by the Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, and Yandex search engines) in the browser address bar (or search for it using one of those search engines) and choose the first Category: found, and once there find the text string Stroll, and click its link for info and links that point to more info about this roughly jumbo envelope size painting.


    Again, a larger strip image is shown by (Ctrl- or right-) clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #3038 (December 5, 2022) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment, and using the dropdown menu (even larger if you trim what’s after .png from the URL). I have added a comment there pointing to the blog entry with my comment that has info about this artist I used to point to here. So far, 6 works by this artist have been used here. The December 2, 2022, strip shows the prior.

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  24. Simply4
    MissScarlet Premium Member over 2 years ago

    He wants you to do what!!???

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    mshaw Premium Member over 2 years ago

    “A Garden Stroll,” 1877

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    d1234dick Premium Member over 2 years ago

    the ladies Strole before their night work, the flowers will allay some of the smell.

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    stamps  over 2 years ago

    Siamese twins Ann and Marie out for a walk in t he garden.

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  28. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  over 2 years ago

    The lyric is “Devil in a Blue Dress” and besides, this is an overcoat. My hot date wardrobe is in mothballs ever since the Lautrec boys turned out to be gay.

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  29. Buffaloanimatedrunningrightoneofearliestanimatedmovies001
    Running Buffalo Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Don’t fret. Maybe tomorrow you will find a bee for your bonnet.

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  30. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The lady in blue: I gave myself to Oswald last night. The lady in white: The ungratefulwretch, I too, in the afternoon!

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