Lisa Benson for July 21, 2023

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    suv2000  12 months ago

    You need to go back to your basement Uncle Joe

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    brwydave Premium Member 12 months ago

    The serious and real question in 2024 election is wether we keep or lose our democracy.

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    fjblume2000  12 months ago

    The last time, it was H. Ross Perot — and we got the Dem Billy-Bob Clinton, maybe the Dems will get lucky and we’ll get a re-run of Sleepy Joe!?!

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    DC Swamp  12 months ago

    The DC Swamp does not like outsiders.

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    knutdl  12 months ago

    The pizza rat for president!

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    think it through  12 months ago

    Depending on who they run this could be the end of the republican party. Since this is a republican idea, it’s bound to come back and bite the GOP where the sun don’t shine.

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    aristoclesplato9  12 months ago

    Watch how fast the Dems flip on a 3rd party candidate if Trump runs as one.

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    My First Premium Member 12 months ago

    CNN – Not a conservative outlet…CNN Poll: 75% of Democratic voters want someone other than Biden in 2024

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    preacherman Premium Member 12 months ago

    RFK seems to be carrying on the Kennedy legacy of ruining the Dem party’s incumbent presidency and killing the Dem party along with it. Ted Kennedy’s move on Jimmy cost him the presidency, Reagan took power, and the nation went down hill from there.

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    My First Premium Member 12 months ago

    Good depiction of a male democrat. Scared of a little mouse.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 12 months ago

    Conservatives really do believe there are Democrats that hate President Biden and are willing to embrace the Republican Nazi Party by turning their vote over to a 3rd Party GOP candidate.

    We Democrats can’t stop laughing.

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    Marcia Gibson Premium Member 12 months ago

    Get a third party and do a ranking for president. That’ll make all candidates squirm.

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  13. Mongo
    Mongo  12 months ago

    Dims with an IQ around room temp (most of the party) will vote for whoever the Dim nominee is because mom and dad voted Dim. But that isn’t the Dim party today. Dims want censorship, like they showed yesterday, the Dims want segregation and reverse discrimination, they want to talk about ANYTHING else other than the apparent bribery of a POTUS. The Dim party of today has become the communists they have kept closeted for decades, desperate to control what you see, what you hear, what to think, what you can buy, how you should live.

    Any 3rd party candidate that would appeal to the type of Democrat the party USED to represent, the party of civil rights, like free speech, the party of the common man, instead of business interests will get votes. Any 3rd party candidate would take 3-5% percent of whatever the Dim vote would show up that isn’t just stuffed in the ballot box.

    Any Dim with an IQ above room temp will look at who is running, what the country has become, and what the future holds, and vote for every other office, except the POTUS slot, in protest. The radicals taking over the party are chasing the base away.

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    mourdac Premium Member 12 months ago

    More likely Traitor45 runs as a 3rd party candidate and completes the destruction of the Republican party.

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    The Dem Veteran   12 months ago

    Can we get DeSantis to run third party?

    Hoe about the corpse of Rush Lib

    How about Bill the Cat.It wouldn’t be the first time he ran for president

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member 12 months ago

    Yes 3rd party

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    piper_gilbert  12 months ago

    Trump addicts are never going to change their vote. A third party only hurts a Democrat nominee.

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    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Right wing fantasy land. Manchin and Kennedy are sponsored by republicans.

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    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    ’He’s not well’: Morning Joe panel trashes RFK Jr. as a ‘dangerous lunatic’

    Panelists on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” wondered what might be wrong with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.The Democratic presidential candidate appeared before Congress Thursday to deny accusations that he spreads antisemitic conspiracy theories after suggesting COVID-19 was “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people – and on Friday host Joe Scarborough called him out for lying.

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    StackableContainers  12 months ago

    Please. Both the Republican and Democratic party would burn this country to the ground rather than allow a third party that could get people elected to Presidency.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 12 months ago

    It all depends who the third party candidate could be. There’s talk Joe Manchin might run but it’s quite possible he’d peel more votes away from the presumed nominee trump than Biden. Also wouldn’t it be fun to see Liz Cheney throw her hat in the ring ? Stay tuned as trump always likes to say

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    rs0204 Premium Member 12 months ago

    DIRTY TRICKS 101: When you can’t win fairly, enter a StalkingHorse candidate. Then you can steal the election with less than a majority.

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    david_42  12 months ago

    I haven’t seen any 3rd party candidate that would damage the Democrats. Why the GQP thinks RFK, Jr would is beyond understanding.

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    s49nav  12 months ago

    Remember what H. Ross Perot Jr. did to GHW Bush against Bill Clinton? Well, get ready for Round Two.

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    artjohn42  12 months ago

    Democrats seem to have a wider spectrum of political positions than Republicans, which means there are a great many Dems whose beliefs are close to center, and are not fond of the very left-wing of their party. This means that a third party that hews close to center (from either direction) can pull more votes from the Democratic party than the Republican, quite possibly skewing the total vote tally to the Republican candidate. As brwydave says above, this election is about a choice between democracy or fascism. This isn’t the time for a third party experiment, especially a self-indulgent one (I’m looking at you, Joe Manchin) whose only policy seems to be “we’re not the other two, but we’re closer to the right. Trust us.”

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    Northgalus2002  12 months ago

    If third parties (Libertarian, Green, No Labels, etc.) were as smart as they seem to think they are, they would put their energies into running for State (State Senator, Assemblyman, etc.) and Local (City Council, School Board, etc.) offices which are usually held in off-year races. If they’re able to elect candidates for those positions, they could then aim for Congress and/or the Senate. Right now, most people consider third parties spoilers for the Democratic and/or Republican candidates but thinking small could change the narrative. Adopting ranked choice voting nationwide and inviting third party candidates to debates could help as well.

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    cdbro  12 months ago

    Dementia Joek will make his displeasure known to the 3rd party if past is any indication of future…

    Grandpa Dementia showing up at the FBI’s office during Hunter probe — you can’t make this stuff up…

    According to FBI testimony, Joe Biden was heavily involved in the federal investigation into his son, Hunter Biden. An IRS agent who was assigned to the case informed Congress that Biden was “extremely well known” to the authorities who were conducting the probe, and even made appearances at an FBI office during the investigation.

    Wow. That seems highly unprofessional and unethical.

    Joe probably didn’t foresee that two of the main officials would emerge as incredibly professional, and highly-respected whistleblowers. These individuals have no reason to subject themselves to this hell on earth, other than their desire to do what’s right for their nation.

    Everyone knows this was a gigantic coverup. The Bidens believe they are above the law, and by the looks of it, they actually are.

    It seems like the “Big Guy” wanted to make his presence known, possibly as a not-so-subtle way to make sure everyone stayed on “task.”-Revolver News

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    ncorgbl  12 months ago

    It is a complete load of baloney being pushed by Republican/conservatives that Democrats don’t want Biden. Sure, there are always a few, but the majority see the successful results of Biden’s Admin and want it to continue. Aside from lies and liars and dishonesty, misleading, hypocrites and outright criminals, Republican/conservatives got nothing else.

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    codak  12 months ago

    unless the Democrats can figure out a way to pry Biden out of office Trump will surely win.

    and in general the system should be more open to 3rd parties

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    librarylady59  12 months ago

    Such a boring whatever.

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    DrDon1  12 months ago

    Lisa and a whole bunch of RWNJs are ignoring latest Monmouth Univ. presidential poll ( perhaps because it showed that Biden would win…. ).

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    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Brutal New Poll Shows Trump Losing Big to Biden, Even With Third Party Spoiler

    new Monmouth University poll suggests that former president Donald Trump would be easily dispatched by President Joe Biden in a 2024 rematch of the 2020 presidential election, even if Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) were to mount a third party bid that most analysts believe would hamper the Biden campaign.

    In the national survey of 910 voters, 47% of voters said they would definitely or probably support Biden, while just 40% said they would back Trump.

    Remarkably, a potential unity ticket comprised of Manchin and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman® would barely eat into Biden’s lead, as he would still boast a 40%-34% advantage over Trump.

    63% of voters professed to have an unfavorable view of Trump and half of voters said they would “definitely” not support Trump in 2024.

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    djtenltd  12 months ago

    @brwydave- And the decision lies with us. We can’t complain about stuff if we don’t vote!

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    My First Premium Member 12 months ago

    A recent Monmouth University poll found that 62% of respondents disapproved of Biden’s handling of inflation. A Twitter Community Note also added context to Biden’s claim that wages have increased for workers.

    “On 3/15/20 when US COVID lockdowns began real wages adjusted for inflation (AFI) were $11.15. As of 7/16/23 real wages AFI are $11.05,” the Twitter note continued. It added: “Real wages AFI remain lower (not higher) than before the pandemic.”

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    Nantucket Premium Member 12 months ago

    Until the Electoral College is eliminated, it is nearly impossible for a third party candidate to be anything but a spoiler mostly those candidates are looking for personal attention and they really don’t care about actually working for the public.

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    Henwood  12 months ago

    It’s the elephant who’s supposed to be afraid of mice!

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    squadrod36  12 months ago

    This time around, a third party alternative makes sense. How about Liz Cheney?

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    suv2000  12 months ago

    The people’s revolutionary party

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 12 months ago

    Depends on who can unite the citizens!

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    Rich Douglas  12 months ago

    It’s the only way to get Trump elected, so the GOP is embracing it.

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  41. Trumpafix
    zerorest  12 months ago

    If Trump wins you better toe the line Lisa. I know you think that you won’t have things happen you have never seen before because your so loyal. Or are you?

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  42. Grizz
    grizz  12 months ago

    the real ‘question’ is are you willing to have Harris become President

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  43. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 12 months ago

    I think a 3rd Party is a lot more likely to hurt Trump, since traditional Republicans don’t want him and only the extremists do.

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    cdbro  12 months ago

    That was me..

    Trump colluded with Russia! Killery, that was me.

    Trump kept kids in cages! O’blama, that was me.

    Trump obstructed an active investigation! Chucky and Nasty, that was us.

    Trump had a quid pro quo in Ukraine! Joek, that was me. -@PaulHook_em

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