Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for September 15, 2023

  1. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member over 1 year ago

    They’ve been reading the comments and saw all the remarks about loose ends. Wrapping things up!

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    firestrike1  over 1 year ago

    aHA… the candy wrapper clue…

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    Neil Wick  over 1 year ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    Finally, an explanation of how Madsen came to have a security pass. (The end of the last sentence should have an apostrophe: “Madsen’s”)

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    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 1 year ago

    Good morning™, satisfiable answers …… at last !

    How many of you posted that Anders passed Madcaps a pass into the place ?  Glad Team Tracy took your suggestion. LOL !

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    boboscar  over 1 year ago

    Mom died today (9/14, but as usual, I haven’t gone to bed yet).

    It’s sad, but also a relief. She had dementia for most of the past decade. Dad and I had been looking after her at home. Her death was less traumatic than uncertain. Since neither of us had ever seen someone die before, we thought she was, but weren’t sure. We called our healthcare service, and (semi-related to DT) the first person to come to our door was a policeman, who quickly confirmed her death, and we were grateful to him.

    Her demeaner had been sweet and uncomplaining, so most of the time, looking after her hadn’t been that hard. We’re glad she died at home, tended to by 2 of the people who loved her the most. He final decline was fairly rapid, so it didn’t seem like she suffered that much, and we’re glad of that as well. For the rest of the day I’ve been alternately calm and tearful.

    I know I’m going to miss looking after her.

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    IvanB.Cohen  over 1 year ago

    Very sobering, the loss of a family member. May peace be upon her and with your family during this moment of loss.

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    Atkielskialan57  over 1 year ago

    My sincere condolences, I know exactly what you’re going through, I did the same thing with my mother 13 years ago. The same dementia. At least you were there and had closure. She’s no longer suffering. Remember, now she is Caring and Watching over you ! We will Pray for Her and for You!

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    adekii  over 1 year ago

    I love that we’re still getting procedural stuff even in the wrap-up! LOVE IT! It’s a way better wrap-up than Tracy standing above a dead body, gloating “Crime does not pay”.

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    Raijin  over 1 year ago

    I haven’t seen any other comments regarding DNA on the granola wrapper coming back as match to Susan…

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    orbenjawell Premium Member over 1 year ago

    ..well, they’re doing the “post-game wrap up”….sort of like Scooby Doo and the gang after they solve Saturday morning’s mystery…….can’t knock that………

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  11. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 1 year ago

    1-DT: I was looking at the Argos Yearbook, Class of 2023 that was just published. Check out Milton! What a moron! He listed his only Argos extracurricular activity as “Stealing from the company.”

    2-…And look! Madsen’s in the Yearbook too! In one of those candid shots they throw in.

    3-…HA! We don’t even need that bullet evidence we created by just showing the same bullet twice and claiming that one came from the gun! Every case should be this easy!

    SAM: Turn to the page with Ander’s secretary – she’s hot! I bet she’s a company cheerleader!

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    General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Quite a week here on the Dick Tracy comments page . Tragedy , loss and personal grief . It makes me think of the depersonalized state that interactive media like this has plunged many into . I hesitate to call it “social media” because I equate the word social with feelings of conviviality and camaraderie and most of these things are anything but that . None of knows each other personally and intimately and sometimes a careless word gets thrown which would never happen in person . For myself , I am going to reflect on that and consider ever more carefully that a real feeling person is on the other side of that funny little screen name and avatar . My deepest condolences go to all who have suffered this week . The hurt never goes away .

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    BreathlessMahoney77  over 1 year ago

    So, what’s Madsen’s play now? Dime out Audie & Sabrina?

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    Old Time Tales  over 1 year ago

    “If the candy is dandy it means Madsen was handy!”

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    happyainthappy  over 1 year ago

    MOVIE QUOTE—-“What’s your real name?”

    “If you knew, you’d be dead”

    James Cagney—KISS TOMOrroW GOODBYE—1950

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    happyainthappy  over 1 year ago

    Former here—who knows when you can get me again—-my computer won’t send out my posts—I get a red blinking house or lantern with"erase thiscomment".No clear flag.

    Well,we’re wrapping it up. Sprocket will end up i n Cuba, kidnapped by Dishonest John.And anybody who didn’t get THAT joke is drummed off the site.

    Wondering where we go from here. Been busy on WIKI/FANDOM—-anybody remember E.Kent Hardly,the attempt to make a “second BO Plenty”?

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    Sporteric11   over 1 year ago

    Leave no loose ends… applies to the author as well as the criminal !

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    CRUUNER  over 1 year ago

    A mother’s love for her children cannot be topped or replaced. Memories of cherished moments with her will help your family navigate this difficult time. Accept my heartfelt sympathy at her loss.

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    Tradewinds309  over 1 year ago

    Why has today’s Dick Tracy been replaced with 3 blank panels and a “Coming Soon” note in the lower right?

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    Ray Toler  over 1 year ago

    I am so sorry for your loss.

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    Wichita1.0  over 1 year ago

    Ways To Kill Madsen:

    1) He complains about the prison food so his Moll, Mavis Maul (the female wrestler), smuggles in a Tootsie roll. He chokes on it.

    2) Broomhilda shows up for a connubial visit.

    3) He falls asleep in woodworking shop and is made into the OTHER kind of Chippendale (with matching end tables).

    4) chick Tracy goes inside undercover. Madsen IDs her and she has to ‘off’ him.

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    jonahhex1  over 1 year ago

    It’s obvious Madsen is just your standard low-level thug who got, as Sam put it, “stupid lucky”.

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    Sisyphos  over 1 year ago

    Now we get some background on “dedicated employee” (ha!) Milton Anders. What’s the old cliché, “It’s always the quiet ones”? Milton was not above a bit of larceny, and earned a bullet for that rather than a celebratory wall-plaque. But he survived. Whether Leeland Madsen will survive and serve a long term or get a mortal needle in his arm (depending on the laws of the state where Tracyville is located) remains to be seen (or told),

    One more day of wrap-up before a new arc on Sunday, I expect….

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    tcayer  over 1 year ago

    His reasons for confessing?

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