Mike Luckovich for November 28, 2023

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    sipsienwa Premium Member 7 months ago

    I think a lot of the media takes him very seriously. It is his followers who cannot hear his awfulness.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  7 months ago

    Republican playing dumb by allowing trump to be a nominee is ridiculous

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  3. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 7 months ago

    I hope he ends up with COPD before he tries it.

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    Denver Reader Premium Member 7 months ago

    The 3rd house with the 3 pigs in it withstood the wolf. I’m not convinced democracy would withstand Trump part 2. Also, the 3rd house was brick not vinyl or whatever.

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member 7 months ago

    The wind will be coming from the other end!!!

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    baroden Premium Member 7 months ago

    Start drawing him with a Hitler mustache and that will be the better fit.

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  7. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member 7 months ago

    “He’s such a kidder”. That’s what some people said about a certain Australian Corporal back in the 1920’s and 30’s.

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    happyinvenice23  7 months ago

    Morning Mike! You are Perfect! If this Idiots intensions weren’t so serious this would be hilarious.

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    aristoclesplato9  7 months ago

    After the COVID debacle under Biden, it’s clear where the threat to our freedoms and Democracy lie.

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  10. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  7 months ago

    Funny how folks like ari keep retreading nonsense like the covid debacle happened under Biden. Trump was president when it started, he was president for the majority of it, and when Biden was elected the disaster that trump left behind both medically and economically was quickly and decisively dealt with and normality was restored. Do they REALLY not get that or are blatant and ridiculous lies the best they can come up with?

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    Olddog1  7 months ago

    Aristocles/Plato, along with Aristotle, held back western science about 1800 years. Perhaps appropriate

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    Olddog1  7 months ago

    Aristocles/Plato, along with Aristotle, held back western science about 1800 years. Perhaps appropriate

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    tpcox928  7 months ago

    This is a GOP plan in the making since 1980. It is real. GOP complains about various federal agencies making regulations when they are not elected; Dems complain about the Federalist Society making all GOP decisions and that is more frightening as all these people want is power, in order to consolidate power and have even more power, i.e., Hitler, Mussolini Stalin, Putin, Xi, etc.

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  14. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 7 months ago

    The lies, delusions, hatred/racism/sexism, indictments, and attempts to subvert the U.S. government just aren’t enough for our MAGAt brethren. His political party still allowing once such as he to represent them is something that would not have possible in the past.

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  15. Yin yang
    Havel  7 months ago

    GOP: don’t vote for the bloviating bully. Just say no.

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    WaitingMan  7 months ago

    The only second term Trump will have will be his second prison term.

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    LVObserver  7 months ago

    Too many commenters on various editorial comics believe Trump is a threat to democracy. They really underestimate the people. He is as much a threat to democracy as the Democrats.

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  18. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  7 months ago

    LVO, there are Democrats calling for suspending the Constitution and sending tanks into the streets? I must have missed that.

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    BB71  7 months ago

    It appears to me that the Dems want to kill democracy. Their goal is socialism which leads to losing freedoms.

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  20. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member 7 months ago

    Participate in YOUR democracy. Help with voter registration drives. Educate yourself and others. Support candidates and positions. Vote. Vote during the big 4’s for POTUS and vote during the runoffs of your local government when YOU can be the 1% that controls the election, just by VOTING!!!

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    Old recluse  7 months ago

    I see the Trump disorder cartoonist is back. Without Trump and the GOP, he would be down to one cartoon a week most weeks. I hope he realizes he is energising those, other than me, who are still willing to vote for Trump.

    Lucky for conservatives, we are not a total democracy. If liberals could get rid of that pesky Electoral College we would be a total democracy. The last major attempt at becoming closer to a democracy occurred in 1912 when the state legislators lost their right to pick their senators when it was turned over to the voters.

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  22. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 7 months ago

    trump sucks, blowing is not his thing. But he has lots of helpers that do blow. Those piggies (and democracy) are far from safe.

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    piper_gilbert  7 months ago

    Hitler should have been stopped in Munich. Why do people wait until it’s too late?

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  24. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  7 months ago

    Traitor Trump is more of a jackal— and a rabid one at that. The members of his cult are foaming from pretty much *every" orifice!

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    bow493 Premium Member 7 months ago

    Yep, just like he did in his first term. You are a sad sick man, you and your peanut gallery of like-minded drones.

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  26. Freeradical
    Free Radical  7 months ago

    Caught some fox news yesterday. Those hooligans could not stop singing the praises of the former president and how he was the greatest president ever, seriously. They welcome christian nationalist authoritarianism with open arms and empty souls

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  27. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  7 months ago

    Lying traitor would be fascist dictator, head of the GOP, Trump wants to send out the troops on the first day and round up all the Dems and put them in concentration camps.

    Will psycho republicans build concentration camps to hold pregnant women until they give birth?

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  28. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  7 months ago

    Donald Trump Says He Never Swore Oath ‘to Support the Constitution’

    Geoffrey Blue, a Colorado-based attorney for Trump, previously used the same argument as to why the 14th Amendment cannot be cited to stop Trump from the presidency again in an October 9 filing to try to have the lawsuit thrown out.

    “Because the framers chose to define the group of people subject to Section Three by an oath to ‘support’ the Constitution of the United States, and not by an oath to ‘preserve, protect and defend’ the Constitution, the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment never intended for it to apply to the President,” Blue wrote.

    “Wow in a legal proceeding Trump is now arguing he didn’t violate the 14th Amendment by inciting the Jan 6 insurrection because he ‘never took an oath to support the Constitution of the United States.’ This treacherous criminal is head of the Republican Party,” Democratic New Jersey Congressman Bill Pascrell posted on X, formerly Twitter.

    Greedy Confederate Republicans are obscenely not patriotic.

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    Another Take  7 months ago

    The 3 Pigs house should be the one made of straw.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 7 months ago

     @BB71 It appears to me that the Dems want to kill democracy. Their goal is socialism which leads to losing freedoms.

    Socialism? SOCIALISM!!?? The horror, the horror! Why, if we once started down that road, it might lead to socializing addiction-treatment programs, air-traffic control, anti-discrimination laws, anti-trust enforcement, bank deposit insurance, bridges, busses, canals, community clinics, consumer protection, contract enforcement, criminal justice, diplomacy, elections, employment relations, epidemiology, fair labor standards, farm price supports, fire fighting, fish hatcheries, flood insurance, food and drug safety standards, game management, garbage pickup, GI Bill, handicapped transportation, historic preservation, housing standards, immigration controls, insurance regulation, lake districts, levees, libraries, mail delivery, medical research, Medicare, mental-health services, mentally disabled care, money (coinage and currency), national defense, occupational safety and health inspections, outdoor recreation (playgrounds, tennis courts, golf courses, etc.), parking ramps, parks, police protection, pollution controls, prisons, public broadcasting, public housing, roadways (streets and highways), rural electrification, scholarships, school lunch, schools, scientific research, sewerage, snow removal, Social Security, space and oceanic exploration, state universities, stock-market oversight, swimming pools, traffic engineering, unemployment compensation, urban planning, utility regulation, veterans’ health care, water, weather prediction, weight and measure certification, wetland protection, and workers’ compensation.

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    willie_mctell  7 months ago

    I’ve invested heavily in brick futures.

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    dogday Premium Member 7 months ago

    A nearly-300 pound mental and emotional toddler with 75+ years of unrealized entitlement and aggrievment. Now THAT’s the person you want in charge.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 7 months ago

    It’s been said that history never repeats itself exactly but that it often rhymes. Here’s the poem I’m fervently hoping for.

    Republican Herbert Hoover was elected in 1928 and horribly mismanaged the Great Depression, which began in 1929. As a result, the country elected Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932, and his New Deal began a generation’s worth of the so-called “liberal consensus”, in which government was not only seen as but actually WAS the legitimate helper of the citizenry. After WW2 that consensus produced the most prolonged period of widespread peace and prosperity in American history. It was so successful that even Republicans dared not flout it.

    “Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things, but their number is negligible and they are stupid.” —Dwight D. Eisenhower

    “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” —Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961 farewell address to Congress

    “Clean air, clean water, open spaces — these should once again be the birthright of every American.” —Richard M. Nixon, 1970 State of the Union address. He signed into law the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and legislation creating the EPA.

    This began to change with the Republican president elected in 1980, who famously said “Government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem.” —Ronald Reagan, 1981 inaugural address


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  34. Marx lennon
    charliekane  7 months ago

    A joke, who ain’t funny no more. This is serious business. No one who loves or cares about America should vote for the FFFG.

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  35. 3 stooges
    tee929  7 months ago

    I think it is called ‘Trump-deaf’…….

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    Even Ammosexual works more than 10 to 4 Premium Member 7 months ago

    While painting Trump as the Big Bad Wolf may seem scary, I really see him as a big angry orange Godzilla with DC standing in for Tokyo. Where’s Raymond Burr when you really need him.

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    LC64  7 months ago

    The RNC is afraid to not nominate tRump. They know that if they pick anyone else, tRump will denounce the process as rigged, and will run as a third candidate under the flag of the tRump party. That will split the vote and ensure a Democrat victory.

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 7 months ago

    It is so cute that the Deep State calls itself Democracy.

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  39. Straycat 1
    MFRXIM Premium Member 7 months ago

    Not kidding! GOP and the Heritage Foundation are building him a team of enablers capable caring out Project 2025. This is much more dangerous thanks first term. Lock up 45**.

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  40. Straycat 1
    MFRXIM Premium Member 7 months ago

    Not kidding! GOP and the Heritage Foundation are building him a team of enablers capable caring out Project 2025. This is much more dangerous than his first term. Lock up 45**.

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