Steve Kelley for January 02, 2024

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    BenesBaker Premium Member 6 months ago

    Blocked out because it is so anti-Biden?

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  6 months ago

    Finally Gocomics actually did something good today!

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    Al Fresco  6 months ago

    Beautiful. Such emotion, a true expression of the current malaise.. Hang it in MOMA.

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  4. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member 6 months ago

    So why am I paying for censored content?

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  5. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member 6 months ago

    Looks like Varvel has been censored as well.

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    NeoconMan  6 months ago

    So he finally went over the line sliming people, did he?

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    dorotheac928  6 months ago

    I refreshed the page and miraculously the cartoon showed up!

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    Odon Premium Member 6 months ago

    Now it’s on display and it’s full of bull. No surprise.

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    Ontman  6 months ago
    Kelley has been getting away with spewing his BS but I guess that’s OK.
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  10. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  6 months ago

    What is sad is how true it is and Democrats and Biden-drones will deny it, or they will play the ‘yea, but!’ game. I think the term is cognitive dissonance.

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    suzalee  6 months ago

    Stop looking at the speck in Biden’s eye, and check out the beam in Trump’s eye. >

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    NobodyAwesome Premium Member 6 months ago

    How do I get all right-wing cartoonists to draw of a cartoon me as an alleged billionaire? After all, allegations are all that is needed for someone to become that.

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    davidthoms1  6 months ago

    Kelly chooses to overlook the 400 plus Golf outings, most of which required travel to Florida, by the orange fraudster. Also does his habit of watching TV 18 hours a day count as vacation or just research?

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  14. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  6 months ago

    It is true! He spent more time off in one year than Trump did in 4.

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  15. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  6 months ago

    Isn’t it funny that before Biden took office his net worth was like 2.5 million (in 2017) but now Biden is worth more than over 10 million (depending on sources)! He has never held a job outside politics in decades. The presidential salary is 400K. (that we know of. . . ). Oddly, Kamala is also increasing. . .

    He must be very good at saving money. . .though the math doesn’t add up. But that’s okay. He is a Democrat and any Democrat will tell you that Democrats are not lying, cheating, dog face pony soldiers. Certainly not insider trading or anything like that. Democrats are saints!

    Remember how Trump used to donate his salary to different causes?

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  16. Homoerectus
    fusilier  6 months ago
    of indictments of the US Presidents:

    1-44 – zero

    45 – ninety-one

    46 – zero


    James 2:24

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    Local 574 Premium Member 6 months ago

    Hey Steve, you just described capitalism and class society. Well done, amigo.

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    DC Swamp  6 months ago

    Not sure why people complain about Biden being on vacation, his demented brain is on vacation all the time! The more that he and the DC Swamp are on vacation, the less things they can screw up.

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    Ivan the Terrible   6 months ago

    Another stake in the heart of the DNC.

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    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 6 months ago

    Great toon, Steve.

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    librarylady59  6 months ago

    Is the claim that President Joe Biden has spent 40 percent of his presidency “on vacation” a straightforward statement? No, that’s not true: It’s missing context. The count includes days the president makes public appearances and days he spends at home in Delaware and at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland — time the White House insists he is still working. Also, Biden’s formal speeches make clear he’s working for at least part of some days he’s marked “on vacation.”

    https://leadstories com/hoax-alert/2023/03/

    Biden handled some business while he was in Lake Tahoe, his most recent vacation. For example, the president received near-daily briefings about the wildfires and floods in parts of the country, signed a disaster declaration, held a press conference with reporters, and spoke to several officials on the phone including National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

    Trump’s time out of office earned a of media attention because he spent most of his time away, around 250 days, at properties he owned — and would therefore financially benefit from by his presence — during his presidency.

    Presidents on both sides of the aisle have been taking vacations since the very beginning. For example, Abraham Lincoln would spend his summers away from the White House.

    immy Carter, known as a workhorse, spent only 79 days day off during his four years as president.

    Barack Obama took 328 days off during his eight years in office, and George W. Bush took 1,020 days off in eight years.

    https://cbsaustin com/news/nation-world/fact-check-team-examining-president-joe-bidens-vacation-time-in-comparison-to-predecessors-donald-trump-mar-a-lago-george-w-bush-barack-obama-delaware-rehoboth-beach-personal-business-rnc-pool-reports

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  22. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  6 months ago

    Biden isn’t the only president who enjoys getting away. Bill Clinton was observed by eye witnesses when he got away under alias “Doe 36” to Jeffrey Epstein’s island to molest little girls. After those court documents are released under court order as early as today, it won’t be just a matter of witness say-so.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 6 months ago

    How soon they forget.. kind of exactly what trump did while he was president. And exactly is probably an understatement, trump did a lot more of it. More family to enrich.. more influence peddling (and with shadier people).. and no contest to the money laundering

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  24. Sunimage
    Sun  6 months ago

    The acceptance of bribes and criminal activity such as money laundering is okay when Democrats, Joe Biden and a member of Joe Biden family does it.

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    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    Kelly gets away with his own lies, republicans run on lies and believe their own lies.

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    BB71  6 months ago

    He`s been known for decades as a crooked Congressman on the take. He also has been known as the dumbest Congressman by his own party.

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    preacherman Premium Member 6 months ago

    Lies, lies, lies, lies.

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  28. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  6 months ago

    Go to Townhall, where they don’t censor cartoons that disagree with their own beliefs. You can even see Tom Stiglich there!

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    IndyW  6 months ago

    I do not see this toon blocked??? It is in full display for me.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 6 months ago

    The gaslighting and projection are moving along with the Republican Party. It certainly won’t get them any votes, but at least it makes Republicans feel better about their own evils they have created.

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  31. Blizzard
    Escapee  6 months ago

    Ah-so selective Steve. You have conveniently glossed over your guy’s ducking rape and assault and insurrection. What’s it like in your fantasy world where any semblance of reality is denied?

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    DrDon1  6 months ago

    Kelley starts off 2024 like he finished 2023 … spreading his misinformation!

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    ChristopherBurns  6 months ago

    I am constantly amazed by the postes here who write something along the lines of “If you don’t like what they drew (or said), don’t read it”.

    The purpose of an editorial cartoon is to provoke discourse. Obviously some people don’t get that.

    Some people don’t want to listen to the another argument. Obviously those that disagree listened to your argument and have a different opinion (and you don’t like that)

    And facts don’t matter to them.

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    cfkelley  6 months ago

    I can hear the tiny heads of gocomics liberals erupting like little kernals of pop corn.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 6 months ago

    Does Biden profit from taking vacations?

    Kelley, your projection can be seen from Uranus, the planet.

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    ncorgbl  6 months ago

    It’s difficult to get away with those things Biden hasn’t done.

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    jqmcd  6 months ago

    What a load of crap. Did we count how many days #45 spent on his personal golf courses at taxpayers’ expense? Did we count how much money Trump’s kids took home from Saudi Arabia? Feh.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 6 months ago

    All true Steve.

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    lawguy05  6 months ago

    Well done.

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    ShadowMaster  6 months ago

    Trump was president for 418 weekend days. He visited one of his properties on 240 of those days, or on 57 percent of them. Trump has visited a Trump Organization property on 428 days of his presidency, or one visit every 3.4 days.

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    My First Premium Member 6 months ago
    “All those people seeking asylum” ought to “surge to the border.” Those are literally the words Candidate Biden used in 2019, and it’s the obvious message of his administration’s every move since January 2021. Therefore, he should be banned on every state ballot as he has made the country less safe!
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    My First Premium Member 6 months ago

    You must go to The Washington Free Beacon to see Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week (Best of 2023). A minute or so of 5 second clips of all the mumbling and stumbling of our wonderful Commander in Chief. Hilarious.

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  43. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  6 months ago

    Aren’t those things on the list of Divine Rights of politicians?

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    Rich Douglas  6 months ago

    Nice libel.

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 6 months ago

    Um,blondie? R U sure you’re not speakin’about the orange one? In terms of corruption,fraud,etc all for the almighty DOLLAR I’m sure that orange one has a much greater net worth than Joe….

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    olebear53  6 months ago

    But true

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  47. Freeradical
    Free Radical  6 months ago

    How dare he not golf incessantly at his own golf courses?

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    suelou  6 months ago

    And it’s all being DONE for him by his “handlers”… he hasn’t a clue what’s going on!

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    rs0204 Premium Member 6 months ago

    President Biden and trump were out of the White House for approximately an even amount of time. However, that is where the comparison ends.

    Biden spent time out of the White House at Camp David or one of his personal properties, where he remained and often continued working on the business of being President. “Trump’s trips out of the White House were generally to places where his presence was a direct asset to his business and therefore his personal income. His interactions with club members and their guests were linked to various efforts to influence public policy. Not to mention that some guests had front-row seats for history.”*

    So that is the difference. President Biden did/does not personally benefit from staying at his home, whereas trump is selling access to himself and influence at his various clubs for personal gain.

    *Washington Post – Fact-checked by White House Pool Reporters.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 6 months ago

    More projection from the right when the trump crime family are the ones that have done influence peddling and enriching themselves. Freakin unbelievable

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