Teach civics in schools. Encourage more exchange programs so kids learn about other countries. Teach people fundamentals around finances. Provide at least a foundation in logic and critical thinking.
There has always been a distribution of intelligence (different kinds of intelligence) across the population. In a meritocracy, a person rises based on how well their form of intelligence matches their chosen career.
Only a fraction of intelligence is to due to genes of the parents. Many genes are involved in intelligence and no assumptions can be made offhand about children’s potential based on the parents’ intelligence.
The only way we can do that is to teach people critical thinking skills in school. That means learning the difference between facts and opinions, between healthy skepticism (no blind faith) and refusing to listen to the experts. We can start with the scientific method, and I assure you it doesn’t begin, “I’ve done my own research after listening to politicians and news pundits.”
Each individual is responsible for his or her own education, and the level of research that they choose to do. I will not malign any for the political, religious/spiritual, philosophical or cultural views that they choose in this forum. I will not assume that you are an idiot, imbecile or moron just because I don’t agree with you.
syzygy47 11 months ago
Hack into the Fox broadcast and play NPR and PBS? Minds poof blown!
Ratkin Premium Member 11 months ago
End grade inflation. Start grading on a strict curve and restore SAT and ACT scores as the primary qualification criteria for college admission.
Gent 11 months ago
Eh but what is problem here? Let em aliens goes and eats em stoopid peoples. Good riddance eh.
Imagine 11 months ago
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” – George Carlin
It looks like there’s going to be a feast for a while.
trantor0815 11 months ago
Maybe shoot all politicians and radical religious people (or people trying to convert others) to Mars. The aliens will follow them.
phritzg Premium Member 11 months ago
If we can somehow convince them they’re even more stupid than we are, they’ll consume each other instead of us.
kartis 11 months ago
Teach civics in schools. Encourage more exchange programs so kids learn about other countries. Teach people fundamentals around finances. Provide at least a foundation in logic and critical thinking.
rmercer Premium Member 11 months ago
Let’s see….. if A ⇒ B and B ⇒ C, then….. where did all these stinking arrows come from?!
DaBump Premium Member 11 months ago
If the aliens eat the stupidity particles, won’t Earthlings get smarter?
Alverant 11 months ago
Realize that if learning history doesn’t occasionally shock, shame, and anger you then you either have no empathy or you’re not learning enough.
ChessPirate 11 months ago
Plan 9 From Outer Space might work better… ☺
xSigoff Premium Member 11 months ago
Just remember that fully half the population is below average. It’s how a bell curve works.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 11 months ago
It should be possible to “fix stupid.” It would definitely be worth trying.
Mike Baldwin creator 11 months ago
Houston we have a problem – and no one to solve it, or even aware of it.
old_geek 11 months ago
Wonder how those clutching their pearls over X would fare…
oakie817 11 months ago
that one won’t work either
mistercatworks 11 months ago
There has always been a distribution of intelligence (different kinds of intelligence) across the population. In a meritocracy, a person rises based on how well their form of intelligence matches their chosen career.
Only a fraction of intelligence is to due to genes of the parents. Many genes are involved in intelligence and no assumptions can be made offhand about children’s potential based on the parents’ intelligence.
Radish... 11 months ago
Make republicans stop lying.
eb110americana 11 months ago
The only way we can do that is to teach people critical thinking skills in school. That means learning the difference between facts and opinions, between healthy skepticism (no blind faith) and refusing to listen to the experts. We can start with the scientific method, and I assure you it doesn’t begin, “I’ve done my own research after listening to politicians and news pundits.”
norphos 11 months ago
They look like giant green Cheetos® Puffs.
norphos 11 months ago
Each individual is responsible for his or her own education, and the level of research that they choose to do. I will not malign any for the political, religious/spiritual, philosophical or cultural views that they choose in this forum. I will not assume that you are an idiot, imbecile or moron just because I don’t agree with you.
Frer Squirrel 11 months ago
For example, if the choice is to row or to wade, then row makes the most sense, because it is the higher path. You don’t know how deep you will wade.