Clay Jones for March 02, 2024

  1. Missing large
    Hello Everyone  4 months ago

    Morbid thought: I wonder what the Infant Mortality Rate is for those kids. Or the rate of Incarceration? It’s an uncomfortable fact that the crime rate goes down when access to abortion is available. Is it worth it? I don’t know, but it is statistically proven.

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    brwydave Premium Member 4 months ago

    A packed Supreme Court and a crumbling democracy are Mitch’s legacies.

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  3. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  4 months ago

    They’re not children, they will be a new cheap labour force.

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  4. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 4 months ago

    Yes, everyone should leave a legacy.

    Mitch McConnell leaves a legacy of duplicity, hypocrisy and divisiveness unparalleled in the Annals of the U.S. Senate, an institution he claimed to love but which he did more to dismantle than any other person in our nation’s history.

    When Obama won the presidency in 2008 with resounding outright majorities in both electoral and popular votes, Mitch McConnell pledged that his number one priority would be to make Obama a one-term president. (He failed; Obama joined FDR, Eisenhower and Reagan as the only four presidents to win at least two presidential elections by outright majorities, not mere pluralities.)

    McConnell held a U.S. Supreme Court seat vacated by Antonin Scalia’s death open for more than a year because of a made-up rule that had never been applied before (yes, Biden floated the idea in 1988 against a Reagan appointee, but dropped the idea, allowed the vote, and Reagan’s nominee Anthony Kennedy was confirmed and sworn in), and then revealed the extent of his disgusting double-standard hypocrisy when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in 2020 after voting in the election was already under way.

    It was McConnell’s hypocritical and cynical abuse of filibuster than forced Democrats to rein in his excesses by limiting its use for appointments.

    As Clay Jones’ brilliant cartoon illustrates, it is Mitch McConnell, more than anyone except Donald Trump himself, who bears responsibility for stripping women of fundamental rights and bringing Margaret Atwood’s dystopian nightmare of The Handmaid’s Tale, to life.

    The Handmaid’s Tale was supposed to be a warning, not a roadmap.

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 4 months ago

    The anti-abortion party of Trump now defines IVF as sinning.

    They HATE the first amendment. And democracy, of course.

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    suspiria  4 months ago

    That drawing is wrong. After the fetus is born, they don’t give a rat’s behind, the little bugger can starve for all they care…

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    knutdl  4 months ago


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    Cpeckbourlioux  4 months ago

    My sister-in-law had a pretty radical idea. Give all these frozen embryos a tax number. Make the “parents” pay taxes on them.My idea? Wake the f*ck up, America!

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    Mitch has done more to single-handedly destroy our country than anybody else.

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  10. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  4 months ago

    The cartoonist left out the back alley abortions, the unenforceable laws, the extra abortions due to those laws, and the public hypocrasy not seen since Prohibition. Fortunately, here in Pennsylvania, we still have the enforceable rules of McCorvey vs Wade and avoid the nonsense.

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    sevaar777  4 months ago

    Diseased and dying ferns are certainly better in the trash can. Or in a compost heap. Why waste time watering ’em?

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    GiantShetlandPony  4 months ago

    I wonder if Amy realizes if the Repubs are allowed to continue on the direction of oppressing women they are on, she will be out of a job. It’s not a stretch to think they won’t allow women on the supreme court sooner, than later.

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    WaitingMan  4 months ago

    It really tells you how radical the Trump appointees are that someone as far to the right as Kavanaugh is considered the moderate of the three.

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    smithsilverstrea  4 months ago

    In order to get really lost, you need a map.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 4 months ago

    Yup, they should. Sadly the one Mitch leaves is not an honorable one.

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    ShadowMaster  4 months ago

    This is that “supply” of kids, I assume

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  17. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 4 months ago

    Trump is dumb as a box of rocks and hasn’t managed to accomplish anything in his life. He is an expert in taking anything of value and running it into the ground. He did pretty much nothing as president on his own. Mitch is highly competent, unfortunately combined with evil and has done much more damage than Trump. Trump’s only value is that stupid people recognize and feel comfortable with a kindred spirit.

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    Ally2005  4 months ago

    Moscow Mitch isn’t retiring yet, just giving up his leadership role. His term runs until Jan of 2027. He’ll stick around just taking up space. K crying in his beer is a nice touch.

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  19. Rat
    clayjonz creator 4 months ago

    Time to debunk more Fernbot lies. Mitch McConnell held open Scalia’s seat even though President Obama had a year left in his term. He refused to hold open RBG’s seat even though there was just a little more than a month left before the election. He said the people need to have a say in Scalia’s case, yet more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than for Trump. In 2020, as we all know, Joe Biden beat Trump though McConnell didn’t want people to have a “say” in that one. Also, in 2016, more Americans voted for Democratic Senate candidates than for GOP ones. So, more Americans wanted liberal justices, not the three troglodyte fundamentalist zealots Trump and McConnell appointed. The nation is moving more to the left, not the right.

    Presidents are elected by the people to serve four years, not three.

    Now it gets heavy with the Russian troll’s lies. The FBI did NOT spy on Trump or “collude” with Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden did NOT take “bribes” from Burisma. President Obama did have four million fewer votes in 2012 than he had in 2008, around four million. Mitt Romney only gained around one million in 2012 than McCain had in 2008. Trump did gain more votes in 2020 than he received in 2016, but he was the losing candidate with the popular vote BOTH times. Donald Trump lost the presidential election in 2020. Donald Trump was aided by Russian disinformation campaigns both times, though it was less successful in 2020.

    Fernbot says Trump gained votes in 2020 which is something President Obama can’t say. What Trump can’t say is he won the popular…ever. What Trump can’t say but President Obama can is that he’s a two-term president and not a one-term loser.

    Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election by eight million votes thus earning to fill RGB’s seat.

    It also argues that people want to “protect” their In Vitro, but dummy…there aren’t In Vitros to protect when the stupid ruling shuts down all the clinics.

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  20. Rat
    clayjonz creator 4 months ago

    Also, Trump NEVER won as many electoral votes as Obama won.

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    Teto85 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Moscow Mitch, Putin’s b!tch.

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    piper_gilbert  4 months ago

    Unintended consequences of packing the Supreme Court. Overturned Roe and dramatically increased the Democrat vote. Love it!

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  23. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  4 months ago

    Many Americans do not remember the time before Roe, when too many desperate women found men who were plannning to go to med school and were willing to use crochet hooks and knitting needles to provide a back-alley abortion.

    These women were often listed in obituaries as having died of “complications from appendicitis” or some other claptrap.

    There will always be a demand for abortion, like it or not. Abortion is almost never a goal, but a surrender to desperation.

    If we really want to reduce the number of abortions, we should make Rx birth control readily available (OTC failure rate is unacceptable) and inexpensive or free. This would truly make abortion rare.

    But treating symptoms while ignoring cause is a too-popular approach.

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    rlaker22j  4 months ago

    McConnell is the United states’s version of Neville Chamberlain

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  25. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    Will the traitor Trump police state concentration camps be guarded by trigger happy Magas with AR-15s?

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    willie_mctell  4 months ago

    Is there a connection with the attempts at gutting child labor laws here?

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    Meanwhile, in Mitch’s blood-red Kentucky, the MAGA legislature is working to pass House Bill 500, which will take away a worker’s rights to lunch and rest breaks.

    I suppose next they’ll do away with overtime, the 40-hour work week, maternity leave, health insurance, minimum wage, child labor laws, education, ant-discrimination laws, work place safety laws…

    Welcome to the MAGA 18th Century, y’all!

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    aterry89  4 months ago


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    pamela welch Premium Member 4 months ago

    Great artwork, Clay; you completely nailed, as usual — Thank you ♥

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 4 months ago

    How about you make decisions as to whether you want the child before the bedroom instead of killing the child afterwards?

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