Chip Bok for March 13, 2024

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Chip, you are going to be slammed , but it is true.

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    think it through  4 months ago

    I am sure some old [1970’s, according to Fern] documents stored in his locked garage, not in his vet, at his home, guarded by Secret Service was much safer the trump’s hot, newest intelligence documents, stored in a public crapper, with a door and it’s lock only workable from the ’’inside’’ is so secure Putin could have walked in and read all he wanted. Also, I don’t see evidence that Biden took anyone into his garage and showed them to foreign agents. Even trump’s vice-president’s case had worse implications then Biden’s. But republicans are silent on his case, and he wasn’t charged either. MAGA’s starting to smell desperate.

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    truthsocialol  4 months ago

    Testifying under oath before congress, robert hur admitted telling Biden he seemed to have “photographic recall”.

    hur wrote a 387 page report, and he left that part out.

    He also left out the fact that BIden DID know the date of his son’s death.

    And right after hur issued the report that is now falling apart, he resigned.

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    knutdl  4 months ago

    A green convertible 1967 Corvette Stingray OMG!

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    What would you expect from a toady artist?

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    truthsocialol  4 months ago

    President Biden didn’t assert executive privilege or claim absolute immunity from presidential crimes.

    He didn’t hide boxes of documents.

    No documents in the bathroom.

    He didn’t fight investigators, or seek to redact a single word of the report.

    He didn’t have aides move the documents ahead of the August FBI search, or flood the room, that contained the cameras, that would have shown the aides moving the boxes.

    He didn’t have his staff load the boxes on his private plane.

    President Biden told the FBI to thoroughly search his residences, and gave them full unrestricted access.

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    We’d all like to know where Trump secretly flew those 10-15 banker’s boxes after being subpoenaed for them. Apparently, they were full of documents. Regardless, there must have been a flight plan… My guess is New Jersey.

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    GiantShetlandPony  4 months ago

    Hur is a political hack and not good at his job. So, it’s a good thing he resigned from his job.

    Biden was exonerated of any and all wrong doing and that’s all there is to that.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  4 months ago

    Replace with biden with trump and then maybe it be truthful

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    robcarroll1213  4 months ago

    Maybe Biden was out raping someone, or kissing some dictator’s butt. Oh, wait…

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    My First Premium Member 4 months ago

    Democrats. Having it both ways. “Joe cannot be charged because he’s mentally incompetent”. And “Joe is still sharp and must be re-elected”. Which is it?

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    NeoconMan  4 months ago

    So Brian Butler (Employee Five) just confessed to hiding and transporting Trump’s secret documents but Bok ignores that and goes with gossip about Biden instead.


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    GroupiesOfPutin  4 months ago

    “Can’t make it up”: Experts say transcript shows special counsel Robert Hur “lied” about Biden (salon)

    Hur has said “I don’t recall” or “I don’t remember” multiple times. These were in response to an investigation and report conducted LAST YEAR.

    And yet he had the nerve to impugn Biden’s memory.

    Hur appears to have no memory of what he put in his report. Always asking for the page number, and then spending minutes reading what he wrote.

    It’s also very convenient that he resigned from the DOJ before his testimony so he’s not held to the ethical standards that DOJ employees are. What a pos.

    After noting that in the transcript of his interview with Biden, Hur remarked that the chief executive had “a photographic understanding” of things (language Hur conveniently left off his final report), Swalwell then introduced a stellar supercut of Donald Trump being anything but “photographic” in his recall of … anything.

    It was such an enjoyable supercut that Jordan cut it off before it was finished.

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    guyjen2004 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Hur repeatedly reminded committee members that the most relevant statute at issue in the investigation requires that the unlawful retention of national defense information be willful — in other words, that it’s done with criminal intent. Hur did say in his report that he had uncovered evidence to support the idea of willful retention, but noted he had not found enough to establish proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

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    suzalee  4 months ago

    Biden let them search his property and co-operated. Trump refused to give up the documents and said they were his, which they are not. He lied about having given them all of the documents, while he instructed his employees to hide them. That’s why Trump is being prosecuted and Biden is not.

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    guyjen2004 Premium Member 4 months ago

    The transcript from Hur’s interview with Biden is interesting. After the report was released, Biden went on a tirade about how Hur brought up his son Beau’s death. The transcript shows that Biden brought up his son’s death and couldn’t remember what year he had died. Members of Biden’s coterie (there seems to have been 5-7 of them in the room) reminded him it was 2015. Biden also was fuzzy on what years he was VP, with his legal counsel again stepping in to provide the dates. Hur’s conclusions about Biden’s faulty memory are validated by this transcript. And yes, those conclusions are relevant to a prosecutor’s investigation to determine if not only a crime can be proven “beyond a reasonable doubt”; Biden’s cognitive issues would play a central part in his defense if brought to trial. That is exactly what Hur was charged with when appointed as Special Counsel by the DOJ. He did his job well and defended his report quite well in front of yet another Congressional Clown Show.

    Serious question: Was Biden lying when he accused Hur of bringing up the death of his son, or was this another instance of Biden’s cognitive issues?

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    davidthoms1  4 months ago


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    Jack7528  4 months ago

    Love it!

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    Teto85 Premium Member 4 months ago

    What load of malarky has Chip dropped today?

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    DrDon1  4 months ago

    ^ Bok just loves to recycle this crap…

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    Ontman  4 months ago

    Asked and answered Chippy. Go back to bed.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 4 months ago

    So.. we have a report on Joe’s handling of classified boo-boos, If there’s one on trump.. which by all accounts (like everything trump) is bigger, the dems are being discreet and not trying to embarrass the ex president. Dems have class.

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    librarylady59  4 months ago

    Stupid comic based on non-facts. “Hur complimented Biden on his memory. ‘That was very helpful. We have some photographs to show you, but you have — appear to have a photographic understanding and recall of the house,’ Hur said.” – NPR

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    DenO Premium Member 4 months ago

    He should have been prosecuted for the documents he stole before becoming President.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 4 months ago

    Old Yeller Joe proved he can handle reading the prompter….it the impromptu stuff thatcause problems…..

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  26. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 4 months ago

    Many people who leave the White House wind up taking some classified material, because they take thousands of papers.

    Biden said, “Oh. Here they are back.”

    Trump LIED about having them, HID them so they couldn’t be found, loaded them on planes and transported them.

    The question is: WHY? Why did Trump lie and hide in order to keep classified documents? What was he going to DO with them? Or what DID he do with them?

    And if you don’t care about what was done with them, stop pretending to be a patriotic American.

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    Al Fresco  4 months ago

    I would suggest reading the full transcript, or even a digest, of Hur’s report. Then you can make your complaints, question Hur’s integrity, and his conclusions. It you are complaining Trump did this and that, remember that he is being prosecuted, Biden is not. Why 2 standards of Justice? Biden was not exonerated of his potential crimes, only that prosecuting him would be a waste of money as a jury would be empathetic due to age and mental acuity. Trump was president and past-president. Certain laws apply to a president Biden was not when the offenses occurred. The performance of Democrat’s inquisition of Hur yesterday was disgraceful, in my opinion. Some of their statements were egregiously wrong. Of course I am a partisan as are most you Biden defenders. An open mind would be beneficial.

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    piper_gilbert  4 months ago

    Pretty clear Bok is a Trump operative.

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    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    Trump stolen secrets were in the bathroom where any russian spy could view them.

    Who knows what secrets traitor Trump gave to Orban to take back to Putin.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member 4 months ago

    So here is the real reason Hur didn’t bring charges, he knew that any jury that had Democrats on would never vote a Democrat President guilty. That’s the bottom line and that’s the question I wish would have been asked of Hur.

    Second, this absolutely shows the hypocrisy and double standards of the DC swamp and Democrats. I held a TS/SCI clearance for twenty years and know for a fact that anyone other than Hillary or Joe would be imprisoned in Leavenworth for what they did. I know people who were imprisoned and fined for far less. For those pointing fingers at President Trump, I say again that Article II of the Constitution gives the POTUS UNLIMITED authority to classify and declassify ANYTHING. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this in favor of Presidential power in this regard. When these bogus charges finally reach the SCOTUS they will reaffirm that authority. Neither Hillary or Joe had this authority and are guilty in fact if not in a court.

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    s49nav  4 months ago

    Rashida Tlaib: “So you’ve completely exonerated President Biden!”

    Robert Hur: “I haven’t exonerated President Biden at all!”

    Rashida Tlaib: “Stop interrupting me! Who do you think you are?”

    “You can take Tlaib’s sheer ugliness, multiply it by three, and still not come close to that of Jamie Raskin or Adam Schiff” – The Wall Street Journal

    The WSJ went on to opine that the American public was not nearly as impressed by Joe’s SOTU address (if you can call it that) as were American journalists. They don’t call it the Fifth Column for nothing.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  4 months ago

    Back the car over him Joe—-no jury would convict you

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  33. Carthago delenda est
    Carthago delenda est  4 months ago

    Fine, he’s old and forgetful. So give me someone that I can vote for instead of him. I’m not voting for Trump.

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    Lou Nattic, né Stan C  4 months ago

    Again with the lies!!

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    In other news, fewer than 100 House Republicans are going to their annual MAGA / Nazi retreat in West Virginia / Berchtesgaden. One saying that “I’d rather sit down with Hannibal Lecter and eat my own liver.” Combine that with traditional Republicans resigning from Congress because of the MAGA madness.

    And meanwhile, the usual MAGA freaks are out in force for one of their favorite cartoonists. With ZERO policies besides cruelty, mayhem, and violence, there is absolutely nothing “conservative” about them.

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    There’s a REASON why a group of baboons is called a “Congress”.

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    mlambo49  4 months ago

    Very sad these days that people are very gullible and believe everything a candidate says.

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