Joe Heller for March 31, 2024

  1. Great view up here
    comixbomix  3 months ago

    Cast ye out the moneychanger.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  3 months ago

    Thats rough

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    Murray's Hill  3 months ago

    T says “Happy Easter!” while B says “Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!” T is promoting the Bible while B is forbiding any religious imagery at the WH Easter celebration. Just more reasons why T is more popular than B.

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  4. Headre
    robertthomasson  3 months ago

    For Murray above.

    Transgender Visibility Day was set a decade ago, Easter just happens to fall on that day this year. Though why a festival to celebrate an historical event falls on different weekends is beyond my understanding.

    On the banning of religious images, White House Deputy Assistant to the President Elizabeth Alexander poured cold: “Fyi on all the misleading swirl re White House and Easter: the American Egg Board flyer’s standard non-discrimination language requesting artwork has been used for the last 45 years, across all Dem & Republican Admins—for all WH Easter Egg Rolls —incl previous Administration’s.”

    Did you actually look for information beyond a Faux Not-News or Noise-Max gushing ‘report’ on a press release from the Orange Clown? But why let facts get in the way of a good prejudice.

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    Patjade  3 months ago

    Hard to believe that Christians follow a guy who’s the poster boy for breaking almost every one of the Ten Commandments and done practically every sin mentioned in the Bible.

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    gammaguy  3 months ago

    I find it difficult to believe that the fellow pictured in the second panel can actually pay for a room in Trump Tower. Or is he the guy that just won more than a billion dollars in the lottery?

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    The Nodding Head  3 months ago

    People used to come once a year and give away Bibles to anyone who wanted one at my college. But they didn’t include valuable copies of documents otherwise unavailable to the general public such as the Constitution, Bill of Rights (which as we all know is a separate entity), and the all-too-rare Pledge of Allegiance.

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  8. Wtp
    superposition  3 months ago

    On this first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox, I gaze at the map of states that would deny women the right to control their bodies with a heavy heart. These are same states that have the highest infant mortality and highest child hunger rates. —

    states guttmacher org policies [ . . / ]

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    truthsocialol  3 months ago

    How stupid, what kind of sucker do you have to be, to praise the religious behavior of a rapist adulterer, and then pay him for a bible????

    trump runs his ketchup-ringed mouth, and says whatever it takes to get the empty-headed, slack-jawed, magat trump-humper pushovers to donate and keep adding their middle-class money to his millions. And they keep adding to it.

    trump is the seven deadly sins personified:

    pride — yup.

    greed — check. (Or cash, or buy a condo from me, or stay at my hotel, or buy my stock, or..)

    lust — just ask Ivanka, and the hookers, and his wives.

    envy — just ask, well, practically anybody.

    gluttony — have you seen his waistline?

    wrath — ducked any lunch plates lately?

    sloth — his lazy as$ drives his golf cart right up onto the green.

    trump does with religion what he does with his cult of useful idiots, some of whom are reading this right now.

    He uses it in anyway it benefits him, and then he ignores it until it’s useful again.

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    eclairewl Premium Member 3 months ago

    Laugh of the day.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

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    buckyteeth  3 months ago

    Do you suppose that he has “many” bibles because he took the Gideon bibles from his hotel in DC?

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  13. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Trump is an anti Christ, please tell me how this is wrong.

    What sayings of his originate from the love of Christ? When does he sacrifice for others? When does he provide solace to the widow, the orphan, the convict, the migrant?

    As a Christian, in full knowledge that I am far from perfection, I reject Donald Trump as a “Christian” leader. Trump is evil and must be stopped.

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    Ontman  3 months ago

    $60 is too much to pay for toilet paper.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member 3 months ago

    Evangelicals are not as mindless as they appear to be. They really want the entire country to share their beliefs, or at least to act like they do.

    They don’t like abortions, and actually birth control.

    They want everyone to attend church and believe in Jesus.

    They would not just allow public prayer everywhere all the time, but demand that anyone not participating be punished.

    They would not allow any evidence of any other religion, or lack thereof to be displayed in public. That kind of thing is frightening to them and they really really hate it.

    And, they have somehow gotten the idea that Trump wants a Christian version of the Taliban in America. This is quite a reach, considering that he doesn’t attend church himself and has shown absolutely no morals according to the dictates of any religion.

    It is amazing to see how many of these people who are, in their own minds at least, a moral shining light actually are not ashamed of the fact that they are avidly supporting a person who is reliably dishonest in his business dealings and has the Family Values credentials of an extremely active tomcat.

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    piper_gilbert  3 months ago

    Trump making a buck on the Good Word. Anybody surprised?

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    IndyW  3 months ago

    Making a buck off religion, just like the celebrity TV evangelists.

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    wuhts  3 months ago

    The Transgender Day of Visibility, was started in 2009 as a day of awareness to celebrate the successes of transgender and gender-nonconforming people, and is held annually on March 31. Easter us a movable Feast. I continue to be shocked that any Bible trump’s hands touch doesn’t burst into flames.

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    truthsocialol  3 months ago

    trump claims to be a billionaire.

    trump claims to love God.

    trump claims the Bible is the best book he’s ever read.

    trump is not giving away Bibles.

    trump is selling Bibles.

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    Radish the wordsmith  3 months ago

    Gotta admit, anybody who can hawk both personally autographed BIBLES and his own MUGSHOT merch at the same time is a helluva snake oil salesman

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    Moore 1  3 months ago

    I wait for the new book by Trump written when he is in jail, He could called it Mein Kampf 2

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    ShadyLithand Premium Member 3 months ago

    Joe this is similar to what I was thinking

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    Jimathai Premium Member 3 months ago

    at this point he knows his marks / supporters will be duped by anything so why not?

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    stevesabe  3 months ago

    the biggler orange clown (POS) has never read it!!!

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    lizschmidt82  3 months ago

    Next thing you know, T will be hawking used cars, that don’t run.

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  26. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  3 months ago

    Trump Sends His EASTER GREETINGS to ‘Those Many People that I Completely and Totally Despise’

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    SammySnyder  3 months ago

    I will be so happy when the Democrats get out of the RNC and Republicans start running conservatives.

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