Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 15, 2024

  1. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member 5 months ago

    Hello Stupid, meet Dumb-a$$.

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    snsurone76  5 months ago

    Maybe he should dress as the Red Rascal—and end up in the looney bin!

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  5 months ago

    His first case at the CIA will be to Google: roger stone news

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    John Leonard Premium Member 5 months ago

    My understanding is that one is interviewing with the CIA is itself classified.

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    mindjob  5 months ago

    Nobody would recognize him in a suit and a tie

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    Linguist  5 months ago

    When this arc first ran, it was very popular with the real CIA, according to a friend who had retired from “The Company” after 30+ years of service.

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    Will_Scarlet  5 months ago

    I hate these two.

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    Troglodyte  5 months ago

    Think? Hahaha

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    mistercatworks  5 months ago

    “Quick! Grow a goatee and cut off the tip of your nose.”

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    GaryCooper  5 months ago

    Jeff forgot the glasses with attached nose and mustache.

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    lnrokr55  5 months ago

    Paranoia Will Destroy Ya !

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    Uncle $crooge  4 months ago

    My youngest of three older brothers has always had a wild look. He had crazy, unmanagable hair and a beard that many people thought made him look like an artist’s depiction of Jesus Christ. Smart, he had degrees in Physics and Atmospheric Science and would have had one in education if the high school girls would have left him alone. His first job was washing dishes at a hospital. One day in 1977 or so, he saw an ad in the university newspaper that the CIA was looking for people with science degrees so he put in an application. Somehow he got a job as a weapons analyst where his group would analyze data from every time Russis launched a missile. I had told people at work that my brother worked for the CIA. One time he was visiting our parents and he came to see me. He was trying to get some money from his BOA acount but they wouldn’t let him because he didn’t have a driver’s license since he doesn’t drive. He needed me to get cash and he would pay me back with a check. He came in with his usual disheveled look with his shirt open but underneath you could see his Clash "Give “Em Enoguh Rope” t-shirt. He had gotten rid of his beard but he was always one of those guys that needed to shave at least twice a day so, since this was the afternoon, he had quite a bit of stubble. I helped him and came back to work. My co-workers would not believe that he worked for the CIA because he sure didn’t look like he did. So you really never can tell.

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  13. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member 4 months ago

    One thing I learned from NCIS is that CIA employees are not “agents” but rather “officers”.

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