The problem for the Party of Trump is that they have NOTHING to campaign on.
They have campaigned for 3 1/2 years on Hatred Of Biden and nothing else. Now they have to figure out some reasons for their Hatred Of Harris. So far, they hate her laugh. (None of them have ever heard Their Messiah laugh).
Their Messiah continues to say ‘Only I can fix it’ and promises to be a dictator on day one. Lately claims that he will ‘fix everything so that you never have to vote, ever again’.
In the same speech, he claims he is a Christian. Even his worshipers don’t believe that. No one does.
Now magat Senator Tom Cotton claims Trump’s statement was a joke. It was, but not in the way Cotton means it. Trump was in power for four years. He fixed NOTHING. Cities had to use refrigerated trucks as a temporary morgue because of covid deaths. Trump’s response: ‘I take no responsibility for ANY of it.’ and, ‘The good thing about the pandemic is that I don’t have to shake hands with those disgusting people.’
Red MAGA hat-wearing Fox demonstrates typical MAGA thinking skills. If President Biden had not ended his candidacy a couple of weeks ago, you’d still have had the exact same problem with disposal of any idiotic “Brandon” signs you have, come Nov 6 of this year, no matter who won the election.
It should be noted here that, here, three weeks AFTER the wily old fox called “Branden” by some, actually dropped out of the race, that Donnie John IS STILL, occasionally “railing” against Biden to his followers at rallys…
It must be horrible to have all that hatred and “bile” still within you, and, having lost your principal opponent, have nowhere to spew it…
Steve Bartholomew 6 months ago
That is actually a real problem.
mddshubby2005 6 months ago
Some people can’t be happy unless they’re angry.
braindead Premium Member 6 months ago
The problem for the Party of Trump is that they have NOTHING to campaign on.
They have campaigned for 3 1/2 years on Hatred Of Biden and nothing else. Now they have to figure out some reasons for their Hatred Of Harris. So far, they hate her laugh. (None of them have ever heard Their Messiah laugh).
Their Messiah continues to say ‘Only I can fix it’ and promises to be a dictator on day one. Lately claims that he will ‘fix everything so that you never have to vote, ever again’.
In the same speech, he claims he is a Christian. Even his worshipers don’t believe that. No one does.
Now magat Senator Tom Cotton claims Trump’s statement was a joke. It was, but not in the way Cotton means it. Trump was in power for four years. He fixed NOTHING. Cities had to use refrigerated trucks as a temporary morgue because of covid deaths. Trump’s response: ‘I take no responsibility for ANY of it.’ and, ‘The good thing about the pandemic is that I don’t have to shake hands with those disgusting people.’
TheWildSow 6 months ago
They’ve been yelling Let’s Go Brandon for a couple of years now — and now that he WENT, they’re STILL not happy!
ART Thompson Premium Member 6 months ago
Put ’em up on Amazon with all the other Trump yard signs. Which to ironic delight, are all made in China.
Dapperdan61 Premium Member 6 months ago
Just let him go
androgenoide 6 months ago
If the negative attack ads are no good you can always keep the positive on-message ads…right?
lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 6 months ago
Red MAGA hat-wearing Fox demonstrates typical MAGA thinking skills. If President Biden had not ended his candidacy a couple of weeks ago, you’d still have had the exact same problem with disposal of any idiotic “Brandon” signs you have, come Nov 6 of this year, no matter who won the election.
Mrs. Peabody 6 months ago
Burn them and sit out on your lawn chair watching the fire while wearing your “Don’t let the old man win” t-shirt.
wellis1947 Premium Member 6 months ago
It should be noted here that, here, three weeks AFTER the wily old fox called “Branden” by some, actually dropped out of the race, that Donnie John IS STILL, occasionally “railing” against Biden to his followers at rallys…
It must be horrible to have all that hatred and “bile” still within you, and, having lost your principal opponent, have nowhere to spew it…
ncorgbl 6 months ago
Build a fire to burn books with.
Mike Baldwin creator 6 months ago
This is what happens when you take the low road.
Zebrastripes 6 months ago
That’s what happens when you assume…..makes an @ss/u/ me
JPuzzleWhiz 6 months ago
Please tell me that’s not a MAGA cap atop Mr. Wriggly…!
CleverHans Premium Member 6 months ago
Find a guy named Brandon. Maybe you can sell them to his wife…