Prickly City by Scott Stantis for August 17, 2024

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 6 months ago

    Okay, now Stantis is becoming full magat.

    He is now just LYING about Democrats having a cult. Because he knows all magats belong to the same cult.

    Next, maybe he will state claiming that Trump won the election and that all elections are rigged unless the head of his not-a-cult wins.

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  6 months ago

    Stantis has given up even the pretense of objectivity or independence. I don’t know how he is registered, but he is no independent.

    There is not the slightest equivalence between Democrats choosing preferred candidates and the unprecedented literal CULT OF TRUMP that has been built up around Trump.

    A Democrat loses an election is cast aside. A Democrat who is not polling well is rejected. If a Democrat were indicted almost a hundred times and convicted of THIRTY-FOUR FELONIES with many more still awaiting trial, had five children with three spouses, all of whom were cheated on, including paying hush money to porn stars and Playboy models, has been convicted of business fraud, liable for a fraudulent charity, a fraudulent fake “university” and liable for sexual assault with more than twenty additional sexual assault cases pending would be utterly repudiated, even if they had been previously very popular. (Think John Edwards, New York Governors Eliot Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo, Senator Al Franken or Congressman Anthony Weiner — all one-time rising stars whose shenanigans got them repudiated and disgraced, even though none of them ran on platforms of “family values.”)

    I can assure you that if Kamala Harris had five children with three husbands, all of whom she had cheated on, and all the rest, she would not be the nominee.


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  3. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 6 months ago

    republicans have promised to take our freedoms and have plans from day 1. VOTE Kamala

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    uhohlol  6 months ago

    I’m surprised they still have replies here.

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  5. Egidius.pfanzelter
    EgidiusPfanzelter  6 months ago

    Democrats seem to be quite enthusiastic about Kamala Harris, but that’s not even Swifty-like, and far far away from the Trump cult, where the “Christian“ cult members accept totally un-Christian-like behavior like cheating, lying, betraying, …

    So, Stantis is lying.

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    William Robbins Premium Member 6 months ago

    I used to find the daily “false equivalency” alerts annoying, but they were apparently foreshadowing a real normalizing of the golden idol worshipping Trumpers. Having fun with someone is just the same as trying to overthrow the government, right Mr. Stantis?

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    oldchas  6 months ago

    Democrat president of the United States is eighty years old. His party politely tells him to please step aside. He does. He endorses the vice president and the Democrats, sensing they have a better chance to win, gather around her and celebrate. That’s not a cult. That’s winning. Cheer up Stantis, you may well be able to sleep with a clear conscience once your able to stop defending a political party that supports a raping, convicted felon.

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  8. Yin yang
    Havel  6 months ago

    News flash: humans vote more often based on emotion rather than policy. Trump won (but not the popular vote) in 2016 based on an appeal to the legitimate fears of many Americans who sensed that society was passing them by and no one spoke for them (I shall not speak of the irony of expecting that a billionaire “understands” their concerns). He has parlayed that support into a revenue stream that seems to be bottomless. (And prevented his incarceration.) And woe be to anyone within the GOP who questions anything he says. Quite cult-like.

    As for the “cult” of Harris, I don’t think one month of enthusiasm qualifies. Friends and critics of her spoke of a honeymoon period. I’ve already read criticisms of her from the far left (Israel-Hamas War), from party economists (price freezes), and from nervous moderates concerned that she’s tacking too far left. There will be unity at the convention, because that’s what conventions are supposed to produce. This is what a healthy party does: has debate within, but does not ostracize those who dare disagree with the nominee.

    If, years from now, people are migrating in their RVs (while kvetching about the price of gas) to genuflect at her rallies while buying tchotchkes with her face plastered on them, then we can talk cult.
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  9. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 6 months ago

    1) There is no cult of Kamala.

    2) Only one candidate has said he could SHOOT someone and not lose supporters.

    3) Hypocrisy is claiming to be the party of “Family Values” and running a guy who cheated on all three of his wives, and BRAGS about all the women he’s cheated with.

    Hypocrisy is claiming to be “patriots” while smearing and lying about the service of any vet who isn’t in your stupid Party.

    Hypocrisy is claiming to be the party of “Law and Order” while running a convicted criminal who says he’s ALLOWED to break the law.

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    CHARLES BUTTO Premium Member 6 months ago

    time to unfollow

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    bunwarpgazoo Premium Member 6 months ago

    I don’t get it, where is this cult idea coming from? Is it because of the enthusiasm of people no longer feeling forced to go with President Biden to avoid Trump? Hardly a cult, but who knows, there may soon be a billboard near you announcing Kamala as a symtom of this Yuga, and the mother of Jesus, and a reincarnation of Mary Thomas of Fireburn fame. Then we might have a cult.

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    Grace's Border Security & Duct Tape  6 months ago

    Wow! Just look at all the posters here who abosulutely refuse to see the irony!

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    Mise Féin  6 months ago


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    emery3093 Premium Member 6 months ago

    This one is just silly. Harris is the practical choice of the Dems. The fact that Biden withdrew proves Dems are not a cult. The Republican party, on the other hand, has been completely absorbed by the Trump MAGA cult.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 6 months ago

    Anybody-everybody who today is supportive of Kamala Harris for president belongs to a cult which did not exist until Joe Biden announced his withdrawal as a presidential candidate. This cult came into existence simultaneously with this cartoon. I am Scott Stantis, I said it, now YOU better believe it!

    Kamala Harris supporters are exactly the same as Donald Trump supporters, and there is ZERO difference between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. I am Scott Stantis, I said it, now YOU better believe it.

    How much longer must I wait for a vast majority of Americans to place unflagging support behind a Libertarian Party candidate? You’ve had David Koch, Ron Paul, and Rand Paul to choose from recently and failed to do so EVERY TIME! You practically ran Paul Ryan out of Congress! What’s wrong with you?

    I fear for the fate of America.

    Signed, Scott Stantis.

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  16. Lifi
    rossevrymn  6 months ago

    This is possibly Stanti’s most jacked up piece, ever. Stanti, you are just an angry, depressed, see nothing good in the world, old man. You are making a god of your self-indulging patheticness.

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    elgrecousa Premium Member 6 months ago

    I thought GoComics was going to shut off comments on political cartoons.

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  18. Maskguy
    jamaas  6 months ago

    Stantis is well aware that there are more than two political parties. Try to pay attention.

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  19. Download
    Walter Kocker  6 months ago

    This just in:

    MALIBU, CA—According to a statement issued by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received an offer Thursday for multiple Cabinet positions in a potential administration of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “I am honored that a leader as admirable as RFK Jr. would consider RFK Jr. for positions as important as secretary of state, secretary of transportation, and attorney general, among a dozen others,” said the independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who confirmed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had been promised multiple executive department roles in exchange for an enthusiastic endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “I gladly took a meeting with myself—actually, I took many meetings with myself—and they were very productive. In fact, I look forward to accepting hundreds of other positions as well, from U.S. ambassador to France, Kenya, and Argentina to White House communications intern.” At press time, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had reportedly been eliminated from consideration for any Cabinet role after his past remarks on the cause of AIDS came to light. – ONION

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    Walter Kocker  6 months ago

    What we need in this country – if not the world – is a kind of old-school librarian who will make all of the self-obsessed screamers stand in their corners until they settle down.

    I don’t know if Kamala Harris is that person, but I know who isn’t!

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    ncorgbl  6 months ago

    There is no cult of Harris, nor was there one for Biden, or Obama before him. None of them demanded absolute loyalty, punished opposing politicians, threw former supporters under the bus, entertained foreign strong-men dictators or claimed they were above the law as any cult leader in good standing would surely do.

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    bfoscott Premium Member 6 months ago

    I’ve been reading Prickly City for years. I have never been so disappointed as I have in recent days. If the author can’t tell the difference between the Trump cult and the enthusiasm for Harris, then I guess he’s clueless. Members of the Trump cult wore sanitary napkins on their ears. The people attending Kamala’s rallies are simply enthusiastic now that they have a candidate who is inspiring them.

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    rokkinrobin531  6 months ago

    We must send a cult to defeat the cult.

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    Salty dog Premium Member 6 months ago

    Harris proposes Price Controls beware it has never worked anywhere

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    Timothy Madigan Premium Member 6 months ago

    Reagan had a cult, Clinton had a cult (including boomer media), Obama had a definite cult, Trump had/has a cult, Bernie has a cult (failing one).. now Harris has one.

    why is this idea considered new?

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    olds_cool63  6 months ago

    VOTE GREEN! End the duopoly NOW!

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  27. Downey woody   copy
    NaturLvr  6 months ago

    What a ridiculous comparison. I’d say the irony is Mr. Stantis being able to make such an off-base claim without realizing how pathetically wrong it is. I had been reading this strip off and on for the past few months, liking a few, not liking a few. This one will drive me away for good.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  6 months ago

    Careful, you’re turning into MALALRD FILLMORE and I wouldn’t wish that o n anybody

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