Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for September 07, 2024

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    Da'Dad  6 months ago

    Gus knows.

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    C  6 months ago

    Arlo isn’t exactly a force of nature

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    jondonlevy  6 months ago

    Don’t see a lot of thought bubbles in A&J

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    Alias1600  6 months ago

    I think Janis sees building a house as either Arlo is involved and she has to live with him as he gets cranky by the delays that often happen in any home project, or she ends up being the project manager for them. Is much extra work she didn’t anticipate, either way.

    Then again, this is Gus’ town and area of expertise. He’d know the best contractors to hire to get the job done right.

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    j_m_kuehl  6 months ago

    or you Hire a Builder and stay in your current house for a year or two until the new house is finished

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    mnexplorer+  6 months ago

    I wouldn’t either.

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    Rhetorical_Question   6 months ago

    A duplicate of an existing home?

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member 6 months ago

    I think we’re done here.

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    uhohlol  6 months ago

    Big difference between buying a house and building one. I know a marriage ended over the front door selection.

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    nosirrom  6 months ago

    I’m with Gus on this. I don’t think Janis wants a divorce.

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    William Bednar Premium Member 6 months ago

    Gus knows the “dice” are loaded in Janis’s favor.

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    BJDucer  6 months ago

    Gus either has already lived through something like this and has already experienced this and knows the odds of winning such a discussion with a wife, or he knows Arlo all too well.

    A couple of thoughts…

    Not much is known about Gus’ wife, is there?

    If they are having such a hard time deciding about the move because they’ll miss their home, why not build a house exactly as they have now on the new plot of land. Let Janis decorate it as she wants so she’ll feel like as she has re-done her entire (old) house, but it will still feel like home.

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    JessieRandySmithJr.  6 months ago

    Like I said the other day “never buy or sell a vehicle or property with a relative, especially an in-law”

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    uniquename  6 months ago

    Lucky for Arlo that Gus knows the difference between business and friendship.

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  15. Fagers6
    mckenna3131  6 months ago

    I stayed in my home, built a new one 40 miles away. You don’t start paying the mortgage until the house is finished. Or, Gus could build a spec house, then sell it to Arlo and Janis.

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  16. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  6 months ago

    “Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown”


    Easy Lies the Power Behind the Crown…

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    timzsixty9  6 months ago

    What happened to the idea of moving to the COAST?!

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    jim.bullard  6 months ago

    Gus knows how it goes.

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    MichaelD Premium Member 6 months ago

    I think Janice’s thing is she wants a cute little house and garden that she can show off to the neighbors. If your neighbors are nowhere in sight, whom can you boast to?

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    Hamady Sack Premium Member 6 months ago

    Gus knows people.

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    LakeBill  6 months ago

    Either way, it’s a win for Gus.

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    flagmichael Premium Member 6 months ago

    We are familiar with not being able to sleep because of various worries. This is the first time I have stayed awake thinking of a comic strip character’s challenges. In no particular order:

    The house location will be a challenge to decide; it is rarely the most picturesque. The house will need a septic system; various sites may have to be “perc tested” for absorbing the “brown water” from the septic tank. If the soil is not good there, test another site. And maybe another, and another. A&J may use propane as power for a while, but it is mighty expensive generator fuel. Without electricity, getting water from the well – I didn’t mention siting and drilling a well, did I – is a real challenge. Oh! I forgot about the costs of getting electricity to the house. Installation costs for lines to homes like that are not horrible, but not trivial either.

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    RonMcCalip  6 months ago

    Anyone else get the sad feeling that this could be JJ’s indication he’s retiring? Another year or so waiting for the house to get built and then… A & J move into the sunset???

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  24. Tulips
    locake  6 months ago

    Gus knows they don’t want to build a new house. They are barely considering moving as it is. If Gus wants a new house, he can build it and deal will all the hassles.

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    rbrt6956  6 months ago

    Like I said earlier. This was never a genuine offer. It was a kick in the butt to get them back on track, make a plan, decide what they really want. They claimed to have made a decision, but really just delayed making the decision. Their previous decision to start clearing the clutter to prepare for an eventual move has been a half hearted delaying tactic with second thoughts creeping in. It is tough leaving a lifetime of memories behind. But now is a time make a real decision. Ruthless action may be required to make that happen. Remember when Janis put her grandmother’s dishes on the curb because they never used them andGene didn’t want them? Things come and go, memories are forever. If that means selling the house, putting only absolute necessities in storage and sell or donate the rest. Then living in Gene’s guest house until they find the house they want. Does sound radical, but not the worst plan. Planning for your retirement is supposed to be about making things simpler. Gus’s offer involves probably the most complicated and possibly the most regrettable decision possible.

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    elgrecousa Premium Member 6 months ago

    I’m starting to dislike Gus a little more every day.

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    coffeemom88  6 months ago

    I think the plan is that Gus is doing a bait and switch. He’s going to build the house and our couple will buy the cottage. He’s trying to pry them into some kind of decision and stop procrastinating.

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    jonesbeltone  6 months ago

    Really, Arlo. All you reasonably hope for is a fire.

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    eced52  6 months ago

    Gus knows they don’t really want to move, but they could build a vacation home for the winter.

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    scinticat  6 months ago

    I wish JJ what realize that A and J are happy where they are and move on to a new storyline. If he pulls the old soap opera ploy and has Mary Lou announce she’s pregnant, I’m done with the strip. The kids are not that interesting, except for Meg. Wish she could come to live with A&J. She love Ludwig.

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    patty2  6 months ago

    I think they’d be happier with a beach house. This has dragged on too long —- move and get it over with. What Mom wouldn’t want to be closer to her kid, grandkid?

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    Shonkin  6 months ago

    From the last few strips, it’s looking as if Janis now doesn’t want to move at all, and Arlo is a bit intrigued by the idea of being in the sticks — a reversal of where they were a month or two ago.For retirees with a paid-off home mortgage, it’s not always that difficult to finance. If they started investing in their forties, they now have at least half a million in stocks, in spite of all the market ups and downs. (That’s assuming they were investors, not traders, and assuming they stayed away from the industries that were headed for the dumpster.) If they have a margin account, they can borrow on their stocks for a bridge loan to buy the land and build the house, probably at a much lower interest rate than a bank would charge. No need for a mortgage, and they can pay off the stock loan as soon as their old house sells.

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    tinstar  6 months ago

    I think Gus has the right idea. Janis has not truly shown any real interest, or excitement, even at the prospect of moving, so, I think they are going to stay where home already is.

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    Meledosia  6 months ago

    Why? the kids have a guest house and a vested interest in getting them there.

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    StoicLion1973  6 months ago

    It’s like JJ reads these comments or something…

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