No, trans fats are those used for making automobile gear lubricant.
True (and horrifying) fact: up until it was banned in 1973, automatic transmission fluid commonly contained whale oil. Which explains the old comment, “if the starter sounds like Flipper, it must be a Plymouth!”
oldpine52 1 day ago
No, they’re the ones who identify as proteins.
Ratkin Premium Member 1 day ago
You’re thinking of fanny traps.
snsurone76 1 day ago
No, Loretta—they go straight to your HEAD!
PraiseofFolly 1 day ago
Loose lips inflate hips.
akachman Premium Member 1 day ago
No, they go straight to the coronary arteries. No such thing as a good trans fat. Stuff will kill you.
cor_en_fa 1 day ago
OK, there’s a code hidden in the eye chart (which has no business being there otherwise). Somebody help me out here.
SofaKing Premium Member about 23 hours ago
Trans fats are the ones that taste good. Rule One in cooking: Fat equals flavor.
Smeagol about 21 hours ago
Hips don’t lie Loretta.
cuzinron47 about 19 hours ago
They are fats that can’t figure what gender they are.
NolaMan about 17 hours ago
no those are the ones that mess up your brain
puddleglum1066 about 14 hours ago
No, trans fats are those used for making automobile gear lubricant.
True (and horrifying) fact: up until it was banned in 1973, automatic transmission fluid commonly contained whale oil. Which explains the old comment, “if the starter sounds like Flipper, it must be a Plymouth!”
Boise Ed Premium Member about 12 hours ago
Why is she asking a dietary question of the eye doctor?