JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for March 25, 2025

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    Ruth Brown  4 days ago

    Dr. Apple by at his best.

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    diazch408  4 days ago

    Cool kid! Do his parents know about Dr. Lovejoy’s after school activities?

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  3. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member 4 days ago

    Kid seems a little condescending,,

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    LadyPeterW  4 days ago

    Very savvy! But all that can be done now, is to splint his thumb & tell him to not use that hand. Do I see a medical leave in the future??? Hard to capture a baddie when you’re thumb is splinted!

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 4 days ago

    This child has a true gift. But the fact he was able to see that and medical professionals no is quite alarming.

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    Ellis97  4 days ago

    Marcy must be so embarrassed

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    Chris  4 days ago

    the kid is good at what he does… he could very much be the real deal. :D

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    OldsVistaCruiser  4 days ago

    I never heard the expression “spot-on” until I worked for Scots around the turn of the century!

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    Brilliant_Birdie   4 days ago

    That kid’s going places

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  4 days ago

    Dr.Appleby will prescribe cures of lollipops and chocolate milk

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  11. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  4 days ago

    You’d think Doctor Appleby would be a fan of Marcy’s.

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  12. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 4 days ago

    He may be a kid, but he’s a prodigy!

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  13. Star wars kitty
    MAGA Premium Member 4 days ago

    He’s been Dr. Appleby for 21 years.

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    DKHenderson  4 days ago

    Marcy is saying, “The nerve of him!” and yet, she had to have been the person who drove Joe to the hospital and arranged for the X-ray. (Let’s hope that she has the decency to allow Dr. Appleby to look at it.)

    I love the thought of him graduating from medical school and being introduced: “I’d like you to meet Doctor Dr. Appleby.”

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  3 days ago

    Expectations coming to realization.


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    mafastore  3 days ago

    When someone is good at something – it can start early in life and they know from when they are a child what they are meant to do.

    My dad and mom were both accountants. As a child I played with leftover tax forms writing on them and filling them in with scribbles. I had a “bank account” at the “bank of mom” (aka old lunchbox from prior school year and hand drawn, by mom, bank book ). I would fill in a deposit form to add my pennies to “my account” and fill in a withdrawal form to withdraw from same. (Hey, it was the 1950s and a penny could buy things back then.)

    As we went along dad had an early copying machine at home – a miracle! He could fill in forms in pencil and make a copy – easy to fix if he found something wrong when he checked it over or the client called with a correction – before this forms had to filled in with pen and an error meant starting over. The process had two steps – first take the special coated paper and run it through the top slot with the original facing it – green light came on and took the picture. Then the coated paper had to be run through the bottom slot in the liquid chemicals. My job? Hand up the wet papers to dry. I figure I was maybe 8 at this time.

    By the time I was ten I was adding up payroll books for dad using an adding machine – and making sure the columns cross checked.

    So, of course I went to college, studied accounting, and went to work for another accountant (dad’s practice not big enough for a paid assistant), with the same type of very small businesses as clients.

    So from playing with dad’s supplies and adding machines – I now have the dying end of dad’s and my former boss’s accounting practices – 5 clients! At least I don’t have to say that I am retired – as long as I have my handful of clients.

    But when someone is good at something – they know so, early on!

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  17. Sad mouse
    feedthebeast27 Premium Member 3 days ago

    Robb cuts the healthcare industry some slack. In reality, if you walk in complaining about stomach pain, they’ll X-Ray your thumb just to be able to bill for it.

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    brucebernhart  2 days ago


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    thejanith Premium Member 1 day ago

    Yes, actually. They’re so intent on his becoming a doctor someday that they named him “Doctor.” I think the scrubs are his choice, but his folks fully support it.

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