Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for July 10, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    Now itā€™s only worth $50ā€¦

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  2. Peterbilt103
    Manitobaman  over 14 years ago

    $75 would seem like an awful lot of money to a little kid like Calvin. Makes me think of that funny movie ā€œPlanes Trains and Automobilesā€ Oh ya..theyā€™ll be able to buff this out , no problemā€¦

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  3. Cutiger
    rentier  over 14 years ago

    Oh, a serious damage!!

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  4. Att00001
    gimmickgenius  over 14 years ago

    Calvin might get in trouble for crossing the road.

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  5. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
    Oh Man!!!

    Mom is going to love you, Calvin

    Good Morning, Marg, Mike & ā™ Lonewolfā™ !

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  6. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    Morning, Grog! Happy Saturday to you.

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  7. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago

    And a Happy Saturday to you, too, Marg!

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  8. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 14 years ago

    It can only get worse from here, Calvin!

    Gā€™Morning Marg, Mike & Grog!

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  9. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    GM, Terry. Did you get my email?

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  10. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 14 years ago

    Calvinā€™s extensive vocabulary has diminished. Heā€™s almost speechless. However, if he changes ā€˜ohā€™ to ā€˜Batā€™, he can still sing the Batman theme. Then Calvin can ā€˜singā€™ to Mom trying to transfer the blame.

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  11. Maine coon
    harrietbe  over 14 years ago

    Oh, man, oh, man! I wonder how many weeks of solitary confinement youā€™re going to get for this little escapade, Calvin.

    Just love the expression on his face in the last frame.

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  12. Phantomhead
    sutirtho  over 14 years ago

    DAD is at fault hereā€¦ he should have put the hand brake on!!!..,and kept the gear anywhere but neutralā€¦ :)

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  13. Desktop background3
    suluclac  over 14 years ago

    Mexico here i come

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    cdward  over 14 years ago

    What odds will you give me that he runs for it?

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    kpreethy  over 14 years ago

    OH MAN ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..OH man ā€¦ā€¦.OH man!!!

    god ā€¦.. ā€¦ .. . peace for calvin..AMEN!!

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  16. Cicada
    larney45  over 14 years ago

    @ironclad2001- the gocomics people do a good job of removing flagged ads when noticed, but their point that the ad people move faster with new emails than they can is valid. Facebook is the same way. That said, flag the bad guys and enjoy the commentary. I always want to see whose pithy remark is the best for each day!

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  17. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    $75. I earned a dime a week allowance, Calvin is 6, carry the eleventeen, divide by 12

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  18. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Itā€™s good that ditch was there to soften the landingā€¦

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  19. Sofa mutt2
    mike.firesmith  over 14 years ago

    Good morning Marg! Good morning Fran and Kizzzy! Good Morning Lā€™Wolf! Good Morning Grog! RUN CALVIN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!

    More than the two headed snowmen, or the locking the babysitter out of the bathroom with her homework, or even the dead bugs in the shampoo, this is the incident his parents will always remember anytime they think about where he is and what he might be doing.

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  20. Kizzy
    fran650  over 14 years ago

    Oh man, Calvin needs to be treated for shock.

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  21. 43 website
    ironclad2001  over 14 years ago

    Hay Linda, I will take your advice. Thanks for your comment.

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  22. Missing large
    jpl83061  over 14 years ago

    Iā€™d run away if I were you.

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  23. Sparse fur1
    kneatone  over 14 years ago

    My brotherā€™s ā€˜65 Mustang did that once all by itselfā€¦he left it in gear, didnā€™t set the parking brake, and looked out the window the next morning and it was gone. It had slipped out of gear and rolled down the driveway, taking out a couple of small trees. No damage though. That was back when they built cars with a little more steel.

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  24. Skeldeer
    APPLESCRUFF  over 14 years ago

    2 Spammers Flagged! Wish theyā€™d go away.

    Poor Calvin. Mom will be torn between relief that he wasnā€™t injured or worse but will want to murder him for what heā€™s done.

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  25. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  over 14 years ago

    This is definately mom and dadā€™s fault. ~If they had used precautions one night 6 years earlier, this would never have happened.

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    jiriji  over 14 years ago

    It would be interesting if it turns out that itā€™s a nightmare that Calvinā€™s been having.

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  27. Kodak pics from  04 forward to billy and michelle s wedding 467
    rumplesnitz  over 14 years ago

    Run next door Calvin, thereā€™s a big balloon leaving just in time for the six oā€™clock news!

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    cleokaya  over 14 years ago

    On the positive side, it didnā€™t hit another car or someoneā€™s house.

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  29. Avatar 4519
    Dino-1  over 14 years ago

    Exactly the 1970 Buick Skylark my grandfather passed down to me, I hit a deer with, only broke a 1 inch piece out of the grill. We nicknamed it after, ā€œThe Mean Green Machine!ā€ It got overheated in traffic once and police officer pulled up behind me and said I needed to move it over to the side of the road. I told him, ā€œGood luck with that because itā€™s all steel and it would be like moving a tank!ā€ Thankfully three guys came over and pushed and it took all their strength to move it to the side of the road. Thatā€™s still the best car I ever had for dependability and comfort and after 30 years I begrudgedly sold it just because it was a gas hog. The body was still in great shape and it was the limited edition model so I got good money for it. I cried as the guy drove it away!

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  30. Missing large
    Awtha  over 14 years ago

    Hmmā€¦ Calvin didnā€™t shift the car out of park, did he? So that means the last person to drive the car left it in Neutral!

    Itā€™s not Calvinā€™s faultā€¦ okay, maybe 10% for pushing on the car.

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  31. Reddog
    unemandarine  over 14 years ago

    Oh man, is right Calivin!

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  32. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 14 years ago

    Why doesnā€™t someone else question why the car door(s) wasnā€™t locked? All I hear are comments about the gearshift being in neutral instead of park, or the hand brake not on, etc. Is there something Iā€™m overlooking?

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  33. Wedding photography victoria bc
    violet_music  over 14 years ago

    when situations are dire, thereā€™s nothing to do but think you are in very HUGE troubleā€¦. oh man, oh man, oh man :)

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  34. 69a2f960 2132 4569 a8f7 3d56dd1b2cda
    WineStar Premium Member over 14 years ago

    No locked doors ā€“ two reasons: 1) comic was drawn when people didnā€™t lock their doors as much & 2) the car started out in the garage. Who locks their doors in their own garage? Maybe if Calvin were my son, I would definitely consider putting a bell around his neck to keep track of him! :-)

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  35. Poindexter
    JTGAM  over 14 years ago

    Hi all! Now we know why the car went ā€œGRUNTCH!ā€

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  36. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 14 years ago

    jcmckain, Iā€™ll take your second point one step further. Lots of people put their car in neutral in their own garage, especially if they drive a stick shift. Also, some people (like my brother) never use the parking brake unless theyā€™re parked on a slope. Most people donā€™t take precautions against theft or inadvertent movement while parked inside their own garage. Who would have thought a 6-year old could push any car hard enough to move it, or even want to. Oh, I forgot. This is Calvin. Never mind the above.

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  37. Willy wonka factory
    dsom8  over 14 years ago

    Arenā€™t the doors irrelevant, Puddleglum? Didnā€™t Calvin just push on the front of the car without getting inside? Itā€™s only the gear/brake combination that matters.

    I seem to remember that mom and/or dad do take responsibility here and are thrilled that Calvin was not hurt as a result of their mistake. Presumably they (like many of us) will learn from it. Iā€™m not so sure about Calvin (like many of us).

    But then, if Calvin learned from his mistakes, he wouldnā€™t be Calvin. [The cartoon character - for certain other posters who think Iā€™ve forgotten that.]

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  38. King of fantasy by jarling art
    jrcarter53  over 14 years ago

    I donā€™t recall how the garage door got opened? He couldnā€™t open a manual door and an opener is loud enough to alert his mother.

    Dads at work so why would the door be left open?

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  39. Pro pic
    witewater  over 14 years ago

    Since Calvinā€™s namesake, John Calvin was born on July 10, 1509, is today our little Calvinā€™s birthday as well??

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  40. Missing large
    oldguy2  over 14 years ago

    This is a good example of why you should lock your car no matter whare you leave it. With Calvin; every thing should be under lock and key.

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  41. Sofa mutt2
    mike.firesmith  over 14 years ago

    Thatā€™s a cool cat harrietbe

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  42. Dsc00030
    alviebird  over 14 years ago

    Comics donā€™t show everything. I think we were to assume Calvin released the brake and transmission, and opened the garage door (it wouldnā€™t take much noise to mask the sound from mom). If that is the case then the question of locking the car doors is valid. I would not have thought of locking my doors in the garage, but then Iā€™m not Calvinā€™s parent.

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  43. New dollar  2
    BuzzDog  over 14 years ago

    harrietbe said: I flagged the spams at 2 AM PST, and they are still there at 10 AM. Thatā€™s pretty slow.

    Itā€™s the weekend. Iā€™ve noticed that the comments arenā€™t monitored as frequently as on weekdays.

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  44. Cutiger
    rentier  over 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday!

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  45. Missing large
    dahawk  over 14 years ago

    I also flag the flaggers for commenting on their flagging. Just flag the spammers and go on. No need to add to the bandwidth.

    Now I have a dilemma. Do I flag my own post? LOL

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  46. Old joe
    ratlum  over 14 years ago

    WHAT if, WHAT IF mom wanted a new car and DAD said NO. We might get out of this yet Calvin my little Buddy

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  47. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 14 years ago

    Poor Calvin! I havenā€™t seen such a stricken look on his face since the break-in and he couldnā€™t find his best buddy, Hobbes!

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  48. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 14 years ago

    jcmckain: We not only lock our car doors while theyā€™re parked in the garage but the parking brakes are set too. You just never know what can happen so we donā€™t like to take any chances.

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  49. Missing large
    orz  over 14 years ago

    Heā€™s good with numbers at a time like this, huh?

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  50. Avatar
    Mythreesons  over 14 years ago

    Iā€™m pretty good about keeping the car locked, but have never set a hand brake. I live in NW Oklahoma. Flat as a pancake here.

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  51. Missing large
    yankeewhaler  over 14 years ago

    Hey Jordaner, got my shoes free from the latest USA riot or rebellious incident.

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    yankeewhaler  over 14 years ago


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  53. 100309 jerry todds donurt patch
    TheAuldWan  over 14 years ago

    How much flack will I get if I mention now a need for prayer?

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  54. Dsc00030
    alviebird  over 14 years ago


    Youā€™ll wake the lynch mob!

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  55. 140
    Rockingwoman  over 14 years ago

    How does a parent deal with this one rationally. Iā€™d be so angry, that Iā€™d have to leave before I killed the kid. Man!

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  56. 140
    Rockingwoman  over 14 years ago

    Spammers are everywhere! CHIN GADO!

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  57. My eye
    vldazzle  over 14 years ago

    harriet, perhaps the person removing flagged items is not on duty today (vacation or sick) Iā€™m reading at almost 2:30 PM. They usually are gone by this time (ā€œ15 hours agoā€).

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  58. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  over 14 years ago

    Calvin is in deeeeeeep doo doo.

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  59. Missing large
    khpage  over 14 years ago

    The only thing that ā€˜s going to get buffed is Calvinā€™s rear end. The thing that will REALLY hurt is if his parents take Hobbes away from him as an additional punishment. If I could have a brand new car for $75 bucks I would do it in a heartbeatā€¦..

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  60. Pets
    glitterygal07  over 14 years ago

    MORE than that, Hobbes.

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  61. Gulda fix1
    Crumbucket  over 14 years ago

    There goes the neighborhood!

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  62. Scan0008b
    rogcbrand  over 14 years ago

    One thing about a comic strip- itā€™s not going to show every little detail. Otherwise it could get very tedious.

    Perhaps the parking brake was on and the car doors were locked. Perhaps Calvin snuck into his momā€™s purse, got the keys, unlocked the door, got in, shifted the car into neutral and released the parking brake, then despite being a small kid, if the driveway had a relatively small slope, it wouldnā€™t take much to get the car moving.

    Of course, Bill could have shown us each of those things, but then again, why fill a comic story full of stuff that really isnā€™t important- heā€™s showing us all we really need to see.

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  63. 1937
    billdi Premium Member over 14 years ago

    lot of nocturnal people stressing about spammers in the middle of the night! relax! get some sleep! calvin will still be here.

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  64. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 14 years ago

    Thank you for all the responses. I realize that cartoonists take artistic license, but in a real-life situation with a son like Calvin, Iā€™d have the shift in park, set the hand brake, lock the doors, and hide the keys (and ā€œpray without ceasingā€). Have a restful and peaceful sleep thankful that we are not Calvinā€™s parents.

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  65. Missing large
    tsyitee2001  over 14 years ago

    I flagged the span two

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  66. Dsc00030
    alviebird  over 14 years ago


    Thats basically what I said. Except I thought that it may be that one didnā€™t need a key to shift it back then. But apparently Camero had interlock as early as ā€˜69 or ā€˜70. Iā€™m not sure about other cars.

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  67. Missing large
    goferrari28  over 14 years ago

    The car may be $75, but the sellers will throw in a 6 year old boy for free.

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  68. But eo
    Rakkav  over 14 years ago

    Add a couple of zeros, Calvin, and you just might be hitting the Blue Book rate.

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  69. Mom zoo 043
    Tigerprince  over 14 years ago

    hmm $75 i have no comment.

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  70. Duck face full house 002
    Celizabee  almost 13 years ago

    You know Calvinā€™s Mom was preparing for this day, but she probably thought it would be ten years away..

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  71. Missing large
    jacob.c.bair  over 6 years ago

    75?! it takes like $1000!

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