Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 12, 2011

  1. Missing large
    jerrymeza  over 13 years ago

    oh boy, look who is back from Japan

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  2. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago

    wonder if she will try to find her past “love interest”?

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  3. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 13 years ago

    The return of the sexual predator. I smell a cat fight brewing! Toni Daytona vs the infamous Ann Eiffel.

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  4. Username catfeet
    Catfeet Premium Member over 13 years ago

    This gives an added nuance to the Weenie World concept.

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  5. Season
    BeeHow  over 13 years ago

    Watch it Brad! You have a good thing going with miss Toni! :]

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    machpovii3  over 13 years ago

    Yep, you’ve been had, Brad.

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  7. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago

    everyone realizes who was the love interest for Ann, don’t you? I don’t see a cat fight between Toni and Ann, maybe between Brad and Ann ;)

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    koalablue80  over 13 years ago

    Jerrymeza – Is there backstory on this woman that I’m missing? I don’t remember her.

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  9. Th jaredletoangelface
    SideshowStarlet  over 13 years ago

    Wow! I was not expecting this. It looks like Brad’s kind of taken with her. In the future, I see Toni visiting Brad at work, Anne becoming taken with her, and her trying to break up the couple to get Toni on the rebound. Brad tries to reject what he thinks are her advances, but she doesn’t take kindly to this. The hijinks get wackier when he calls in his pal TJ to “seduce” Anne so that she would forget about Brad and leave the happy couple alone…

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  10. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago

    you got it side starlet…………. C Allen ; Ann Eiffel was the manager of the bookstore where Zane and Bernice worked……. Bern though Ann made life difficult for her and Zane because Ann wanted to have Zane, but actually there were strong hints Ann actually was interested in Bern, at the end, the big boss of the bookstore chain “kicked her out” by promoting her to Tokyo

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  11. Cm1
    Mordock999  over 13 years ago

    Oh, NO! The return of the EVIL Ann Eiffel, formerly of Borderland Books, Japan!

    For you new folks, Ann was introduced years ago. She ran Borderland Books where Bernice and her (former?) boyfriend Zane worked. Ann tormented Zane and had a unhealthly interest in Bernice. Annie ENJOYED having Bernice perform degrading menial tasks and did her BEST to keep Bernice and Zane apart, until Zane pulled a few strings and had Miz Eiffel transferred to Japan. (Correct me if I got any of THAT wrong)

    Brad doesn’t KNOW it yet, but he is about to enter the seventh circle of HEL… I MEAN, ‘HECk’!

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  12. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  over 13 years ago

    Was Ann Eiffel the first Gay character in this strip? I believe that Greg mentioned that some time ago in his blog. She certainly was the first sexual predator.

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  13. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  over 13 years ago

    Certainly she was an abusive character, on par with Dirk, but much more cunning. I’ve read on these blogs that this is only a strip for teenage girls, but there have been some rather grown up themes from time to time.

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  14. Missing large
    moshulu  over 13 years ago

    Anyone have an archive reference for that steamy Ann Eiffel strip? Or just a date? Thanks.

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    9thCapricorn  over 13 years ago

    My Gawd! Ann Effiel is back?? And at WW?? Lol. Poetic Justice. Would love to see Bernice come to WW and snicker at the evil Ann Effiel wearing WW badge as a lowly fast food manager. Obviously Borderland laid her off or fired her. Then I’d love to see Bernice give Ann a hard time as a customer. Perhaps Ann will blow a stack and get fired…again. I think the whole thing of Brad getting RIFed was just to bring Ann back. Betcha in no time, Brad will move on to another job. I believe this will be all about Bernice and Ann.

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  16. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago

    CJZ……. who knows what Greg has in mind, so many ways to go… there could be a confrontation between Ann and Bern, we might get Bern realizing the truth about Ann’s feelings(as i still think Bern has not gotten the fact that Ann was interested on her), Ann might have gone through a therapist, and she might have stopped being “so manipulative” and she might actually apologize to Bern….. it will not stop Ann being interested on girls, but might stop her from being so Abrasive about who she wants

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  17. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 13 years ago

    Well, I wasn’t familiar with the Ann Eiffel backstory, and seeing that she is “an eyefull” I expected that she would in due course be trying to lure Brad away from Toni. But after reading the preceding comments and getting some sense of her persona, I now expect that she will try to steal Toni from Brad….

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    JerryTheK  over 13 years ago

    I don’t rember Ann. How far back to we go?

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    JerryTheK  over 13 years ago

    Got It Thanks Wiselad

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    Chuck373  over 13 years ago

    Ann is back. And looking just as good. And now it’s not Zane under her, but Brad. I know Brad is not interested, but it doesn’t mean that she isn’t. She has shown an interest in employees before. Brad would pick up on a little flirtation as normal work banter and I can see things getting out of hand – rapidly.

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    Chuck373  over 13 years ago

    Ann find former employee’s “appreciative”? How does she expect them to show their appreciation, I wonder? Hmmm…

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    aksebro  over 13 years ago

    The previous Eiffel storyline took place back in 2002. Unfortunately, this new website’s archive doesn’t go back earlier than ‘03 (I’m pretty sure that the archive went back that far).

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    Dconskjk  over 13 years ago

    Uh-oh. Don’t like the looks of this

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  24. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  over 13 years ago

    Realistically they would not hire a firefighter to sweep floors, the old overqualified type deal. You know that the person would be also looking for other work at the time. But I know, it is just a comic strip.

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  25. Aim high
    crittermilker  over 13 years ago

    Luann is coming into her own. Peoples features change as they age, and frankly, I think the girl is getting prettier and has other charms as well.

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  26. Bone map
    Sundoulos  over 13 years ago

    Cue the ominous music!

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  27. Terror tim   copy
    Petemejia77  over 13 years ago


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  28. Our spot on the joe
    ST Joe River Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Lets see is she flirting with Brad? Where is this going to go. Maybe Toni will be a bit more anxious to tie the knot

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  29. Pc1
    TheDOCTOR  over 13 years ago

    Ann Eiffel (Yes,she certainly is.) has returned. (cue ominous music) ‘Dun-dun- DAAAAAAA!’ Toni better prep for The cat fight scene. I hope it starts in tne kitchen and they bump into Brad and he spills vegetable Oil on the floor and the ladies start wrestlin’ in it.~~~~~~~~~~~~OR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ann Eiffels’ Brother visits her at work ….AND ITS DIRK!

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  30. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  over 13 years ago

    I haven’t been reading Luann for long so I’m not familiar with Ann Eiffel; I researched her and after reading up on her, I hope this storyline gets steamy!

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  31. Th
    marvee  over 13 years ago

    I’m disappointed that Brad is actually taking this job. Glad he’s willing to but I think there were better options.

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    brdesert  over 13 years ago

    She’s baaaaack!!!!

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    brdesert  over 13 years ago

    How appropriate and well timed! Borders Bookstore is currently closing stores in the real world so “Borderland Books” closed the Japan stores and Eiffel lost her job as well.

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  34. Daddy.06
    memo.from.daddy.warbucks  over 13 years ago

    well i hope its NOT about toni and ann

    poor brad. lost another girlfriend

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  35. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  over 13 years ago

    Ann Eiffel?! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  36. Darker one
    Brian Olmstead  over 13 years ago

    Have to restart.. somewhere….

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  37. Ca411d48 e35e 4a21 b058 f79259484708
    Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML   over 13 years ago

    OMG…. I can’t watch…. well, I do like peeking now and then!

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  38. 1tau lljsaaef kfpea5vpgadia  .medium
    Michelle Morris  over 13 years ago

    Oh no! She’s Ba-aaaaack!!!

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  39. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 13 years ago

    Thank you! I’ve been a regular reader whenever we’ve had a newspaper coming… sometimes we didn’t. It’ll be good to catch up on what I missed.

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  40. Triscele
    txmystic  over 13 years ago

    I remember Bern and Zane working at the bookstore, and Brad saving Zane when it burned down, so it’s slowly trickling back into memory. I think it is a given that she’ll try to hit on Toni, and Brad will be clueless unless bern can school him…

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    lilrabbit  over 13 years ago

    Brad ends up with Ann’s job and then is promoted up the line to Vice President, which keeps him continually in the air, New York, London, Pittsville, Munich. Interesting receipts in Brad’s expense report…

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  42. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  over 13 years ago

    We gotta think … also … Where’s Luann fit into this arc?

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    phantomEngineer  over 13 years ago

    I would have thought Brad would step back to the EMT position. I would have thought he would rather starve then return to WW.

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  44. Hen 3
    REDROCKER51  over 13 years ago

    he shoulda went to the "lucky cow "…..

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    9thCapricorn  over 13 years ago

    Yes…Zane told her he was too old for her and moved away.

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  46. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 13 years ago

    Ann may be a some sort of “bi” — she seemed very interested in controlling Zane, too. But she is by no means a normal one..She enjoys having “her people” under her and subservient. Perhaps she could be called a dominatrix?.She is not IMO a simple lesbian by any means.

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  47. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 13 years ago

    The archives do not go back far enough to find the strips Ann was in..Very sad..But we who remember know that Brad must beware, This job is not going to fun for him. She will have him bringing her lattes soon enough. Toni will see through her at once.

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    VISEP  over 13 years ago

    I think, or hope, Evans does it this way, Ann goes to make a “pass” at Toni, and Toni does a “Chuck Norris” round house and sends Ann home with her teeth n her pocket. Brad doesn’t know, Toni is a black belt, or else how would she have kept Dirk the Jerk in line?

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    Step-Step  over 13 years ago

    Never know where these stories are going. I wonder how far in advance Greg writes the comics?!? I mean I think he’d be a few weeks ahead of what is being printed, right?

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  50. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 13 years ago

    Nah… I think Toni (rightly so) has a lot of self-confidence.

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    SheSang  over 13 years ago

    She’s trouble…

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  52. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  over 13 years ago

    @ottodesu, are you implying that teenage girls cannot be lesbians? they only come out at age 21?

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  53. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 13 years ago

    In re Ann Eiffel’s orientation, I don’t see this gal as a simple case of lesbianism or anything else. She is tricky and manipulative. And she will handle anything she can get away with and control from books and boys to wienies and women. .

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  54. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 13 years ago

    Bernie knows her best of our characters, and she does go to WWorld. Will Bernie now clue in Brad via Luann? Will they clue in Toni to the dangers? . Let’s hope Tiff gets a summer job at WW. But she never lacks money and seeks no jobs (other than ego building modeling) She may live with trust-fund parents in a gated suburb of Pittsville

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    wlbaz  over 13 years ago

    Whoo hoo!! This should make for a very interesting storyline! And it coincides with the release of “Horrible Bosses”! I have a feeling that Bernice may choke on her food WHEN she realizes that Ann Eiffel—the most horrible boss ever—is back!!

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  56. Me in fall
    coolvq  over 13 years ago

    Thanks for the history on Ann, guys. I hadn’t been following Luann that far back, only the last couple years. I appreciate it!

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    elliel203  over 13 years ago

    Dun dun DUN!!!

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  58. My eye
    vldazzle  over 13 years ago

    I remember Bern and Zane working together- guess I never noticed Ann. I can be/am rather nieve for my age.

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    jerrymeza  over 13 years ago

    C Allen, Mordock answered your question =)

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    The plot thickens.

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  61. The orange monster
    Jesus is my King  almost 13 years ago


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  62. Buddy licking
    Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Oh crap!

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    Silverclaw  almost 11 years ago

    Here comes crap lady. Who-hoo.

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    bookworm1011  almost 9 years ago


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  65. Dd2001gv
    DevilDog2001 Premium Member almost 7 years ago


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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    OH NO!

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    Stan the Building  over 5 years ago

    Oh f*ck

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    Olivia/Oliver <3  over 5 years ago

    Oh no…..

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