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Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 02, 2011
November 01, 2011
November 03, 2011
TJ: "Uh...Brad's here..."
Brad: "Who is that, TJ? Who threatened to hit my boss?"
TJ: "He wants to talk to you. Here ya go"
Brad: "Who is this? Hello? HELLO!"
Toni: "Hi, Brad. It'"
Really, I gotta say that if Brad had handled this with as much masculine determination as he’s displaying now and told Ann to go pound salt, instead of rolling over and begging Toni to not “upset” his boss and avoid eating at WW, she wouldn’t have had to confront Ann on her own, and he’d have known what was going on.
He would’ve had his butt fired in a New York minute, but he’d have known what was going on.
Brad & Toni are entering a rough spot in their relationship. However, they will get through it and possibly have an even stronger relationship than before this incident. /// Greg won’t let this romance die. It is far too popular with most readers!
Another thing, if WW is like most companies, he will have to return his uniform(s) before he can get his last paycheck. This means he will have to face Ms Awful at least one more time!
Brad already knew Ann was wrong to ban Toni in the first place. Brad also should have figured Toni wouldn’t take it lying down. Ann was putting the moves on Brad and Toni saw it immediately.
Just like TJ to throw Toni under a bus which is where Brad should throw that weasel. Brad will blow up and need a little time away from Toni. Maybe he would be better off without that blonde with a ton of makeup and find someone else.
It’s `me` she said sheepishly. Oh, it’s EWE, he bleated.`Now that I’ve got that out of my mind let me reiterate that Brad will be angry with TJ and surprised that Toni went along with it. But he will be mostly upset with Ann and go back to WW and tells her off after he hears Toni’s story.
TJ shows himself to be a craven coward, beneath contempt. Now, Toni is left to defuse Brad’s sudden anger and deflate Annie Awful’s balloon in a way that will not have unwanted repercussions.
Let’s hope Greg reads his comments. I agree completely. He could split the strip and set Toni and Brad up as The New Honeymooners, with a bit setup for the wedding on Luann and then give them their own strip.
T.J., you coward! rolls eyes Never, ever hatch a plan and not be prepared to deal with the reprecussions, let alone take at least partial responsibility for it and the fallout. I hope he redeems himself by claiming to have been in on this. Aside from him, Brad and Toni have much to talk about. Hopefully the next panels show shock (on Brad’s part), and a deep conversation. Is that hoping for too much? (It probably is.)
I think you have it all wrong. Brad is not a spineless buffoon. He took a bad situation and found a way to make it work. Solid dependable hard working traits Toni loves. Sometimes it takes a real man to control his own ego suck it up and make it work out. I am thinking Gift of the Magi.
Brad’s getting angry with the wrong person here. He needs to “man up” and get his head together with TJ and Toni and REALLY put the screws to Eiffel!
@MojitobabyI’m with you, what Toni did may not have been smart but at least one of the people in this couple needs to have a set, and besides that, later on Brad may realize how cool it is to have a girl willing to fight for her man.
I never noticed the comment sections on these before … I just have a single question: Are there really people in the world with nothing better to do than discuss the actions of characters in a daily strip?
What people need to remember is that Toni’s exact threat was to punch Ann Eiffel out “if you ever put your hands on me again.” AFTER Ann put her fingers under Toni’s chin.
Doesn’t excuse Toni’s actions, but if Ann’s bosses ever find out what she did, she’ll be out the door so fast, she’ll never catch cold from the breeze. Ask anyone whose ever worked a fast-food joint, the quickest route to a pink-slip is touching a customer without their permission.
Brad is a sniveling twit. Toni has trust issues causing here to fight for Brad because she thinks its the way to hold on to his love. Brad being clueless will some how find a way to totally dick this up by being the emotional milk toast he has always been. Toni (it wouldn’t surprise) me is going to go out of the picture for ever. Brad will not get his job back at the FD because if he did the guys at the station would kick is butt into a little heap for hurting Toni.
Back to drawing the Title Character of this strip.
Toni should not have threatened to punch Ann. What she should have done is had her arrested for assault, and reported her to WW coprorate headquarters like she said. Unwanted touching of another person can be considered assault, and Ann is way too touchy-feely. Maybe Brad likes it, but I doubt Toni did.
That said, if Brad the weenie had stood up to his boss from the get go, his girlfriend wouldn’t have had to step in. Then again, maybe Brad likes being Ann’s little puppet—-fetch Brad, beg Brad, heel Brad. I’m sure there are other fast food joints where he could find work, unless he’s just really happy to stay there and suck up to little Annie.
If I were Toni, I would have lost all respect for him by now.
In today’s economy with hard to find jobs, I’m not sure Brad is a weenie, but rather trying to hold a job that he was lucky to get. Unfortunately, management understands the need for people to work and takes advantage of the fact.
Brad “in his mind” never saw it as “Toni vs Ann”………….. he simply was apprehensive of putting himself in a position where he could lose his job by standing up to Ann………. “keep job” vs “Standing to Ann” with Keeping job getting the upper hand plus he was wrongly confidant he could keep Ann from going too far(she was breaking him down little by little)
I’m still wondering why Brad:1-wasn’t getting unemployment benefits, so he wouldn’t need that WW minimum wage job and2- why didn’t Toni just call corporate about the crap first. They’d have had a heckuva convo themselves with her about kicking firefighters out of the restaurant for no reason, and her treatment of Brad.
@michael lueckert – you probably had English classes where works of literature (fiction) were discussed. Although fictitious, the characters and plots therein resemble real life, thought-provoking situations that parallel what real people in real life go through. They’re instructive (and entertaining) devices in other words. A comic strip such as this isn’t quite at the same level as James Joyce or Dostoyevsky, but it does offer entertainment and stimulating situations to mull over and converse about. As with your English class (I assume), people grow in understanding through the exchange of viewpoints about these kinds of fictitious situations. Same thing happens on this comment board – a virtual English lit class, so to speak.:Most of us (at least myself) do indeed have better things we should be doing instead of hanging out and reading/posting comments here, but it’s a relatively harmless diversion and provides food for thought.
This is Brad’s chance to grow up and stand up for Toni and her right to go to WW It’s still not too late for him to be a man and go out on a limb to defend her. If he doesn’t, he deserves to lose her.
LAWSUIT! Wrongful termination. Discrimination (telling Toni not to come). Brad’s boss will be fired when corporate hears hwhat she’s done. Toni will finally relent and marry Brad out of guilt.
Brad has a lot to be angry about. I don’t think he’ll be as angry at Ann as he will be at TJ and Toni. As far as he was concerned, he was handling the situation with minimal discomfort.How he will handle Toni is a big question mark? I don’t think he has ever been angry at her. Will he reassure her of his devotion to her, or will he blast her for confronting Ann. TJ he will blast. No question about it.
Hah! This is perfect and quite funny (because it is a comic and not real life). It is very much like a typical “I Love Lucy” episode. Yet, the odd thing is that TJ really wasn’t involved very much. He just encouraged Toni to confront Eiffel. I was anticipating for hijinx from TJ. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Brad is understandably mad, but it should blow over quickly…. at least it typically does in the “I Love Lucy” format. Perhaps Greg will take us more down a more melodramatic route?
i predict the crapster tj gets called out, after the screaming and rants die out tj gets throwed out and we will have a toni and brad shacking flamin’ story arc.
I expect Brad to blame Toni and then attempt to get his job at WW back. I haven’t seen any evidence that he has the maturity or the wisdom to change the path he is on. I hope Greg will surprise us!
If I were Brad, I would love Toni more than ever, for her unwarranted passion for me and coming to my defense. I would seriously consider growing a pair too.
this will end up being a win-win situation – it’s a bit obvious, but I’m guessing Brad will end up as manager, replacing Ann. It’s a little bit of the reversal of what happened with Toni earlier, when SHE had no self-esteem/confidence and Brad stepped in to rescue her. So undoubtedly they will bring that into their conversation, too.
I personally love this arc. It’s much more relatable…But then, Greg always did deal with real life issue. Remember when Delta had cancer? Anyway, I’ve been reading luann from the start, I am now 30 and still love it. And btw, the forum is almost as interesting to read.
@michael leuckert: Yes. It’s a way of connecting to like-minded people. Me, I comment only on selected, preferred strips. I enjoy reading what other people have to say about my favourite strips.And very very few have more than 50 comments, or even that many.
I have to ask all who are saying that Toni blew it, by confronting AE, “How old are you?” I ask because it appears that you are old farts that have forgotten the impetuosity of youth. The young (and Toni, Brad and T.J. ARE young) are well known for acting first and thinking later. They do not think of consequences, but mostly of whatever first comes to their mind. “You’re getting in MY face? Here’s a fist to your eye!” That’s why authorities hate dealing with young adults without their pepper spray, or backup. So…lighten up on Toni already!
As for why Brad is still in the WW uniform; what is taking a week for Greg to write and draw (and us to read) is actually taking place in a much shorter time frame, such as this telephone conversation.
Brad’s having, or lack of having, “stones”; wait for the story to play out, it may turn out that he has a big set of stones…or none at all.
T.J. and his interference with Brad, and Toni, and his irresponsibility. I seem to remember his offering Brad 3 Grand a while back, where did it come from and if he is soooo irresponsible, why would he do that? Hmmm?
Brad being a “wimp?” He, through no fault of his own, was laid off from the fire department. He is an adult (I know of very few districts where one can be under 21 and join either the cops or the FD), living on his own, making his own way, albeit, with help at times. Doing what he can to keep his job a WW, even asking Toni to not come in to WW when he is at work, and putting up with the merde that AE dishes out, may be a way of keeping that job so that he can remain independant, and possibly advance to the point where he feels he can ask Toni to marry him. How many of us have not, in the past, done some sucking up to remain employed, and done what is necessary to placate an overbearing boss?
This story line is about to hit the unacceptably unrealistic’s against the law in most countries to just fire an employee without valid reason. Brad needs to contact corp. HR and also a lawyer..Toni should have put in an complaint against ann with Weenie world corp quite some time ago. .Lots of other problems with this current story line.
Toni: Sorry Brad, I feel so bad.Brad: What am I going to do now?Toni: You could move in with me!T.J.: Me too?Brad: Sorry T.J., you don’t cook THAT good!
Too many comments and when this many they always get too long and argumentative. I still read most just now but did not read emails or facebook today (did my 1 hr workout after breakfast and went to refill 10 gallons of purified water) but somehow was thinking most of the day that tomorrow is Wednesday (so did not do groceries to get both last week and this week’s specials, but that’s OK because I prefer a little more time than 7 days shopping at least part of the time.
I think and hope that Brad and Toni will finally decide that it’s time to kick TJ out on his own and start making plans for a wedding-I hope Brad also gets his old job back so he can just Fedex that weenie uniform back to Ann (or better-toss it at her in person).
mojitobaby and Sideshow Starlet to coin a quote, “Sick puppies. Sick, SICK puppies!” I’m having a great time reading all this.
mojitobaby – at one time I was an Army clerk, I got fired because the keys were too small (and that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!)
Brad, I don’t think, was interested in impressing Toni with being employed, or impressing anyone else for that matter. I think it could have been just trying to keep his new found independance. Don’t forget, he olived at home AFTER joining the FD.
Being from a long line of Cops, being one for a short time myself (the Detroit 67 riots convinced me that the VC were “easier”), and seeing by kid brother (firefighter recently retired in FL) interacting with the cops there, I’d have to say that NYPD and NYFD might just be the exception rather than the norm if NYPD would arrest an NYFD on a “hesaid/she said complaint.” But, I don’t claim to know about everywhere in the US.
And “groveling” when you are trying to keep your head above water is an individual thing. I’ve done it in the past (but will not in the future beause I’m retired! Halla-blasted-lu-la!), as I’m sure many others on this forum have. It’s not something any of us are necessarily proud of, but we kept on working. And every person has their own level of comfort to put up with that kind of bull-hockey. I think Brad’s is just higher than yours.
And I think Brad is a very conflicted young man. If I were him, I would be. “Me? Mr. Slacker, Mr. Plainer-than-dirt? with Toni, Miss Too-Damned-Gorgeous-to be-REAL, really and truely in love with me? WhatareyousmokingbecauseIwantsomeofyourstash!!!!!!”
“Wrong, in a right to fire state no reason needs to be given but one can be made up. We’re in a Depression so there is a long line to get that lousy job.”
Um…what? Sorry, but you’re totally wrong on all counts.
There’s no such thing as a “right to fire state”.
There IS such a thing as a “right to work state” – there are currently 22 of ’em – and they deal with labor union closed shops. Per the Taft Hartley Act of 1947, they do not allow people to be forced into union membership as a condition of employment.
This does not apply here, since Brad is not a union member, nor was he pressured to join one to get an employment contract.
You’ve confused “right to work” with at will” employment – they aren’t the same thing.
Both, btw, have been discussed for the past two days. You might want to go back and take a look at some of the posts.
Lastly, job demand has nothing to do with reasons for termination. And there are legal limitations to an employer’s ability to terminate without reason – in about 43 states.
Toni isn’t as stupid as she might seem; she only threatened to strike Eiffel when the bitch went and touched her, crossing the personal boundary line. Before that, she kept it on the level, threatening to inform WeenieWorld corporate about the way Eiffel treated her employees and her customers. Whatever level the bitch took it to, Toni only responded in kind, otherwise, she would never threaten anyone with physical violence.
I’m sure once she explains this to Brad, after he passes the initial temper meltdown, he’ll forgive her.
bikenboatn over 13 years ago
Ok, TJ. So, the buck stops, um…over there!
Bill Thompson over 13 years ago
Is there any reason to like TJ? He’s a coward.
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
Gotta love the action blur in the second panel. This is gonna be an interesting conversation…
bikenboatn over 13 years ago
Maybe that’s what TJ stands for: Teflon Joker!
FatTonyBalducci over 13 years ago
Brad can’t be mad at Toni
wlbaz over 13 years ago
TJ is such a wuss and a wimp…:(
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Really, I gotta say that if Brad had handled this with as much masculine determination as he’s displaying now and told Ann to go pound salt, instead of rolling over and begging Toni to not “upset” his boss and avoid eating at WW, she wouldn’t have had to confront Ann on her own, and he’d have known what was going on.
He would’ve had his butt fired in a New York minute, but he’d have known what was going on.
homfencing over 13 years ago
Uh oh…..this won’t end well….’
wiselad over 13 years ago
classic TJ, let someone else deal with the troubles “started by him”
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
OK – how many of you think Brad might crawl back to WW and apologize to “Miss Eiffel” to try and get his job back?
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
Oh, if only this leads to at least a temporary break-up of the OMG OMG Brattoni duo, my cup of happiness will brimmeth over…
Professional Rookie over 13 years ago
Who wants to bet that after this build up Greg throws a Bernice and Delta arc at us tomorrow?
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
What did Toni expect anyway? That Eiffel would let her behaviour slide without consequences to Brad? If so, she is stupid as well as a back-biter.
DaJellyBelly over 13 years ago
Brad & Toni are entering a rough spot in their relationship. However, they will get through it and possibly have an even stronger relationship than before this incident. /// Greg won’t let this romance die. It is far too popular with most readers!
Varnes over 13 years ago
Maybe she should punch her now….Hey, why does he get fired for what she says? That doesn’t seem fair….
DaJellyBelly over 13 years ago
Another thing, if WW is like most companies, he will have to return his uniform(s) before he can get his last paycheck. This means he will have to face Ms Awful at least one more time!
cjswan232482 over 13 years ago
Brad already knew Ann was wrong to ban Toni in the first place. Brad also should have figured Toni wouldn’t take it lying down. Ann was putting the moves on Brad and Toni saw it immediately.
chicken 33 over 13 years ago
It will be all right when she says she did it because she loves him so much,maybe.
DockoftheBay over 13 years ago
Just like TJ to throw Toni under a bus which is where Brad should throw that weasel. Brad will blow up and need a little time away from Toni. Maybe he would be better off without that blonde with a ton of makeup and find someone else.
imbaldeagle over 13 years ago
It’s `me` she said sheepishly. Oh, it’s EWE, he bleated.`Now that I’ve got that out of my mind let me reiterate that Brad will be angry with TJ and surprised that Toni went along with it. But he will be mostly upset with Ann and go back to WW and tells her off after he hears Toni’s story.
ZacBSM over 13 years ago
This is the first time I’ve seen Toni sound unconfident and guilty. She’s always been sassy and solid.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
TJ shows himself to be a craven coward, beneath contempt. Now, Toni is left to defuse Brad’s sudden anger and deflate Annie Awful’s balloon in a way that will not have unwanted repercussions.
maestrabella67 over 13 years ago
I want to know what’s going on with Luann, not Toni and Brad.
awevans over 13 years ago
Was the manager right by telling Brad, keep the friends away from work? Maybe not, but right now it seems correct.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 13 years ago
Bard needs to step back and decide what’s more important to him, Toni… or rolling wienies at WW.
He should have stood up to the boss when Toni was told she couldn’t come there any more.
How would he like if he was told he wouldn’t be allowed to go to Ton’s fire station ever again, even to just stop by to drop off her lunch etc.
Brad’s at fault for the above and yes, Toni screwed up too.
Hopefully they will both see this and learn from this experience.
trspence over 13 years ago
@Jelly Belly,
Let’s hope Greg reads his comments. I agree completely. He could split the strip and set Toni and Brad up as The New Honeymooners, with a bit setup for the wedding on Luann and then give them their own strip.
Tinyman over 13 years ago
@ Joe StoppinghemDont forget that Brad came in AFTER Toni left the restaurant. He is just now going to find out what happened.
trinsghost over 13 years ago
T.J., you coward! rolls eyes Never, ever hatch a plan and not be prepared to deal with the reprecussions, let alone take at least partial responsibility for it and the fallout. I hope he redeems himself by claiming to have been in on this. Aside from him, Brad and Toni have much to talk about. Hopefully the next panels show shock (on Brad’s part), and a deep conversation. Is that hoping for too much? (It probably is.)
TerBer over 13 years ago
I think you have it all wrong. Brad is not a spineless buffoon. He took a bad situation and found a way to make it work. Solid dependable hard working traits Toni loves. Sometimes it takes a real man to control his own ego suck it up and make it work out. I am thinking Gift of the Magi.
teddyr over 13 years ago
Brad’s getting angry with the wrong person here. He needs to “man up” and get his head together with TJ and Toni and REALLY put the screws to Eiffel!
Demingsboy over 13 years ago
@MojitobabyI’m with you, what Toni did may not have been smart but at least one of the people in this couple needs to have a set, and besides that, later on Brad may realize how cool it is to have a girl willing to fight for her man.
mlueckert73 over 13 years ago
I never noticed the comment sections on these before … I just have a single question: Are there really people in the world with nothing better to do than discuss the actions of characters in a daily strip?
Simon_Jester over 13 years ago
What people need to remember is that Toni’s exact threat was to punch Ann Eiffel out “if you ever put your hands on me again.” AFTER Ann put her fingers under Toni’s chin.
Doesn’t excuse Toni’s actions, but if Ann’s bosses ever find out what she did, she’ll be out the door so fast, she’ll never catch cold from the breeze. Ask anyone whose ever worked a fast-food joint, the quickest route to a pink-slip is touching a customer without their permission.
DayoftheDead over 13 years ago
Off hand I think Brads love life will be off hand from now on.
Dragongirl2319 over 13 years ago
There goes TJ ceremoniously passing the blame form him to Toni.
DayoftheDead over 13 years ago
Brad is a sniveling twit. Toni has trust issues causing here to fight for Brad because she thinks its the way to hold on to his love. Brad being clueless will some how find a way to totally dick this up by being the emotional milk toast he has always been. Toni (it wouldn’t surprise) me is going to go out of the picture for ever. Brad will not get his job back at the FD because if he did the guys at the station would kick is butt into a little heap for hurting Toni.
Back to drawing the Title Character of this strip.
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
So is Brad’s nickname gonna be “Cheetah” or not? ;D
FigwitsMom over 13 years ago
Toni should not have threatened to punch Ann. What she should have done is had her arrested for assault, and reported her to WW coprorate headquarters like she said. Unwanted touching of another person can be considered assault, and Ann is way too touchy-feely. Maybe Brad likes it, but I doubt Toni did.
That said, if Brad the weenie had stood up to his boss from the get go, his girlfriend wouldn’t have had to step in. Then again, maybe Brad likes being Ann’s little puppet—-fetch Brad, beg Brad, heel Brad. I’m sure there are other fast food joints where he could find work, unless he’s just really happy to stay there and suck up to little Annie.
If I were Toni, I would have lost all respect for him by now.
been there over 13 years ago
Brad plain averge guy , Toni out of the world beauty. Every mans dream. Greg won’t let this end.
nanellen over 13 years ago
In today’s economy with hard to find jobs, I’m not sure Brad is a weenie, but rather trying to hold a job that he was lucky to get. Unfortunately, management understands the need for people to work and takes advantage of the fact.
been there over 13 years ago
I think a lot of woman would love to find a man like Brad
Mighty_Mouse over 13 years ago
The road to heaven is also paved with good intentions, isn’t it?
wiselad over 13 years ago
Brad “in his mind” never saw it as “Toni vs Ann”………….. he simply was apprehensive of putting himself in a position where he could lose his job by standing up to Ann………. “keep job” vs “Standing to Ann” with Keeping job getting the upper hand plus he was wrongly confidant he could keep Ann from going too far(she was breaking him down little by little)
nwbluemoon over 13 years ago
I’m still wondering why Brad:1-wasn’t getting unemployment benefits, so he wouldn’t need that WW minimum wage job and2- why didn’t Toni just call corporate about the crap first. They’d have had a heckuva convo themselves with her about kicking firefighters out of the restaurant for no reason, and her treatment of Brad.
Kirk Sinclair over 13 years ago
@michael lueckert – you probably had English classes where works of literature (fiction) were discussed. Although fictitious, the characters and plots therein resemble real life, thought-provoking situations that parallel what real people in real life go through. They’re instructive (and entertaining) devices in other words. A comic strip such as this isn’t quite at the same level as James Joyce or Dostoyevsky, but it does offer entertainment and stimulating situations to mull over and converse about. As with your English class (I assume), people grow in understanding through the exchange of viewpoints about these kinds of fictitious situations. Same thing happens on this comment board – a virtual English lit class, so to speak.:Most of us (at least myself) do indeed have better things we should be doing instead of hanging out and reading/posting comments here, but it’s a relatively harmless diversion and provides food for thought.
susan15096 over 13 years ago
This is Brad’s chance to grow up and stand up for Toni and her right to go to WW It’s still not too late for him to be a man and go out on a limb to defend her. If he doesn’t, he deserves to lose her.
jeffchow88 over 13 years ago
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
Brad has a lot to be angry about. I don’t think he’ll be as angry at Ann as he will be at TJ and Toni. As far as he was concerned, he was handling the situation with minimal discomfort.How he will handle Toni is a big question mark? I don’t think he has ever been angry at her. Will he reassure her of his devotion to her, or will he blast her for confronting Ann. TJ he will blast. No question about it.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 13 years ago
Hah! This is perfect and quite funny (because it is a comic and not real life). It is very much like a typical “I Love Lucy” episode. Yet, the odd thing is that TJ really wasn’t involved very much. He just encouraged Toni to confront Eiffel. I was anticipating for hijinx from TJ. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Brad is understandably mad, but it should blow over quickly…. at least it typically does in the “I Love Lucy” format. Perhaps Greg will take us more down a more melodramatic route?
dfowensby over 13 years ago
i predict the crapster tj gets called out, after the screaming and rants die out tj gets throwed out and we will have a toni and brad shacking flamin’ story arc.
lance96816 over 13 years ago
Brad to Toni… Okay you messed up my job, I have no income. Now you have to marry me.
Mr. Tinkles over 13 years ago
I expect Brad to blame Toni and then attempt to get his job at WW back. I haven’t seen any evidence that he has the maturity or the wisdom to change the path he is on. I hope Greg will surprise us!
reedkomicks Premium Member over 13 years ago
If I were Brad, I would love Toni more than ever, for her unwarranted passion for me and coming to my defense. I would seriously consider growing a pair too.
keokuk over 13 years ago
this will end up being a win-win situation – it’s a bit obvious, but I’m guessing Brad will end up as manager, replacing Ann. It’s a little bit of the reversal of what happened with Toni earlier, when SHE had no self-esteem/confidence and Brad stepped in to rescue her. So undoubtedly they will bring that into their conversation, too.
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
ooooooooo, ciiiiiiiddddeeeeerrrrrr…….
Tracy King over 13 years ago
this story line is realllllly annoying.
lance96816 over 13 years ago
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
I guess Toni will be telling us, again, “The Brad tastes good.”
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
Here’s a good question. How is this going to affect the TJ and Toni friendship? Agreed, she went for it, but he did talk her into it.
Grouse7 over 13 years ago
Wow you folks put too much thought into a’s a comic! With virtual characters!
Nicolesdiamond over 13 years ago
I personally love this arc. It’s much more relatable…But then, Greg always did deal with real life issue. Remember when Delta had cancer? Anyway, I’ve been reading luann from the start, I am now 30 and still love it. And btw, the forum is almost as interesting to read.
brownswan over 13 years ago
Please, we have enough bad news every day. Let this end well.
JerryTheK over 13 years ago
Who is He? On the phone?
RinaFarina over 13 years ago
@michael leuckert: Yes. It’s a way of connecting to like-minded people. Me, I comment only on selected, preferred strips. I enjoy reading what other people have to say about my favourite strips.And very very few have more than 50 comments, or even that many.
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
TJ passed the phone faster than he can pass the buck.
yuggib over 13 years ago
sorry about the typo, my fingertips are bigger than the keys…on a standard keyboard (vs a laptop.)Guy
yuggib over 13 years ago
OK. More serious thoughts here.
I have to ask all who are saying that Toni blew it, by confronting AE, “How old are you?” I ask because it appears that you are old farts that have forgotten the impetuosity of youth. The young (and Toni, Brad and T.J. ARE young) are well known for acting first and thinking later. They do not think of consequences, but mostly of whatever first comes to their mind. “You’re getting in MY face? Here’s a fist to your eye!” That’s why authorities hate dealing with young adults without their pepper spray, or backup. So…lighten up on Toni already!
As for why Brad is still in the WW uniform; what is taking a week for Greg to write and draw (and us to read) is actually taking place in a much shorter time frame, such as this telephone conversation.
Brad’s having, or lack of having, “stones”; wait for the story to play out, it may turn out that he has a big set of stones…or none at all.
T.J. and his interference with Brad, and Toni, and his irresponsibility. I seem to remember his offering Brad 3 Grand a while back, where did it come from and if he is soooo irresponsible, why would he do that? Hmmm?
Brad being a “wimp?” He, through no fault of his own, was laid off from the fire department. He is an adult (I know of very few districts where one can be under 21 and join either the cops or the FD), living on his own, making his own way, albeit, with help at times. Doing what he can to keep his job a WW, even asking Toni to not come in to WW when he is at work, and putting up with the merde that AE dishes out, may be a way of keeping that job so that he can remain independant, and possibly advance to the point where he feels he can ask Toni to marry him. How many of us have not, in the past, done some sucking up to remain employed, and done what is necessary to placate an overbearing boss?
crystalwizard over 13 years ago
This story line is about to hit the unacceptably unrealistic’s against the law in most countries to just fire an employee without valid reason. Brad needs to contact corp. HR and also a lawyer..Toni should have put in an complaint against ann with Weenie world corp quite some time ago. .Lots of other problems with this current story line.
spiritoflionelhutzlives Premium Member over 13 years ago
…if my girlfriend pulled this stunt and got me fired (especially in this job market)…she would be out on her ass…(no matter how cute it is)…
5leathergloves over 13 years ago
This is my favorite relationship in luann! Don’t break up!
draksig over 13 years ago
Toni: Sorry Brad, I feel so bad.Brad: What am I going to do now?Toni: You could move in with me!T.J.: Me too?Brad: Sorry T.J., you don’t cook THAT good!
vldazzle over 13 years ago
Too many comments and when this many they always get too long and argumentative. I still read most just now but did not read emails or facebook today (did my 1 hr workout after breakfast and went to refill 10 gallons of purified water) but somehow was thinking most of the day that tomorrow is Wednesday (so did not do groceries to get both last week and this week’s specials, but that’s OK because I prefer a little more time than 7 days shopping at least part of the time.
I think and hope that Brad and Toni will finally decide that it’s time to kick TJ out on his own and start making plans for a wedding-I hope Brad also gets his old job back so he can just Fedex that weenie uniform back to Ann (or better-toss it at her in person).
yuggib over 13 years ago
mojitobaby and Sideshow Starlet to coin a quote, “Sick puppies. Sick, SICK puppies!” I’m having a great time reading all this.
mojitobaby – at one time I was an Army clerk, I got fired because the keys were too small (and that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!)
Brad, I don’t think, was interested in impressing Toni with being employed, or impressing anyone else for that matter. I think it could have been just trying to keep his new found independance. Don’t forget, he olived at home AFTER joining the FD.
Being from a long line of Cops, being one for a short time myself (the Detroit 67 riots convinced me that the VC were “easier”), and seeing by kid brother (firefighter recently retired in FL) interacting with the cops there, I’d have to say that NYPD and NYFD might just be the exception rather than the norm if NYPD would arrest an NYFD on a “hesaid/she said complaint.” But, I don’t claim to know about everywhere in the US.
And “groveling” when you are trying to keep your head above water is an individual thing. I’ve done it in the past (but will not in the future beause I’m retired! Halla-blasted-lu-la!), as I’m sure many others on this forum have. It’s not something any of us are necessarily proud of, but we kept on working. And every person has their own level of comfort to put up with that kind of bull-hockey. I think Brad’s is just higher than yours.
And I think Brad is a very conflicted young man. If I were him, I would be. “Me? Mr. Slacker, Mr. Plainer-than-dirt? with Toni, Miss Too-Damned-Gorgeous-to be-REAL, really and truely in love with me? WhatareyousmokingbecauseIwantsomeofyourstash!!!!!!”
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
“Wrong, in a right to fire state no reason needs to be given but one can be made up. We’re in a Depression so there is a long line to get that lousy job.”
Um…what? Sorry, but you’re totally wrong on all counts.
There’s no such thing as a “right to fire state”.
There IS such a thing as a “right to work state” – there are currently 22 of ’em – and they deal with labor union closed shops. Per the Taft Hartley Act of 1947, they do not allow people to be forced into union membership as a condition of employment.
This does not apply here, since Brad is not a union member, nor was he pressured to join one to get an employment contract.
You’ve confused “right to work” with at will” employment – they aren’t the same thing.
Both, btw, have been discussed for the past two days. You might want to go back and take a look at some of the posts.
Lastly, job demand has nothing to do with reasons for termination. And there are legal limitations to an employer’s ability to terminate without reason – in about 43 states.
Comicman424 over 13 years ago
Toni isn’t as stupid as she might seem; she only threatened to strike Eiffel when the bitch went and touched her, crossing the personal boundary line. Before that, she kept it on the level, threatening to inform WeenieWorld corporate about the way Eiffel treated her employees and her customers. Whatever level the bitch took it to, Toni only responded in kind, otherwise, she would never threaten anyone with physical violence.
I’m sure once she explains this to Brad, after he passes the initial temper meltdown, he’ll forgive her.