Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 07, 2011
Ann: "Brad, what are you doing here?" Brad: "You owe me a reason for firing me, Miss Eiffel" Ann: "All right. You didn't perform to my expectations. And your girlfriend made a scene. "I'll give you an eyeful of my fist" Were her words" Brad: "Well, you'll be happy to know that you successfully messed up our relationship" Ann: "That wasn't my intention. But maybe she was wrong for you" Brad: "There's only one person who's wrong here"
bikenboatn about 13 years ago
Brad finally confronts Ann and starts seeing her as the evil she really is. Especially that provocative pose in the last panel. Hopefully he can still fix things up with Toni.
ZacBSM about 13 years ago
OOOO. Ann was drawn perfectly to portray her posture as sexually inviting. She suddenly has enticing curves on her backside. Yep, Brad. You are the one who is wrong!
FatTonyBalducci about 13 years ago
provocative?……Hot, more like it!
wlbaz about 13 years ago
All I can say is…“GIVE ’ER HELL, BRAD!!”
SideshowStarlet about 13 years ago
So, Brad did go back to Weenie-World (remembering to change out of his uniform first, thank God). But it wasn’t to beg for his job back! Yay! I knew Brad wouldn’t sink that low! Not, only that, he actually has the stones to confront Eiffel, something I wouldn’t have predicted from him, judging from how he was acting throughout this arc. … And we know that he came specifically to confront Eiffel and not just to return the dorky uniform because Eiffel was asking what Brad was doing there. If he had come in carrying the uniform, she would have known. … Go Brad! I’m happy to see that Brad’s brave firefighter persona is returning, now that he isn’t constantly worried about losing his cr@ppy Weenie-World job. I think the mess that his relationship with Toni is in has made him finally sit down and think about what’s important: his awful job and abusive boss or the love of his life.
Varnes about 13 years ago
Brad, Brad, Brad….“Miss” Eiffel?no. Just Eiffel. She doesn’t deserve the dignity of a title..better yet, use her first name…put her in her place….
Loki Laufeyson about 13 years ago
Good for you, Brad, for having the cods to tell that witch off! I hope Toni happens to come by during this little scene and sees/hears him standing up like the MAN he has grown up to be. She IS a big part of his transformation. Remember, he’s stood up to a bully before even after that bully knocked him down— and he still got back up to ‘fight’. This should be ‘old hat’ to him. He’s bruised… not broken. The same can probably be said for Brad and Toni’s relationship: bruised, but not broken. Just because something is messed up doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed. You know, kind of like a car, Brad??
Professional Rookie about 13 years ago
Oo-la-la! See that bad girl lean and grin in the last frame? Wow.
barbarasbrute about 13 years ago
And Toni knows more about fixing cars than Brad does too. Don’t forget that part.
Ottodesu about 13 years ago
The crowd cheers!Brad is a country away from being the slob he was pre-firefighter.She is certainly a snake. Hot snake. Look at her slither. Quite possibly the most sexual character that Greg has yet created, makes Tiffany look asexual. He must really love drawing her, so I expect that we will be seeing her from time to time for a long while.
Talker123 about 13 years ago
About time Greg, about time!
Comicman424 about 13 years ago
An attempted seduction is well underway, but Brad can clearly see right through that like a sheet of glass.
BlitzMcD about 13 years ago
Brad has decided to man up at last! I’m guardedly optimistic about the outcome of this confrontation.
WillParkinson about 13 years ago
Oh my. Well, it’s early. I’m figuring somehow Brad will still goof it up. (Though I do hope he gets back with Toni quickly. She’s one of the more interesting characters in the strip.)
imbaldeagle about 13 years ago
Just like we underestimate Frank, we didn’t expect Brad to be this confrontational – He’s a chip off the old block! AND… he’s not impressed with her hotness – GO BRAD, read her the riot act.
Chas60 about 13 years ago
Come on Brad, really put a scare into her. To be fire wrongfullyyou can sue weenie world, for this!
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
I hope Brad has thought this through before acting! We want to see him succeed, not bumble the confrontation.
For full effect in panel 3, Annie Awful ought to have undone the top three buttons of her sweater before leaning toward Brad….
princecharmeing about 13 years ago
why are you mad Brad ???? it was you who messed up the relationship by hanging up on toni not once but twice,,,, the one thing i have learned about woman if they call you and you hang up on them and they call you back and you hang up again dont EVER expect a thrid call.,, in fact you would be lucky when you called her she wouldent hand up on you,, ,,,its the old fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me,
jeff_e about 13 years ago
Ann didn’t successfully mess up the relationship. Brad did that by dismissing Toni out of anger and refusing to speak to her.
JerryTheK about 13 years ago
What Happen?
upanddown17 about 13 years ago
Don’t take any guff off her, Brad.
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
I see two people who are wrong here. Brad is the one who is messing up the relationship. He was expecting to get the truth from Ann? I think Toni’s words were preceeding those were “If you touch me again…”. She of course, left those out. I can’t believe how pleased she is with herself in the problems she has caused. Well I hope that Brad is attempting to get the whole story by speaking with all involved.
The Old Wolf about 13 years ago
An encouraging sign. Perhaps Eiffel will simply fade into irrelevance, but I’d prefer to see total disgrace and reduction to impotence, somewhere far away from employees.
littlesky about 13 years ago
At least he know ann eiffel was wrong. So toni must be right? I’d hope they stay togethter thru this. There is no way toni is in his league so he should do whatever it takes to keep her. He can always find a job in a competitor’s business. Weinie worls doesn’t hold all the jobs. He can find something better and maybe the fire department will call him back. Which would be great!!
littlesky about 13 years ago
Ann Eiffful is a letch and needs to have something happen to her to satisfy me. She relies too much on her position to get things going. Her personal life should be separate from weenie world.
Rockabore about 13 years ago
Brad looks surprisingly menacing when he’s filled with rage. Now the comic would be 20% cooler if we had Brad turn into the Hulk and snap Ann in half, but I’m betting that’s too much to ask for sadly. Either way, Ann’s not exactly the reason the reason that the relationship got messed up, it was BRAD who refused to let Toni explain, BRAD who made Toni look like the bad guy, and BRAD who made her cry. I know Ann set these things into motion but she didn’t make him tell Toni off. People in this strip need to own up to their mistakes, it’s getting to be a running theme in this arc.
Ottodesu about 13 years ago
And let me make it clear: the Brad-Toni is not “messed up” as in broken or damaged. It’s no more damaged than creasing a jacket. Brad is in the process of ironing things out, step by step.In comparison, the Brad-Ann relationship is broken.
Hammerhead451 about 13 years ago
Good for Brad! He is learning how to stand up for himself, and he’s not going to be run over by the relationships he finds himself in. He’s never been in control of anything when it comes to women, until now!
tigre1 about 13 years ago
Mucho mejor. Y estamos testigos…
DayoftheDead about 13 years ago
Can you say Half Truth ?
DockoftheBay about 13 years ago
I have to give Brad credit for confronting that psychopath. Since he’s no longer under her thumb, he can give her both barrels, “you can take your job and shove it where the sun don’t shine, Miss Eiffel!”.
thewoodman1 about 13 years ago
Mongo about 13 years ago
I think Brad really woke up to what was happening. And he doesn’t look too thrilled about Ann.
I still think Dirk is going to show up in a badge. Now THAT would be an interesting story line.
Dabit about 13 years ago
Next stop, Toni’s place for an apology to her.
Capricorn11 about 13 years ago
Hey I think Brad has finally learned something….
bagbalm about 13 years ago
- a former disgruntled worker…
PShaw0423 about 13 years ago
Judging from the tsunami of comments every day, this arc has really hit a nerve — with everyone unloading their own emotional baggage. I wonder if Greg Evans expected this?.If the measure of an artist is how deeply he/she engages the minds and passions of the audience, Greg hit this one out of the park.
chaosed2 about 13 years ago
2 straight weeks of Brad/Toni! Yeah!
DetectiveKemper about 13 years ago
It’s those hips that make her “an eyeful.”
Mighty_Mouse about 13 years ago
I like the way you think!
Nuki255 about 13 years ago
I’m…. shocked. Brad has screwed up plenty thus far, but I’m glad he’s finally standing up.
I’m kinda surprised at the very provocative pose Eiffels taking. I agree with everyone, lots of innuendo in that last panel. (Dang good artwork there Greg.)Good stuff, I was seriously getting worried about where this arc was going.
Nicolesdiamond about 13 years ago
Brad finally grew a pair…..
tiredmom2 about 13 years ago
Brad’s a HE-MAN again!! Yay - GO BRAD!!!!
Randyincv about 13 years ago
If anyone ever deserved to be B itch$lapped it’s Ann Eiffel
JohnRPelt about 13 years ago
Can we get a sense of what exactly is Ann’s problem? It’s not like she’s a cheerleader captain/teen queen like Tiffany is… does she think she’s descended from French nobility and therefore just naturally deserves more than everyone else?
AnonymousUser about 13 years ago
77 comments. People really are interested in drama and relationship problems don’t they? And since when is Brad so popular with the ladies?
Kydex29 about 13 years ago
YEAH! Brad looks underslept and disheveled; I’m glad to see he spent a rough night rehashing how he put his desire to punish Toni before his relationship with her.
Mordock999 about 13 years ago
Whoa, Ann’s GUSHING in Panel Three!!!
Now Brad, You know, You SHOULD go back and make up with Toni, but FIRST You might want EXPLORE this “angle” a bit, if you KNOW what I Mean, and I THINK You DO.
Ann makes a GREAT Villainess for this strip and I for one hope that Greg keeps her around.
Say. Greg mentioned in his latest blog that he had considered creating an art teacher character for Pitts High.How about casting Ann in THAT part, Greg?
Doctor11 about 13 years ago
Okay, Brad, take Ann down A LOT of pegs and then go talk to Toni, and make up with her.
keokuk about 13 years ago
Yay! Brad’s finally stepping up to take charge!
geneking7320 about 13 years ago
It would have been better if Brad had’nt said anything about messing up his relationship with Toni.
southernmeemaw about 13 years ago
You go Brad!
Richardsperry about 13 years ago
You all need a life…lol
It’s a comic. Anyway, if this had happened in America, I’d say brad has a really good case of wrongful termination, and sexual harassment against Ms, Evil and Weenie World. He’ll probably get a settlement where he doesn’t have to work again…
larryvanover about 13 years ago
In the practical “stand still” of time in this comic series, it’s time for Brad to take a mature step forward. If Brad wasn’t so afraid of losing his job, he would have stood up to the “snake” the first time she hissed about Toni.
Dragongirl2319 about 13 years ago
Now she finally makes an obvious hint to Brad that she’s into him… maybe we should show her a picture of him back in the 1990’s with him pigging out on the couch.
Dconskjk about 13 years ago
Go Brad. Go Brad. Go Brad. Go Brad
nanellen about 13 years ago
see, Brad is NOT a wimp! He is a really nice, thoughtful guy with a super ethics.
nancyroy2 about 13 years ago
for the first time in my life… I am wanting to slap a cartoon character in the face. she is despicable!
froglunch about 13 years ago
Absolutely! No need to shout it out a window when you could just shout it at your ex-boss, the cause of all of the grief in the first place, instead.
pj about 13 years ago
Take it Eiffel!!
jernan2 about 13 years ago
I really like this comic strip. But the only ones I like best are about Brad and Toni. I hope they get back together and get married.
Michael Hayde about 13 years ago
This is what I LOVE about this strip! I can imagine how it’s going to play out and I’m NEVER right! Can’t wait ’til tomorrow!
jebjayman about 13 years ago
Careful, Brad. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
TheDOCTOR about 13 years ago
Brad should say : “Yes there is one person wrong here and thats ME! For putting up with your CR*P, running you’re errands,picking up YOUR Drycleaning and let you treat me like your little Errand Boy, and allowing you to ban my Girlfriend from WW- which is probably Illegal – So I checked Online w/ the Home Office and they would like to have a word with you.”
cactuslady100 Premium Member about 13 years ago
OMG Brad grew some cajones!!
Tue Elung-Jensen about 13 years ago
Unless ofc he kisses her on the next strip…
blush33 about 13 years ago
Still think Toni should pop her one!
pookie1950 about 13 years ago
I’m sure this has been asked before (but – who knows?). Any chance of getting Toni"s phone number (yes – very, very lonely!).
billronay about 13 years ago
Would like to see the storyline go to a successful, wrongful termination decision with Miss Eiffel being demoted to fry-cook. An opening comes up on the Fire Department with Brad being rehired as a Lt. One of his first calls is to put out an accidental (?) fire at the Wiener World and Toni “saves” Miss Eiffel’s life in the process, earning her an award. Miss Eiffel then sees the error of her ways; cleans up her act and becomes a community leader; and, if the storyline continues as I’d like to see it, is asked to be a bridesmaid at Tony and Brad’s wedding.
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
Why, Brad. You no longer look injured. You now look like a man ready to commit a felony. Release the animal within, Brad! Punch her in the face! But not at the counter in full view of cameras. Tell her you would like to continue the conversation in her office. Close the door and knock her on her butt! It’s not like you were going to add this job to your resume.
PNmom06 about 13 years ago
If genders were reversed, this would be grounds for a sexual harassment suit.
mojitobaby about 13 years ago
“he doesn’t have to get violent or abusive but what he can do is go to a lawyer and sue her for terminating him under false pretenses and harrassment”
No he can’t. By “false pretenses” I assume you mean “wrongful termination”. Again, he’s an employee at will, and she just told him why he was fired – if he’d quit when she told him to break the law, by denying Toni service, then he’d have a case – but he didn’t object, he complied, even tho he knew it was wrong.
Also, what “sexual harassment” did she subject him to? “Sleep with me or you can’t work the drive thru” wasn’t on the menu. Displaying herself in the desk would count, but he didn’t object. Telling him to tell his girlfriend she wasn’t welcome might count, but he complied with that order. So coming up with proof would be a nightmare.
Remember, suing ain’t the same thing as “winning”.
mojitobaby about 13 years ago
Give me the same break.
If you “personal pride” at earning a living comes at the expense of fetching your boss’s dry cleaning, giving up your dreams of firefighting to display the “personal devotion” she demands, carrying out illegal orders to ban your girlfriend, and then importuning her to give up her rights and dignity so that you can benefit – even though you know it’s wrong of you to ask her – and giving in to your boss’s irrational ask for “loyalty” to her over the company you’re working at - all that so you can have fun working the drive thru –- then just much “personal pride” can actually be involved here?
The moment Brad asked Toni to take the insult and roll over and give up her right to eat there to make Ann happy, he “messed up” his relationship. Right THEN. The rest was gravy.
mojitobaby about 13 years ago
" I mean, the guy may not be perfect, but he doesn’t deserve the derision heaped on him here!"
Yes he does! ;)
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 13 years ago
Mmmmm….. red dress….. certainly an eyefull
Kirk Sinclair about 13 years ago
The only real question for me is – where is this arc going this week?:It wouldn’t surprise me if Brad falls for Ann’s cooing, and is wearing his old WW uniform by the end of the week. That seductive grin of hers would grow even brighter were she to score that coup.
falcon_370f about 13 years ago
Next step Brad, report her to Weenie World corporate. File a “hostile workplace” complaint naming Ann Eiffel for harassment, then ask TJ to help him find a good employment lawyer and sue Ann Eiffel’s skirt off for wrongful termination.
Boise Ed Premium Member about 13 years ago
I can just imagine Toni coming back to apologize to Eiffel, just as Brad succumbs to Eiffel’s come-on (or at least looks like it).
mojitobaby about 13 years ago
“what century do you live in?”
I live in the 21st century, where women don’t like to give up or subjugate their hard-won rights to coddle and please their men so they can play with the drive thru mic and fetch their boss’s cleaning. In this century women like men with dignity and who see them as equals, and wouldn’t ask them to throw themselves under the bus to benefit them.
As for the “century” argument, even men back in the 1950’s wouldn’t allow their wives or girlfriends to be so insulted – their images of themselves as men and protectors of their woman wouldn’t allow it.
Pimps, on the other hand, have never had a problem selling out women for their own benefit, and they’ve been around in all centuries. Was that what you needec clarification on?
Just because times are hard economically doesn’t mean you give up everything you should be loyal to to keep a minimum wage job. There’s always some crisis in life – so if you sell out at the first sign of trouble, God help the people you’re in a relationship with.
keyager about 13 years ago
Brad should TOTALLY do her!
SideshowStarlet about 13 years ago
“Hey, Brad, while you’re here, have you seen the cheese-pump? It’s been missing ever since I fired you.”
SideshowStarlet about 13 years ago
Hey, look at Ann leaning forward towards Brad. She’s going to turn him into a sparkly vampire! Now Brad will never be able to go out in the sunlight again!
Ouch!! about 13 years ago
To little, to late. Brad and Toni will break up.
Rockyhammock about 13 years ago
From doofus to TWO hot gals interested in him?? Something just doesn’t seem right.
lance96816 about 13 years ago
You can’t misinterpit that last panel no matter what angle you look at.. GAWSH I need a shower.
Kirk Sinclair about 13 years ago
Brad! Dangerous Curves Ahead!
obeney2000 about 13 years ago
Way to go Brad. He may not be as dim as he sometimes seems to be.
cablonde13 about 13 years ago
please get back with toni….
Charles Weir about 13 years ago
I just wish Brad was wearing a wire. A lawsuit in the making.
dumbbobsbrother about 13 years ago
Brad must have a 20something I.Q. to not see right through Ms. Eiffel.
been there about 13 years ago
Is brad a man or still a boy. Time will tell.
VinceDaMan about 13 years ago
Is it just me or is Ann kinda hot in that last frame???
flashman.ace about 13 years ago
If Brad’s still a virgin it may be because he’s too dumb to figure out how to change that. It may also be because his mum has his tackle in a box in his old room.
FigwitsMom about 13 years ago
“That wasn’t my intention…” Oh please! Brad, if you believe that, I have a really nice bridge for sale.I keep it in Brooklyn.I’ll sell it to you. Cheap.
sologdin about 13 years ago
Which wore miss Eiffels expectations to Brad?
ChukLitl Premium Member about 13 years ago
It’s harassment when it’s not appreciated. Eiffel used it to get her position of power & doesn’t appreciate that it hasn’t power over him. Sex is just a tool, it’s about power.
DayoftheDead about 13 years ago
Do you think now he will realize how right Toni was. He has some big groveling to do to make up with her.
fcbill about 13 years ago
I knew that girl was trouble for Brad from the first time I saw her. Brad, remember how Toni makes you feel. I know you will make the right decision.
clgray about 13 years ago
Brad was doing everything Ann asked of him and more; how dare she say he wasn’t performing to her expectations…
brdesert about 13 years ago
Eiffel is hot…..
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member about 13 years ago
Flash – pencil sharpener and stationery are in the mail.
flashman.ace about 13 years ago
It’s buttons, not a zipper. Lots of teeny tiny buttons that will make a noise when they hit the floor when she yanks open the front, promising a glimpse of heav -
What? Where was i? Whew. Anyway, they’re buttons. Not that I looked closely or anything.
flashman.ace about 13 years ago
I’m with Dave, no more fan fiction of this sort. You’re being flagged for trolling.
bertandalcreator98 about 13 years ago
Wow, im surprised that Brad has the balls to do this
Snoopy_Fan about 13 years ago
Sorry, but I can’t resist…
Looks like Eiffel’s looking for some weenie in her world…
ReaderLady about 13 years ago
I hope Brad slaps her with a sexual harrassment lawsuit.
Mr. Tinkles about 13 years ago
SideshowStarlet about 13 years ago
I think the real ending will be much happier than that. Although it’s nice that you thought outside the box. …I was actually happy when Aaron Hill (ever notice how when Luann and her friends talk about him, it’s always “Aaron Hill” and never just “Aaron”? Why is this? I don’t think there are other characters in the strip who have the first name Aaron that could be confused with Aaron Hill…) finally moved away. None of the strips he was in were very entertaining. Also, your claim that “Aaron Hill’s the only person who’s ever, ever, EVER treated Luann with kindness, consideration, and respect” is completely off base.
smilelynn about 13 years ago
I am not a soap opera type of gal. But, I have been watching Luann and Brad grow up for years. They are family to me. Love is not about the roses and flowers and beautiful moments. Its about weathering all of life together…good and bad…..and growing old with the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. Brad…..go to Toni…the right job will come along….Toni needs to talk with you now. Go!
RinaFarina about 13 years ago
I would guess that nobody should be sure that Brad means AE is the one who is wrong. He didn’t come right out and say so. It’s want everyone wants to be so.
vldazzle about 13 years ago
I only have time to read page 1 of comments, but hope the rest are similar. This is what we were waiting to see! Thanks, Greg- and another Happy Birthday!
mojitobaby about 13 years ago
Not quite true.
Just because Brad didn’t reciprocate doesn’t mean still he wasn’t flustered when Ann touched his face and perched on her desk and crossed her legs, and it doesn’t mean he wasn’t flattered and aware she “liked how he’ ‘cleaned up’” (and he put both interpretations on that phrase). Toni got it as well, and pointed out to him Ann was actually interested in how he got dirty. She was worried to some extent – she warned Ann to “keep her claws off Brad”. That’s a rather telling phrase to use to someone who’s just a boss.
Ann’s manipulation and need to dominate those she has authority over does have a sexual component to it, just as it did when she tried to intimidate Zane and Bernice – even though it is primarily about power, you can’t factor it out .
No, Brad didn’t compromise his romantic interest in Toni, but he was personally disloyal to her, asking her to leave to placate her boss and keep his job, and asked her to accept it – even though he admitted it was wrong.
Disloyalty that breaks up relationships doesn’t have to mean cheating; in this case, the fallout might be just as damaging as if Brad had physically compromised himself with Ann.
ReneTray about 13 years ago
Yes, nowadays.
yuggib about 13 years ago
mojitobaby, HectorPriam was referring to spanking Ann, not Toni. First line of his was “…on you knees and beg for your job back.” He doesn’t have a “job” with Toni. Love is not a “job.” Only maintaining it is. :-D
tegm about 13 years ago
yes, beautiful women are always after average-looking guys.
piggy_at_war about 12 years ago
Leviticus We missed you5